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Destiny Hero

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Everything posted by Destiny Hero

  1. I just post a lot =D Couldn't you have sent me a PM, though? I'd have found it faster.
  2. It's always 1. Naesala 2. Tibarn 3. Elincia 4. Pelleas 5. Volke (ESPECIALLY if he has a Support with Mia)
  3. Look, just try to get me back into the game. Characters I like: Leonardo (useless, though) Tauroneo (dragged down into the pit of no play time) Elincia Geoffry (See Tauroneo, and he's boring to use) Reyson Naesala Pelleas Stephen (See Geoffry) Zugzug (As in "Volke and Volug")
  4. Well, there aren't any notable, dramatic deaths. The closest I've ever gotten to being sad was when I had to Pelleas, and even that was nothing. I just couldn't choose what to do.
  5. I use units based on how they look and whether or not I like them. But I don't use them if they're too bad. *mourns the death of Knoll, whose time came before he lived* Is there any way I can get her experience up? Healers are notoriuosly difficult to level up- at least for me.
  6. And it takes mad skill to look good with a monacle. Canas sort of does, but for some reason, Knoll reminded me a lot of myself. *googles images of him* He sort of looks like me. Not the hair, obviously. I'm too weird to have purple hair =] ... I haven't beaten that game. *flushes spoilers down the toilet, along with the game*
  7. I don't think there was a sad time in ay Fire Emblem game (beat RD, 20 in SS, 23 in BS). Radiant Dawn didn't have enough death. Although I did cry at the end of Lock's Quest ;-;
  8. What isn't possible? The bonus? The bonus is mentioned in the game.
  9. Does anyone else use Priscilla JUST because of how mad hot she is? I'm going to try and draw her. Does she get uglier if you make her into a Valkyrie?
  10. In that case, I have absolutely no idea what happened. :(
  11. I was so sad when I found out how bad Knoll was ;-; I always look forward to using the dark mages, and any character that reminds me of me. That was Knoll ;-; Whoops, sorry, the enemies on the last level have 3 more resistance than on the first level, my bad.
  12. No. Hard mode is ridiculous. No more talk of that crap.
  13. Good news: Gay marriage is banned in Californy again. Bad news: It's still in Massachussetts. Bad news: Connecticut's turn to die from it. Marriage is a man and a woman. Not to butt buddies or scissor buddies. Jeez. Gay people should just live together and not demand to be married. You see, god punishes gay couples by not letting them have kids.
  14. Astrid turned from a goddess to a bucket of hot, steaming crap that not even a hobo fly would think about touching.
  15. No. I can't stand not being able to Battle Save. It makes the game frustrating beyond comparison. You got to the last turn, and it only took you three hours! Oops! You got hit! Time to do it all over again! >___________________>
  16. Two files. One is on Hard mode in part one. Enough said. The other file is on a Dawn Brigade solo on part 4. Enough said. Help me get readdicted to this game.
  17. Expect contest #3 to have a "No Flynn Scifo" clause.
  18. The Mani Katti is one of my favorite weapons. (I wonder what would happen if I gave Volke that +35 crit sword from SS?)
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