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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. -raise an eyebrow- I don't know what to discuss.
  2. I hate waiting for something I wants.
  3. Make him archsage Why not Mage Knight? Or Valkyrie.
  4. It's in the package too isn't it?
  5. lol boney. you shouldn't be taking twelves hour sleep.
  6. Lee was top pretty often, so our volibear ended up following him around whenever he get an eye on Lee, so when he came top, so did he. Ends up with me being the only survivor. (Nunu's ultimate has nothing on dat meditate!)
  7. Went yi top. Vs a nunu top. Their butts will never be the same again.
  8. I dunno what to do aside from working on my hack.
  9. Disappointed you only has one dragon instead of making an extra just to be mean.
  10. my voice is lovelier than you two, but you won't hear it because i don't skype. So there now stop arguing. c:
  11. I hate missing out on hearing you guys' voices just cuz I'm impaired. ... Well at least I won't have to hear Boney's whining voice. :v
  12. I've bought champions with rp. My first one was Akali when I bought a skin alongside her. :v
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