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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. Of Night? He's my irl buddy, I'm the one who introduced him to the forum in the first place. He's working for my hack in secret until I took a joke too far with him. He asked me about you if I knew you and if he could trust you. I shrugged and said I guess, and read through his conversation he opened up on a tab.
  2. Glad to know that. I was worried. And since you took care of my buddy months ago, I figured I should return the favor for him.
  3. As I sailed this boat, I will not abandon the boat that I crashed!
  4. No I'm not. Just wondering if you need to talk to someone because your quote from earlier didn't sound like you.
  5. TMI is best information. Joking aside, J you need someone to talk to?
  6. Wat. It's not like I put my D into everything I like. I have my pillow for that.
  7. Fateborn

    FEE3 2014

    Aw... Good luck with that. My story is set in stone, I make small changes if I have to to make the game flow well. So far, succeeding. Let me know if you need helps.
  8. But... You're a girl right? Why would we need shower after impersonating a potential sexy girl on the internet?
  9. Indeed. Loved the part with Graves and Nautilus.
  10. Favorite. Female merc/hero. Dreadfighter, pegasus knight line, wyvern knight/master, and tactican lines. Lucina /shot Least favorite. everything else.
  11. Afaik, that 0x01-0x06 shouldn't be touched in eventing when it comes to location, turn, or misc events. Try putting them on different numbers. Also, you shouldn't use UnitClear at the start of opening event. It's meant to clear the map of units already on it so it's useful for transition to another map or such.
  12. Funnily enough. I never use 1st gen despite wanting 2nd gen children(Aside from Olivia, Chrom, and MU). It's a funny cycle of contradict on my desire.
  13. An interesting issue i ran into with Phantom animation. I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to have X for strike if it misses.
  14. Okay. I found out why it was freezing. It was because of the class. I had replaced Bard with Phantom using Guy's special battle animation because I replaced guy's animations with Phantom animations, at same time replaced the Bard map sprite with Phantom map sprite. It worked at one point though (on other same occasion it freezes anyway) when the FIGH was able to trigger. Further investigate leads me to believe it may be the standing sprite.
  15. I tried to be their friend. They backstabs me in my shin crippling me in my struggle to grab my favorite cup of cold drink and teabag me as i crawls in pain and finally reaching it only to have it be knock over by his thrashing.
  16. Okay, so the problem was LOU1 Guide. But just why is it being problematic? I can't load the unit in at all, even if i load it from the inside of the map.
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