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Fruity Insanity

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Everything posted by Fruity Insanity

  1. 分かった、分かったってばー。;n; Probably just the higher-ups, like the Dominions? Or maybe only Carnelia herself, idk. Fuuuuuu-
  2. 夢。ユメでしょー。 True. Hm. Serving the [spoiler=Woooo]Goddess herself would be pretty motivating, I suppose. You wouldn't understand. (jk pls forgive me) :^)
  3. ラーラーラーラーラーラーラーラーラー。 I mean, the Anguis surely know who their master is... right? フ・ー・ル・ボ・イ・ス。
  4. シー。聞こえないよ。 I suppose. That wouldn't be out of question either. It's so good.
  5. ご許してください、私の罪を。 Nah, this is Falcom we're talking about here... They're totally going to make a huge deal out of it. The Evo games may be complete crap gameplay-wise, but good god do I love the voice acting.
  6. :((((((((( I've read theories. Sounds reasonable, but man, how the hell is Falcom going to reveal it...
  7. I'm the blue guy in that image, not gonna lie.
  8. 「背信者」は? 韓国語で「背信者」だから。
  9. 僕、嘘とかつかないもん。٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ じゃっけん、違うばあい。 (I probably messed that up.)
  10. 昨日は脅迫状の調査を始めました。 誰からの脅迫状なのかまだ知らんが・・・
  11. 僕はですね、オタクなんかじゃないっす。(笑) 普通な人っす。 :^)
  12. も、もう。分かったから。 プレイする。絶対に。 って言うか、部屋に戻ったから、今すぐやります。
  13. と、特務支援課を殺す?な、何の話?(言わないで。)
  14. feelsbad 絶対なものじゃないから・・・
  15. はい、はい。もうプレイしようと決めたから、今学期の終わりまでするつもりだ。多分。
  16. I mean, thus far, I've played FC, SC, The 3rd twice, Sen, Sen II, and about a third of Zero. I just need to finish Zero and Ao by the time Sen III is out - which is one year from now. Plenty of time.
  17. 何なの、それ。 I mean I played Sen, 100% run Sen II, and 100% run The 3rd Evo within the last year.......... And I'm watching my friend play Sen now, too... Also 100% Steins;Gate, 999, VLR, and ZTD on top of all that... And probably some other games I'm forgetting...
  18. Okaaaaaaaay. I've just been busy lately. With League. Like last year? Give or take a few months.
  19. I need to finish Zero. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
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