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Posts posted by Comet

  1. there's nothing wrong with Islam. it is wrong to kill people and that should be addressed rather than whining about the fact that it hasn't been addressed yet. if you would rather complain, go ahead, but it won't accomplish anything.


    trump's tweet is completely stupid but politicalky smart by trump. it was stupid since he said he appreciated the congrats, but also doesn't want them. by making extreme statements like that, he gets ATTENTION (key word) and therefore votes. it's why he's come so far in the presidential race. he's controversy incarnate but a large number of people in America don't bother to get research from legitimate sources (not Fox News) so he gets supported.

  2. falcon is COOL. weak knee gimps are the truth. mastery of dash damcing is more crucial than ever with him since he's so fast. i think more people shoule do weak up air to tilts when edgeguarding, along with weak knee coverage. i also saw that the way zero spaced the stomp prevented fatality from getting back to the stage at all so i'll steal that. his combos still need some development, and nair > foostool is probably a near infinite.

  3. if somebody is PHYSICALLY breaking their hamds to play a game, that is PHYSICAL exertion. it doesn't lead to getting fit, but that's irrelevant.

    The most a fighting game would do is make your fingers hurt, if you're actually good, you won't suffer any of those stupid injuries. I mean, a good player wouldn't need to exert himself that much and a good player knows that a game is just a game.

    unless it's your job
  4. I would like to see OP try playing golf and then saying it doesn't require physical exertion. I mean seriously, fighting games would never make you be in a good physical shape, but golf will and that's a big difference.

    physical shape =/= physical exertion

    i won't talk about golf's physical requirements since i don't know much about it and i think it and i think it's a complete joke of a sport anyway.

  5. esports are not a legitimate sport in my eyes.

    Tell Customs that you're going to hang out with friends (which you are) and they'll let you in. You don't need to label yourself as an athlete (which you aren't).

    it doesn't work lkke that. leffen made significant amounts of money and is sponsored by a US based company so it would be tax evasion if he used a tourist visa again. the whole problem wouldn't be here if TSM got leffen the appropriate visa.

    you can have your own opinion but it doesn't matter here. poker and chess are internationally recognized as sports and that's all that matters.

    and i can testify that tech skill in melee is HARD and requires a degree of regualr practice that varies depending on character. fox...is certainly a handful.

  6. 58...viable characters...? i'd challenge everyone up to Ness's viability now that I think about it. rosa is supposed to destroy him, no? the same thing is true for peach vs jiggs and ICs vs peach.

    it doesn't compete with melee that much. if anything, they fuel each other. they're really competing with stuff like street fighter. btw, i personally find most of smash 4's community annoying and whiny, but i don't go around saying stuff like that because it accomplishes nothing but showing petty ignorance even if we ultimately know it isn't true. :)

  7. I was under the impression that the nerfs outside of the one to Finishing Touch were slaps on the wrist; he KO's maybe 5-10% later overall. He's still regarded as top-tier by many.

    Whatever they decide to do, I still think he's a little too good at a little too much.

    tfw people justify poor ideas with "well he's top tier". SOMEONE is going to be better at more than all the other characters, deal with it.
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