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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. Congratulation, you gave her aids, std, all diseases in existence. You should be proud!
  2. So anyone want to play Dark Blood Online with me? I promise it's fun.
  3. I don't main Zed. But seeing as I can play every champions easily, and since I do play him too, I could offer my insight. He's not in a bad spot at all. First. Your ulti isn't so crucial to your combo, it's just there as a delayed finisher and damage amplifier. I means c'mon, you can get a penta with him if you played wisely. There's a video of a player who got a penta with zed alone without even using his ulti. Second, his shadow e is actually delayed if you hit e while you send your shadow, it'll still damage at the location you sent your shadow to, so you can make interesting combo with that.\ Third, the meta doesn't favor him any more despite being a popular pick due to tankiness itemizations and more support being mage allowing them to heal/protect more. The only assassins that live in this meta pretty well are Akali, and Rengar afaik. The other assassins were either nerfed pretty harshly or outclassed by these two alongside the tankiness meta. (Akali gives 0 fuck about tank's hp as she can peel herself off and go on her priority again. while Rengar blow up someone and glues himself on.)
  4. Well. What's a good way to lift my spirit? Just finished reading something and feels down by it. (I will not reveal the name for private reasons)
  5. If you have steam. try out Dark Blood Online. Or don't if you're not fan of gore. <3 Otherwise, Luigi's Mansion is a good choice.
  6. Well Vamp. Be happy that everyone loves your sprites. Even if it's in a wrong way. EDIT Assuming 'The Fool' in that thread is the thief, he changed the sprite to another sprite I don't think he has permission for that too, because the mug is from. . . your too I think? I can't remember names!
  7. Fateborn


    Human Centipede. Why must you do dis.
  8. I can't believe I slept extra 3 hours. Woke up at 10 pm instead of 7 pm where I first woke up but still dozed off due to work fatigue. So 11 pm now after finishing two episodes of anime. ... Welp. DBO time.
  9. Still hating huh?! Cattleya is love Cattleya is life!
  10. Time for another agonizing period of work on the roof at my dad's house. Hurray.
  11. I'm not a vigilante. I'm far more worse.
  12. Dark Blood Online still enjoyable. My god, why did I never discovered this gem?
  13. I managed to last twenty six hours of awake before I went to sleep to distract myself from my work injuries. Ugh. My eyes hurt.
  14. I think making Idoun have stone is good diea as it offers expanded animation where instead of staying a dragon, she transform like Fae, but perhaps instead of Dark Stone... Name it Divine Stone, but make it black color. She's still a divine dragon regardless of how she turned. But whatever floats your boat.
  15. Unfortunately, she already has a recent skin, which is Victorious Elise, combine that with model changes for four models she use (Human, Spider, Spiderlings, and Volatile Spiderling.) I don't think it's possible for Elise to have Ultimate Skin unless they have 10 staffs working on it which isn't efficient. The best candidate would be Skarner as he's OVERDUE for one, and combined with the fact he has a leaked skin. (However, riot said Ultimate skin doesn't share names with other skins, so Battlecast is out of question.)
  16. It looks nice, but the texts doesn't fit well. I hope you'll be able to fix that.
  17. She Just Got A Skin. A riot staff specifically said it does not belong to a champion that has a recent skin or a champion with plenty of skins. In other word, it won't be champions like Vi, since she just got a skin, or champions with at least 4 skins range.
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