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Everything posted by Taser9090

  1. I went to downtown Chicago once and I got a lot of StreetPasses. A lot of people played Awakening, so I got to see their teams. I realized I didn't set up my StreetPass team at all, so they probably got a randomized team. Only a few of them actually set up their StreettPass teams because they had SpotPass and DLC characters along with forged weapons.
  2. Oh, and the game is NEVER completed if a recruitable unit is dead.
  3. Out of all the game animations from the entire series, the GBA animations were my favorite. I'm that kind of player that hoards really good items but never uses them, but when I do use the good items, I don't have the animations turned on. My favorite one is Arcthunder and Arcfire. The Arcthunder is just a long, quick spear that just pierces through the enemy. Quick and simple.
  4. I don't care much for skills, but as far as pairings, Inigo's personality is a lot like Virion's. I'm making VirionxOlivia in my next playthrough. A swordmaster Olivia's pretty good. She often doubles and has a high rate of dodging.
  5. For one save file, I'd have to level up all characters to their maximum. In general, I'd have to get all supports possible (which means a vast amount of playthroughs) and get all the Renown. Probably not going to do that.
  6. Can you buy more stones for characters like Panne? I never trained Manaketes and Laguz from the past series because I was afraid I would lose run out of stones.
  7. Thanks for the tips guys. I know how useful the Pair Up feature is, but it was annoying because I didn't know who supports who. The game was just pissing me off so I decided to delete my data. Instead of Classic Hard mode, I made it into Casual Lunatic mode. It's much more fun, and I wasn't that far in the game anyway. I don't know anything about SpotPass teams, so I'll check that out right now. Level grinding is the reason for the traversable maps :p
  8. Whoops, I meant chapter five. Chapter 4 wasn't all that hard. Thanks for the tips. I've spent an hour beating chapter five. I don't like the Pair Up feature at all. How do you know who will become the lead character in the pair? It pisses me off because if you screw up while pairing up, you could lose.
  9. Is that figma from Fire Emblem? It looks like Nikki Minaj. yuck
  10. I'm only playing hard mode, but it's still aggravating. I probably should have chosen casual mode instead of classic. I keep losing and I can't train my units. You'd think that with the traversable map you'd be able to train easily, but no. The Risen don't help at all, because they all chase you at the start and can easily double on units. Does the Risen get any easier in the later chapters? Are there also arenas in the game?
  11. I'm going to try to use Sothe in my next playthrough. If he reaches level 20, will he still be a good unit?
  12. I don't mean to interrupt but I have another question. I didn't want this sub-series to end, so I read more about. [spoiler=Also FE7 spoiler]I find out that it's possible for Boyd and Mist to get married. I've always thought in PoR that Boyd was about 18ish and Mist was 13ish. daa heeeelll Though it's not as awkward as when Sothe marries Micaiah or Nino from FE7 marrying Jaffar. Seriously, Nino and Sothe were children when they met Jaffar and Micaiah (respectively), but Jaffar and Micaiah were most likely over 20 at that time. Is there an approximate age for Boyd and Mist? I mean, I was expecting Mist and Rolf, but Mist and Boyd? o.o Marriages in Fire Emblem sure are... strange.
  13. Ah, I see. Thanks for the replies, guys, it's clearer now. I should've known earlier, it was really obvious.
  14. I didn't know that Sothe would be a main character in Radiant Dawn, and I thought Volke was far superior to him so I didn't use him at all. It never gave a clear explanation who he was and he didn't get much character development (but that's because I didn't use him at all and I didn't get his supports). I would have probably used him on my first play through if it was on Easy Mode, but it's hard to use weak units at least once in Hard Mode.
  15. So far, I've beaten the Tellius series and I love it far better than the other FE games I've played. Nintendo always decides to stop distributing Fire Emblem games after 3 years for some reason, so that's the reason why they're so hard to get a hold of and why I'm a noob to the series. So my question is, was Path of Radiance originally planned to have a sequel? Like, did they announce there was a sequel to come before the release of PoR, or did people just speculate that there was going to be a sequel? I mean, if they didn't plan on releasing a sequel to PoR at first, then they did a really good job fitting those story pieces together. But if they didn't, meh.
  16. Sorry for the late reply, Waha Kife. I was kinda freaked out about how much people on these forums are attracted, er, infatuated by some of the FE characters so I backed away from the forums. I mean, it's alright to have your fantasy crushes but this is way too strange for me. I'll still be lurking around but not posting a lot, so Waha Kife doesn't need to worry about Waha Punishing me or anything. I have better things to do than to annoy people online, not like I want to anyway.
  17. Oh yeah, Devdan is a pretty cool guy too. I only used him once since I used Nephenee more. The only black dude in the whole series and he speaks in third person. :|
  18. I saw Boyd in the prologue, and I immediately thought he was a cool character.
  19. Thanks :) I plan to play FE 3, 4, 5 and 12 through fan translations. I'm currently playing Radiant Dawn right now, and there's so much other great Nintendo games coming out throughout the year that it would take a long time just to play it. Come to think of it, since I'm limited on time because of school, I'll probably just play the games in Japanese after graduating highschool since I'll be able to read fluently. :p
  20. Taser9090


    Hello everyone. I lurked here often, but I just decided to join now. I'll probably still lurk, but I'll post occasionally. From what I've observed, there appears to be quite a few people here that are infatuated with some of the characters o.0 Anyways, I've played FE 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11. The only physical game I have is a used copy of Shadow Dragon (no case or manual or anything), because they're so damn hard to find in used game stores. I also have Sacred Stones on the 3DS. Don't think I'm an evil person just because I don't have physical copies of the others. Since I'm a HUGE Nintendo fan, I would snag the opportunity to buy a physical copy if I had one. Speaking of being a Nintendo fan, I love other franchises a lot. Mario, Zelda, Link, Metroid, Kirby, EarthBound, WarioWare, Pokemon; y'know all those major games and minor games. Oh, and especially Animal Crossing. I really haven't played much games outside of Nintendo, so I'm not one to judge other video game companies. So yeah, I hope I can enjoy it here :)
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