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Posts posted by Comet

  1. kirby's tilts are extremely good. the defensive and offensive stats should be reversed. kirby can zone well with bair, fair, and tilts, but he doesn't have good approach options. he has to reky on dash grab, fair, or rolls, and those are limited.

    i also hate how he beats falcon. he crouches under everything and if he lands an up tilt, he can chain it into a 70% combo.

  2. It's not that she really loses to shield since fair and bair are safe, pound is reddit material, and jabs can give safe pressure. Puff's main problem is that she has to jump to get around in a game where being above the otber person is terrible. This is worsened by the fact that her aerials are barely not good enough to effectively create a wall of pain. Even when she jumps, she's still slower than guys like Sheik too. Her recovery isn't as great as it seems since footstools kill her much like Yoshi.

    She does have some points that make her not as much of a rotting bag of garbage that's been sitting in a dark alley for nine and a half years. Her aerials deal solid damage and combo. Fair actually combos into rest and has setups from daor too. Crouch is a decent tool to let Puff wait for reactions in a different way than most characters can. Her f smash is insanely strong, and her up smash I find is slightly underused since it's safe on shield. Up tilt is okay when you're in a place where you can hit with it (this will happen every time Hailey's Comet makes a full rotation). Jabs are surprisingly good for stringing stuff together in tandem with fair. Pound lets her stall her fall so she can hopefully hit the ground without being punished (she should still be hit anyway). Of course, she has a decent gimping game as well.

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