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Fruity Insanity

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Everything posted by Fruity Insanity

  1. I thought joyoland already ported Celceta - and there's an English patch of the game using XSEED's translation...
  2. [spoiler=The 3rd]Kevin's the best Dominion, of course.
  3. この宿題は難しすぎる(笑)。 感謝状を書いたこともないし。 何でだよ。書きたくない。;n;
  4. >scrolling down on twitter >see tweet hatsuu liked >avi exactly same as Tonton's >that's not Tonton, is it? >is Tonton Small internet world. It's like when I found TE on YouTube.
  5. 何か文句でもあるかい。 ぷー (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
  6. Want me to rub you the right way, bb? B] feelsbad I really am trying, though.
  7. I was going to post a screenshot of that, lol. I'm thankful that XSEED is bringing over the Kiseki games and all, but Hatsuu rubs me the wrong way. それはそうだけど・・・ゲームしている時は辞書を使うのは面倒だし、邪魔だし・・・
  8. でもね、漢字を覚えるのが時間がかか過ぎるもん。(T ^ T) 少しずつ勉強するのはとにかく一番効果ある方法だと思うし。 ただの暗記が嫌い。
  9. I dunno, I've been studying for a bit longer than that, but my Japanese isn't good enough... By which I mean I probably just don't know enough kanji, but DETAILS.
  10. I still remember where I am and what happened! :<
  11. It's not like I'm starting from the beginning, either, since I'm on Chapter 2 of Zero - some 20 hours or so in.
  12. Oh please, I'm slow, but I'll have them done long before the games are even out in English, lol.
  13. I'M WORKING ON IT. ;n; Maybe I should just put EN Sen II on hold and finish Zero/Ao first.
  14. Hnnng, I have to finish Zero and Ao before Sen III drops.
  15. I saw Feris. I thought he was a girl. And then my friend was like. "Nope."
  16. Yeah... Kinda why I didn't really use them. Also I didn't like using the non-canon characters. I'm probably going to regret this. Maybe I'll post pics later, hm.
  17. The 3rd is a very good game. Also, why am I dyeing my hair silver...
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