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Fruity Insanity

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Posts posted by Fruity Insanity

  1. @redturtle806

    Incredible. This is the first time I've heard a "story" of someone withdrawing from drugs... Of course, I've read about it, but that's different from talking to an actual person.

    1000 people? That's a dang small town.

    I live (or well, lived, as I don't reside in America, as of now), right around Baltimore and Washington... and there's wa~ay more people than just a 1000.

    I'm not too disciplined... moderation probably wouldn't work out for me... so, yeah, like you said, I should stay far, far away from drugs.

    Still, you seem like a highly determined person, having quit. (I now have another reason to not like drugs.)

    And as for quitting tobacco/booze? Lolololol I'll probably never quit those.

    What about if you wanted to get married? Wouldn't you quit for the children's sake?

    Smoking around child isn't good. (Secondary-smoking can have terrible affects.)

    And alcohol consumption has affects on behavior, doesn't it? (<- I'm not entirely sure about that one.)

    Well, if you're willing give up a few years (or more?) of your life, then I guess it doesn't really matter...

  2. @Furetchen

    Let's just say... I have my religious (and thus, moral) views.

    (And no, it's not because I've tried any of the said things before... #_#)

    And thank you. I'll try my best. I highly consider education. (Maybe because I'm Asian? No, that's not true... I'm more American than I am Asian. It's just... me. My youngest brother, on the other, hand... he's a totally different story... Oh my goodness, you should see how he rages when he has to study the teeniest amounts... and he's already in middle school.)

    Yes, that last statement is true, too... but wouldn't you say that education raises your chances?

    (After all, those people who live like kings, but don't go to college are either: (1) children of super rich people, (2) some sort of genius, or (3) super lucky.

    (1) happens... (2) is not so common... and (3)? I'd say that pretty much every decent celebrity falls under that category.

  3. @Furetchen

    No... I'm strongly against drinking, smoking, drugs, and premarital sex... I'm strongly against them.

    So, although you're right, I intend on keeping my path... well... clean.

    Oh, no, there's more than one university of course. And the qualifications aren't that high. But if I want scholarships, then I need to study well.

    It's not the quantity, or even the quality, that matters. It's my financial situation. :)

    So, I could get into a decent college easily enough. Getting into a good college, on the other hand, requires more effort. That's what I'm going for.

    Of course, I could just do the bare minimum and have a mediocre life at best... but I want more than mediocre. (I'm a very selfish person. XD)



    Fourteen? Wow... That's my brother's age... I can't imagine him drinking... or getting drunk.

    America's in a sa~ad state...

    Yeah, I won't drink... I can't drink. Intoxication is bad for your health.

    Liver problems aren't entirely uncommon for drinkers, as is respiratory problems for smokers.

    Cirrhosis... and one of the forms of hepatitis... I think drinking causes them... I think.

    And of course, there's lung disease.

    Besides, I'm the type of person who obsesses over things. If I started drinking/smoking/taking drugs, I'm not sure if I'd be able to stop. That's why I don't even want to try... (And from what I've read, withdrawal is painfully hard.)

  4. @Mouse


    Oh, and I just noticed your "location." :)

    I never knew the sun had a "dark side." :)

    Haha... Humans can be so creative.


    No comment necessary. :)

    And, uh... I don't think I'll drink until I'm old enough. (I don't know even know what the minimum legal age is in Maryland... for drinking.)

    Also, why won't I take the classes I want...? Well, what Thor Odinson said.

    Many high schools have you take a certain amount of classes/credits in x subject before you're allowed to graduate. Or else I'd have stopped taking non-Shakespeare English classes a long time ago.

    Except for the Shakespearean English part... I hate Shakespearean English. It's so hard to understand. (Hamlet was interesting, though...)

    About that last part... 97% is good, but 99% is better. That 2% can make a big difference. :)

    @Freohr Datia

    Hm, you must have gone to one interesting high school.

    Usually, it's the other way around. The further in, the busier you get.

    I look forward to college a lot. (I'm sure most of you guys felt that way, too... right?)


    Nothing! I'm not mad... or anything like that. I just don't like people cussing... I don't mind, though. It's just... uncomfortable to me, since I never do it.

    But like I said, you can do whatever you want. I don't mind. :) (Nor am I mad. Just saying...)

    @Thor Odinson

    #_# Wow, this is the first time I've "met" someone who likes Shakespearean English.

    It's so hard... maybe because I'm American? Or not... I'm not sure.

    Well, that's certainly interesting... (I only read Hamlet and part of Romeo and Juliet.)

  5. dont you!

    forget about me

    dont dont dont dont!

    Huh? What do you mean by "Don't you forget about me?"

    as you walk on by

    when you call my name

    as you walk on by

    will you call my name

    This confuses me too. (<- Why do I need to call your name again?)

    Edit: IT'S A DOUBLE POST!!! :) Haha... jk. We're "far from the forest," where rules don't apply, I know. :)

  6. @Mikethfc

    Hey! What's that supposed to mean?! :)

    A somewhat decent human being?! By whose standards, huh? :)

    I'm offended. (<-Well, not really. What people say on the Internet doesn't faze me. I don't know them, and it's more than likely that I never will... so I don't overreact or anything like that, if you know what I mean.)

    @Freohr Datia

    Nope, calculus is not going yet. What a pity.

    Yes, sarcasm can be hard to detect online... borderline impossible at times.



    Same here... sort of. It depends on what the work is.

    Cool. :)

    I didn't notice the Tentacruel part 'til you told me.

    It's very... interesting. Actually, it looks nice EXCEPT for the Lapras head. The yellow and purple compliment each other nicely, but that shade of blue just jutting out there changes things... not to mention it's over-sized. XD

    But like I said, it's still cool. :)

    (I certainly wouldn't be able make splices like that. :P)

  7. @Bluedoom

    Ah, piano practice... Fortunately for me, I stopped my lessons a few years back... Wait, that's unfortunate for me. I want to learn more piano... T_T

    I've been playing for about 11 years know... Recently I haven't been practicing much, though... (I can never get passed the middle of the Moonlight Sonata Third Movement. (Note how I emphasized the last two words. The first is fine. The second is fine... though I've never tried it. I've heard it, and it sounds easy. The third, however, is... hard. Very hard.)

    Buy yeah, my teacher was always saying how practice was important. It is. I certainly don't disagree on that.

    Well, probably that's because I myself teach piano now... to my two younger siblings. (That is not easy. It's so hard dealing with them. Since they're my siblings, they have no respect for whatsoever, which doesn't help at all.)

    Studying is... meh, let's just say that studying is studying (and not complicate things... XD).


    Uh-oh, better do as much as you can before it starts! :)

    (I know how you feel. I'm a bit behind, too... T_T)

    Edit: Is ^that (your profile picture) a Lapras + Gardevoir + Cresselia?! Weird combination...

  8. Yeah, I'd like the cartridge, too...

    The only reason I won't get it is because I can't.

    Unless, of course, I'm willing to take a trip to the capital, buy a more-than-a-thousand-dollar ticket, buy the game, and come back.

    That's not happening. So, I'll just have to resort to the eShop download. But really, that news was like an angel coming to bless me or something. :)

    Now I don't have to wait six (yes, six) months to get the game. Yay!

    I'll get the cartridge when I go back to America. (So yeah, I'll be getting both. The download so I won't have to wait six months; the cartridge because, well, you know, it's the cartridge.)

  9. @Joe Kerr

    Ugh, high school... :)

    (Yes, I know how you feel, as should most other people here who either go, or have gone, to high school...)


    Three years is a pretty short time, actually... but you're right. I lot can change in a short time.

    I have absolutely no interest in sports... nor do I know anything about them. I'm more of an academic guy, I guess.


    Private school sounds nice... It's just, whenever I think of private school, I think "school uniforms" and "rich people." No offense.

    Not everybody can afford private school... (Heck, I'm going to have problems with the ludicrously high prices of college tuition unless I get scholarships. *sigh* It's so nice to hear my mom talk about how much cheaper college was in her days... but it makes me mad, too. Why in the world does it have to be so darn expensive?)


    The more I hear from you, the more I think, "Hey, you must have lived in a pretty messed up neighborhood." Sounds like where I live. XD

    And I guess it doesn't really matter if it gets off topic... After all, we're "far from the forest." (Rules don't apply here!)

    @Freohr Datia

    AP classes aren't necessary. They just help. By how much depends on how many AP classes you took and how much effort you put into it.

    Oh, and, really, there are other methods of exercising one's brain. Calculus is important, yes, but if people take calculus for the sole purpose of exercising the brain, then I think they should get rid of it. They're not going to do that, though, because it has other uses...

    And yeah, sarcasm is fun to use. :)

    (My siblings call me overly sarcastic... which I won't deny because it's true.)

    @Thor Odinson

    I guess it just depends on the person. I don't necessarily dislike it, but I don't like it either... if that makes any sense. It can get annoying at times because it's sort of, well, complicated.

    And yes, I hear that college is a lot better than high school... Yay, another reason to want to leave the house! (Freedom is probably the primary reason, though... Very teenager-ish of me, I know.)


    ...Sorry about that. It's just... I have an obsession with Fire Emblem. *-* (Ask my siblings; they'll agree. XD) A really big obsession... (Thankfully, nothing detrimental to anything has happened yet.)

    Oh, and... um... I'm not old enough to drink yet... nor do I really care. I'm not one for alcoholic drinks.

    And I would take the classes I liked if I could, but I can't. I have to wait 'til college for that...

    As for whether I want to go to a prestigious university or not... The only one I would possibly consider is MIT. Everything else is... not so interesting.

    I'll probably just stick around my state (Maryland). They have decent enough colleges there.

    What I don't like is that Maryland's standards are pretty high. To be eligible for a National Merit Scholarship, you need at least a 219 (in for 2012-2013 students). I got a 201. Sure that's in the 97th percentile, which is good, but still... I was 18 points short. (That 53 in the critical reading section really killed the total score... I'll need to practice more before I take the SAT...)

    @shadowofchaos (<- I just can't write that without pressing the space bar between "shadow" and "of.")

    IB classes? Hm, that's the first time I've heard about that... I don't know what they are, sorry to say.

    Yeah, that's what I'm trying to do... take it a day at a time. 'Cause when I look at what I have to do for the whole school year, it... makes me feel... busy? (I don't like feeling busy. It's stressful.)

    @Erika the Explosive One

    Well, I guess it's always the "now" that humans tend to see. Now things seem so hectic to me. Perhaps in the future, I'll be even busier (<- I can't imagine that.) and think, "Hey, I had so much free time then." But that's later. As for now, it's still... "I'm busy, I'm busy, I'm busy."

    I don't have much to say on the second part... I'm only 16. 16-year-olds don't have much life experience (although some may claim that they do). Maybe later... maybe later...

    After all, life has it's surprises. (Look at you. From hardly doing any work -> all these complicated courses.)

    I want a major in some science-y subject.


    (no comment)...

    Actually, on second thought... I'd much appreciate it if such comments were avoided. Isn't this supposed to be a forum for conversations, not insults? But... you do whatever you please. I have no control whatsoever over what you say or what you do. I'm just saying, "Please, I'd prefer you refrain from such remarks. I deem them unnecessary. Thank you."


    If I intend to get grants or scholarships, I don't think dropping a class would be beneficial to such endeavors. So... thanks, but no thanks.

    (Maybe if my parents were rich... but they're not. So, I have to do my share and study hard... or at least decently.)

    Oh, and I wanted to graduate in three years. ^_^ (It saves time and money... mostly money.)

  10. Yup.

    All four of our high schools failed to meet federal standards, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. Hell we smoked up in the bathrooms, on the soccer field, and in the parking lot. I'm glad the pot phase is behind me now though. There's also stuff like, oh idk a teacher getting stabbed to death. Why was the teacher stabbed? Oh pretty much just for the hell of it, "The situation was not gang related or racially motivated, nor was it associated with any other incident. All reports suggest that it was a random act by an individual student."

    OP your high school could be a lot worse, and college will be a lot better.

    Glad to hear that. :)

    I'm happy I don't have to see anything like a teacher being stabbed to death. :( That's sad, just really, really sad.)

    I wonder what goes on in a person's head when he commits such crimes... (<- Psychology has always interested me, as does almost every other science.)

    And, phew, I'm not surprised that they fail to meet federal standards... not when there's murder. Wow... Maryland is so much more peaceful... at least that's what it seems like...

  11. @shadowofchaos

    Great, thanks, more clarification. :)

    But why does Nintendo have to be so... protective of its system? Well, I understand. When I lived in Korea, almost everybody (who owned a DS) had an R4 chip or something of its likeness. A terrible loss for Nintendo, obviously. (<- Don't look at me like that! I don't own an R4 chip. I buy all my games legitimately, paying the given price.)

  12. ^What L95 said. Probably not.

    It would be strange to release a 3DS when the XL is out... and I don't think NoA is going to make a special FE13 3DS XL for NA.

    It could happen, though. I doubt it, but it's possible. (If they release it, then I'm so going to buying it. If they don't, then... well... I guess I'll just have to import... in, like, 2 years or something, once I start making my own money.)

  13. [17:54] <@Nightmarre> necktie I thought you were at elementary school

    [17:54] <@necktie> um

    [17:54] <@necktie> no?

    [17:54] <@necktie> im in college?

    [17:55] * Raven (muhedsrana@zpcz-694-64-05-262.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net) has joined #serenes_forest

    [17:55] <@Big_Boss> but you're only 14

    [17:56] <@Nightmarre> Yeah dude wtf

    [17:57] <@Nightmarre> *in

    [17:57] <Blues003> he must be a genius.

    [17:57] <@Big_Boss> you must be a genius to be josé ironcock

    [17:59] <Blues003> ergh, ballista maps.

    [17:59] <@necktie> fifteen, and i skipped a few grades

    [18:00] <Blues003> well what course are you taking ?

    [18:01] <@necktie> the course of Being Really Smart and Handsome

    [18:02] <Blues003> that sounds like a good one

    [18:02] <@necktie> i ace everything

    Haha, niiiiiiiiice. :)

    If only everybody was a genius... Wait, no, that wouldn't be good... Chaos, death, and havoc would rule the earth! Or would they? Eh, I don't know. :)

    A bit of humor is always appreciated (depending on the situation, that is). So... much appreciated. (That was meant to be humor, right? XD)

    Edit: @Nightmare

    Agreed. That would be depressing... and scary. *shivers* What if everybody knew everything? Too many complications...


    Well, most choices has its pros and cons, ups and downs. Nothing's perfect. (Except for Fire Emblem. #_#)

  14. Besides that, studying is also exercise for the brain. Similar to how we exercise the body with physical activities to make it function better, we exercise the brain by studying. A brain that has had no exercise is nowhere near as good as one that has had good exercise throughout the years. Those many years of affair with your desk are going be of use to you for the rest of your life.

    Of course, some of this stuff sounds like it could be lessened and still be just as effective, but...yeah.

    That's what Brain Age is for... or not. :) (<- Besides, who would want Brain Age Concentration when the superior Fire Emblem Awakening is coming out a few days before it?)

    *sigh* And yes, it could be lessened, but it's not... The "laws" of today's world dictates that the more you know, the better you'll do. Get a Ph.D., and you're well-esteemed. That's the way things usually work... (Usually, not always.) And it's only going to get worse... the more humans discover, the more people will have to learn. Well, maybe at one point in the future, humans will develop a machine that, once you stick it on your head, gives you all the information you'll ever need to know! :) (<- Not happening.)

    Edit: @Namine

    Well, I'm taking three in one year. Last year, I took AP Chem. Next year, I'll be taking AP Psychology, AP Biology, AP Physics, maybe AP Government, and possibly AP Macro/Micro economics... I'm very busy. (Not as busy as some, perhaps, but busy nevertheless.)

  15. I was smoking pot everyday and passing stuff by studying 1 hour before the test my junior year. Yay Texas public education.

    Although college is quite different. I don't smoke anymore and actually enjoy learning stuff and going to class.

    Wow, I have friends from Texas, but they never mentioned anything like that. Actually... they did. Is it really that bad?

    (Wow again, college must've been a life-changing experience for you. From smoking pot to not smoking pot. From detesting studying to enjoying it. That's great.)

    nobody in high school is cool

    high schools pointless

    life is pointless

    ...depression? Or do you really think that everything is pointless?

    Everything has a purpose. Well, fine, maybe not everything, but I don't think high school is pointless... or life, at that.

    I can see what you're saying, though... You're born, you live, you die. No biggie. There's nothing to it. I guess, you have to enjoy what you're given. Griping about what you don't have, what you're not doing, or the purpose of life doesn't help at all... I didn't say you were griping, by the way. :)

    Edit: @Joe Kerr

    That's supposed to be fun? #_# (Ugh, case studies and bio lab reports... please don't remind me. I have to do those things now, and I'm not even in college. Or were you talking about high school?)

  16. @CinderSkye

    ...You know what I meant. *-*

    Yes, of course, they can do that (<- what you suggested), but that's not what I wanted to know. I wanted to know whether it's possible or not, not whether what's practical or not. It was an "if" question, not a "what should I do?" question or a "what's better/more ideal/practical?" question...

    Anyway, is that a yes? Is it possible?

    (Just asking, here...)

    Edit: @shadowofchaos

    Oh, that clears it up. So basically, you can't share the DLC, since it's locked onto the 3DS. I get it now. Thanks.

    (^Is that supposed to be a drawing of Olivia?)

  17. Assuming the same applies to any downloaded game, yes.

    You buy DLC once, and then it's replayable on all copies of Awakening? So... if my, say, friend has Awakening, but doesn't want to spend the money on the DLC, then does that mean that he could just put the cartridge in my 3DS (assuming I bought all the DLC), play all the DLC chapters, and walk away? Doesn't that make sharing too easy? (I don't mind, but I thought sharing all that stuff was supposed to be hard... or impossible.) It's basically like getting DLC for free... Sure, he won't have constant access to the DLC, but he can get it without paying... assuming that one purchase of the DLC allows usage between multiple copies of the game, that is.

  18. high school is easy dude, what the fuck

    That's a matter of opinion, I suppose.

    It also depends on how much you're doing... (I'm taking 3 AP classes... which isn't too much, but, eh, it's still hard. Oh, AND three languages: English, Russian, and Japanese.) Japanese is the only one I'm doing voluntarily. (The other two are sort of, well, forced.)

    Of course, if you do next to nothing, it's easy. (Or if you're super smart.)

    But if you're actually trying to make the most out of those four years, then that's a totally different matter.

    Like I said, it's a matter of opinion. Some find it hard; others don't.

    (It all just depends...)

  19. One question. Let's say you have two copies of Awakening (say, one cartridge and one download), but bought all the DLC on just one of them. Would the DLC be playable on both games, since the DLC is saved to the system itself? Or would it be locked to that one game (meaning that if you wanted DLC for both of them, you'd have to buy two of each DLC)? I'm assuming that the former is right, since the save destination of the DLC is not the cartridge, but the SD card.

  20. Me? Hm... probably... no... uh... well... aha! I'll get both. :) First the download, then the cartridge. But if I had to pick one, then I'd probably pick the download. (<- I can't lose it then. Well, unless I lose my 3DS...which I hope never happens.)

    When it comes to Fire Emblem, nothing will stop me!

    Yet, I still didn't get the Limited Edition Fire Emblem 3DS... (It's on my shopping list, though.)

    Edit: There. Now I added the option "both." (For those of you who absolutely have to get it the second it comes out, but want the cartridge, too.)

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