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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. C-Could you make this into a video and show us the witchcraft?
  2. Tried changing the spawn location for few of them and moved Alvaria up. Still freeze. I also checked, it's right after AshenVanguard loads, Guide never loads in at all.
  3. Definitely not loading them off map for sure. I always use Tiled when I want to place units since it has numbered placement when you hover over a tile.
  4. It freezes THE instant after it loads AshenVanguards I can't see the Guide unit so I don't know if it's after that.
  5. It worked on other events, so it works for me. (In any relevant case, doing it the other way actually doesn't work for me.)
  6. hey Jlewd, can I have the lucina avatar now?
  7. The first one Edit: Still freezes, even after removing each curf one by one and by all.
  8. So, my units load fine, the cursor flash happen then the game just freezes. I tried what I could, switching up few pointers, change texts in case, etc from what I know, nothing worked.
  9. Snipers are the only one to use Longbow, so they're ideal for one sided combat in Apo which often has enemies using two ranged weapons. They have better skill cap too iirc. Adding to the fact Lethality and Counters can't affect the enemies in apo make Assassin kinda useless unless you have a really good assassin to galeforce off with.
  10. I sold my RD, still have PoR because Gamestop didn't accept gamecube anymore. (it was back when i was bit younger in mind and foolish to think there were lot of RD copies so I could come back and repurchase if I regreted it later)
  11. Idk why RD is so overpriced these days. Nintendo need to start reselling these copies for an extra year to cut back these stupid prices.
  12. I'll always get victorious skin from now on because I won't place below plat anymore. I'm skilled enough to climb now :3 Thoughtheseguysinrankedaremorons.Iwishtherewerewaytocopymyselfandlanup
  13. Her body look abnormal when matching with the head. Maybe it's the face.
  14. We know each other irl. He's helping me with my hack.
  15. wo r0d Oh that reminds me. Of Night is away traveling, he told me yesterday that he'd be gone for a couple of weeks.
  16. tonton get back to your work you lazy bum.
  17. I'm wondering where the hell did you get it? It's not anywhere I find.
  18. Kin. What the hell is that avatar?!
  19. Fateborn

    Toa's Sprites

    His hair doesn't look even to me for some reason.
  20. Fateborn

    Spriter's Guild

    Map request withdrawn. I wasn't being mean, I was just disappointed considering the map was already finished and was never re-sent to me again. I had nothing else to do for my hack since I was pretty much finished with the other events that was necessary so the map was a priority. So I took what was best possible route to get me what I needed.
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