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    Lunatic hates me

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game

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    Masked Marth

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  1. You literally need lots of luck for Lunatic+. Some of the skills given (at random) to the enemies can make a level almost impossible to complete. The game becomes much easier once you pass the first 5 chapters because you have access to DLC and Spotpass chapters but Spotpass is almost useless due to it's ridiculous difficulty early game. The high level Spotpass characters are one of the most useful aspects in this difficulty mode though.
  2. Considering you can level up (technically) infinitely, it's not a problem at all. Though characters with huge growth rates like DLC Marth are very strong early game because of it.
  3. Playing Awakening on Lunatic with no other conditions is a good enough challenge run for me.
  4. Isko


    Thanks for the welcome! After playing Awakening, I couldn't even go near FE7 anymore because of how good Awakening was. I had to pay around $500+ for my LoZ JP 3DS and a few other games I wanted, but in my opinion it was worth it since Awakening wasn't the only game I wanted for the 3DS.
  5. I resorted to using Sorcerer and Nosferatu multiple times in Awakening. I am so ashamed.
  6. AokiShizuku or Isko. I really have no other ideas if those usernames are taken.
  7. Isko


    Hello everyone, I'm a person who's fairly new to the series. My first real entry to the Fire Emblem series is Awakening (And my god, Lunatic mode is killing me). I say real entry because I did play Blazing Sword when it came out but I only played a few chapters and never got into it. I just thought I'd join since the community seems nice from what I've read. I look forward to meeting you all!
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