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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. -impatience sit intensify- I should had not waited this long for a single map that was already completed but failed to work due to a certain someone's file arrangement that I can't fix because hurr code. Taking alternative option for it now. :\
  2. Fateborn

    FEE3 2014

    I'll considering having a booth as well.
  3. I know about the head. I'd need to make a brand new head copy to port over. It's more challenging to resize/rescale than fixing problems.
  4. Fateborn

    Spriter's Guild

    Fateborn Project: Fire Emblem: Nemesis http://feuniverse.us/t/fire-emblem-nemesis/241 Task : A map in FE7 tileset. 16x20 cave map networked to bit of a puzzle while not truly a maze. Add in unapproachable space where fliers can only access (like a large abyss gap between the main area and a cliff 'island') Add a throne for seizing purpose, and have a chest somewhere accessible. Timeframe : Have it finished before August begins. Compensation : A trade within my field of work and personal gratitude. Note: Only asked because a certain someone failed to send me an image of the map, so I could make my own copy of it, he made despite being asked for it over and over due to an error with his tiled file he sent. I doubt he'll ever send it and I am taking a less risky route to get a map. I can't wait any longer with his tardiness and with FEE3 coming...
  5. I wasn't aware that he was a she, and always believed that she was a he.
  6. I wasn't aware that he was type to put his foot on another.
  7. Why would I beg? You don't own the art... do you?
  8. J is that you? Give me your avatar. >:c
  9. Good evening everyone. Just finished SAO2-3 Mahouka Rettousei episode 16. Disappointed with SAO2-3's lack of actions, but otherwise satisfied by episode 16. Tatsuya too stronk
  10. I'm still awake with a headache to boot.
  11. Back home, and already started on the minerva again. Shaded armor, trimified her trimming, and fixed up a bit of her hair. Debating whether to put on the white pluff of cloth on her collar or not.
  12. -moody thinking- Haku is really slow...
  13. Jesus, over a hundred pages in two days and two third? I'm home now. Anyone miss me?
  14. oh sorry, being sick taking its toll on me i guess. good luck with the game.
  15. she still have mysterious glove disappear trick on her right hand in the handaxe animation
  16. Where? I don't understand sorry. bit sick atm, god damn this chicago pollution.
  17. I will when i get home, no paint on these computer apparently, oh well. Wanted to get rough sketch of the trim to make them easier on me since i forget things when i don't do them. I think doing trim with lightest color is easier than darkest color but i hadnt tested that.
  18. I'm going on a vacation for three days, no idea if I'll have access to a computer and internet, so here's the latest update. I think I'm quite fond of it now. I'll be back on Friday night central time for anyone curious. I'm going to Chicago with my half brother's family as part of their 'final' family spending time since two of his children were about to disappears from their house. (One going to college, another almost finished with H.S) They invited me and my mother (who is his mother so he's my half brother) to go along too. This will be either wickedly fun. Or it'll end in a disaster. Hoping for the former...
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