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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. [spoiler=C21 Darknesssssssssssssssss] Sold the gem. Hell the fuck no those bases. THOSE BASES WILL MURDER ME. His growth is without a doubt Est growth but... No Just NO. LIGHT THE TORCH! Oops I means. MAKE IT GO BRIGHT LADY! Louise does the same. Poor monks. tinks to Ninian + extra tink with raven's go again power. SO WEAK SEE SO WEAK EVEN WITH ELFIRE + WTA Farina has no issue though. LOOT Hector will thwomp those guys! Nice dorcas. Wow, this monk's resistance must be high. GAH THAT HIGH Loot again Florina can now hold her own. Hector makes good use of his newly acquire archery skill Pegasus tinks Pent! YUNODODGE Tink but toxin I gotta get Farina over to the main crowd asap. Ninian can help out too I bought some neccesarilies PRETTY LADY WILL MAKE PRETTY PONY GO PRETTY STARS Things got bad fast I gave Dorcas the torch instead. Therewego Now Farina and Hector can take a loveydovy stroll together So weak SO WEAK Pent is cool. GO NINIAN AND HELP YOUR FRIENDS I need more view. Expected. Looks like a reaper sickle. Fruitless Farina is just one shotting all enemies unit attacking her. I dunno why Probably for shop down there with silver card. Overkill Even more overkill. What the fuck happened to this sprite. Good job Florina. Why did she get this kill? Because I'm not about to let that one into my back line. actuallyitwascuziwashopingshe'llchipbutendedupcriting Let's go to the front and hold the line! Hector is really hot. nohomo Gave him a friendly neighborhood healing Meh, no use for this i guess? Maybe money later if no fliers soon. I'll get the wyrmkiller Foolish plebian Max def and lck You can just take it Florina, they sucks. So much ownage I throw whatever kills I can afford to Pent. Ninian is a bird now. OH CRAP I WAS IN TOO DEEP! Well Oleg is a sniper too huh. Weird Randomizer giving two bosses in a row the same class. Crud. I run away from Oleg, I don't want to end chapter yet. >:D
  2. So Many F U moments I can't count them all, nor do I remember how many so far. [spoiler=C20 The Epilogue] SUCK IT RATH GIVE HIM IT RATH IT LANDED HE DODGED HE SURVIVES No reason for this screenshot, just an awesome capture. #wtb battle dancer battle sprite Pent's dying! Rath's killing someone! SNAG He has a nice palette! DOUBLED Savestate rng abuse Hector dies instead. After like dozen minutes of RNG cheating... I managed to. Eliwood keks at knights being pathetic. FARINA REALLY?! Ouch. Thwomp Legault is awesome Hawkeye makes a shaman his bitch. I had to do lot of RNG abuse in this chapter to ensure Merlinus AND Rath's survival at this point (with Rath being the shaman double) Nice Ninian! You havin a giggle mon? TRAINING Luna! Train time Gold! Reinforcement popped so I retreats to thin them down via one unit at a time tactic Knights are no match for -insert dirty joke, related to the one eroge I'm addicted to at the moment, here- HE GOT NOTHING TOO Capped Her too. I got the last chest. Betcha you can't guess what it is. Totallysawitcomingcuzfe7stillsame! The training continues. Reinforcement flux finally ends. YAYYYYY FUCKING BUYS PHYSIC AND SILVER BLADESSSSSSSSSSSSSS Hector will use Darin as a punching bag. The training ends. Fuck yes. FUCK YES Totally my favorite battle sprite. I'm surprised that Hector got a flow of strength procs from levels tho. Florina uses the ring for herself too. Ew. Booyah SUPPORT! Hector snags himself a nice chick to marry. And his manpoint went up dramatically!! Adding some support to this side. Pent, Louise and Hawkeye support each other. FIN. >-> Yes, that is HOW long it took me to finish the game. It was only about 30 turns for supports + getting promotion items to promote Ninian's new class is revealed! WHY DO I ALWAYS FORGET... one second Okay! [spoiler=Canas] Canas the Archer- Legault replacement Hp: 40 Str: 50 Skl: 5 Spd: 15 Def: 10 Res: 15 Lck: -106 Nice growth specifically on hp, str and lck, but the other growths... Hell the fuck no. I don't need archers anymore. I have four two Lyns.
  3. [spoiler=C20 The Hate grows Stronger] Legault can't stands Mage. Rath gtfo I clean up some garbage Go me? I finally breaks the wall. ARE YOU KIDDING ME FARINA REAL REALLLLL REAAAAAAAAAAAAAL Canas opens this door for some reason. I take this chance to see if I can make him find me as prey PENT STOP WITH POINTLESS CRIT FARINA NOT YOU TOO Meh. Oh well good grind for Florina. YOLO Hawkeye shoves in and vulnerarize himself IT LANDED IT ACTUALLY LANDED A HIT ON RAVEN! Farina goes to bottom with fighter reinforcement cuz reason Knight dispatched Nomad also dispatched Heal HEAL Gah you worthless fuck Canas didn't come after me, he ran back to where he came from. Hector chugs one Obliged tink screen Pent's in serious shit now. The skill is real Peekaboo Pent heals Fighter lose to Hector's vitality... oops I means vanity. Eliwood go! Yeah guys yeah! FUCK Where I savestated Raven dodges this time. Hector could've died to this lol That purple energy looks like a penis. -insert penis joke about dark art here.- No skill this time. Pathetic. Sad barelytink YER LIFE ES MINETH Well Hector sucks. Confirmed.
  4. [spoiler=C20 Seventh Gate of Hell] Legault why are you over there? Just kidding it's Canas! My composed team. Fuck you. Dorcas opens the door. Hector makes a meal. Legault and Rath works together on a knight. Farina moves in the room against the side wall where nomads are awaiting to for Farina to deliver them certain death. Hawkeye will protect Rath from a big bad mage. One more level before max. Why can't special classes get to 30? GG IS Top tier crit there son! ANOTHER ONE! True Death approach ELI PLS Bravebow! Knights pepsi YesinightmaredthisIwantthefuckingsecretshopamigo And I moved him over here. Finding the end spawn location was a pain though. Longbow get Why not Surprise! This is a new addition I gave Darin. (He originally had a Longbow and a shitty stats spread so I pitied him a lil. Just a lil) Those are what he has. Hawkeye doesn't fluster in face of cavaliers NICE PENT Wall goes boomy Of fucking course. The progress repeats Figured I'd get killer bow earlier. Level Killer bow acquired Rath gets a spd. Free kill for Legault Gitovahere! One shot feels so good. Ah what a pain Farina helps out a lil Let's try RNG ABUSE THIS SHIT Yes I repeated an image a lot. That's how long I tried and more. I even tried burning more rngs by using other characters first then Legault Eclipse. Meh. Heal up Pent! This wall!!!! I guess I'll try and bait Cameron into hitting Rath. He can't kill him anyway And it succeed The reinforcement begins...
  5. So. Busy. I wasn't totally getting addicted to my long and lost eroge. nope nope nope definitely not. -mumbles to self- [spoiler=19x Music Continue...wait i can't hear music, nevermind.] You can see the difference of strength. I don't need to say nice dodge do I? This is exactly when you need to crit Ninian. Not when he's near death for no apparent reason. Dart enjoys humiliating the powerless mages. As does Pent, oddly enough he finally understands the entertain of killing mages under seal. So much killing. Nice dodge Hector! Raven... meh, as expected of a bard. I send Dart back up to prepare for reinforcement. Pretty fruitless effort when he's on a fort. Pent gives a thunder mage a good pounding. That's not right Hector. Ninian and Eliwood clean up for Hector. Hector retreats with Raven's help and get healed by Florina. Who then snags a hp and a skill. Almost here... PENT WHAT ARE YOU DOING. The trios helps out. Pent get his ass repaired. Baiting time! Or not. Raven baited them for some reason. The reinforcement now spawns. I quickly dispatch a couple knights. Eliwood saves a use of steel sword. At this point due to Ninian's Lancereaver being 1shot from breaking Eliwood is the only one who can reliably kill knights. 2muchworks Ninian can still do damage but only with steel swords. Pent sucks. Hector you sucks. Eliwood is better. Then the seal leaves and the knights moves. SAVESTATE RETURN NOPE. Hector makes me die earlier. UGH UGHIER At this point my only hope is to kill Aion and seize earlier. Level. Kill maxstr ON TIMEEEEEEEEE Without merlinus dying too! The next chapter is hell.
  6. [spoiler=C19x The Drumrolls] You got it. He's an assassin without crit. Well technically he does have crit, but it's really low odd. 2% chance of lethality if crit. I already hate the map now. Brought along Dart for pegasus knights above mountains. He can handle them alone. DOH I HATE MAGES I LOVE THIS I send Hector to front first. HE DID A GOOD JOB FOR ONCE. Maxed skl I hate swordreaver. I'm mostly swords. Is this game raci oh, the randomizer is racist Safety first Nope chuck testa ELIWOOOOOOOOOOOOD Yay hp and mag! Kishuna emerges! But this is useless against Boss. At least mages are rendered useless. La la Wut? Eliwood was pretty healthy, he wouldn't just go down. OH MY FUCKING GOD BITCH I HATE THIS GAME SOOOOOOOO MUCH Nevermind I love it now. Hate it now. Those sluts Yeah. Eliwood lived to the ripe health of 1 I forgot I had this. Eliwood doing better now. Pent and Hector slays their own mage Level Dart level. dat 5% luck tho Luck get Booyah More coming.
  7. [spoiler=C19 The True Assassin] [spoiler=Real Assassin] [spoiler=You sure you wanna see?] I KNEW SOMETHING WAS OFF ABOUT REBECCA. So this is our new Jaffar huh. A sexy sexy fesage And we get one too! WHAT THE FUCK LEGAULT WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR DELICIOUS STATS FROM 17X? -fixes via nightmare. Stats however...- Oh well, I'll get his shits up good and to go the old way. ROUSE THE LIGHT! Make it nice and bright Louise and have Pent give them a good thrashing. Heath for Fiora replacement Lechain Pent commits the first murder of the map. Hector goes down to rouse the fog. Ninian, Eliwood, and Sain will head top. Nils such a good doge I'm a little pissed that Hector can be so squishy when he get hit. Twice as Nice! Florina gains sucktown lv from healing Hector Figured I'd train Dart some, he's my only flier and has mobility. TASTE THE ELECTRICITY Legault has a nice palette as shaman. You have to say Legault fits shaman side well. Shut up, and make me Roy. Heath gains a level. ONE HP. OMG PEGASUS JUST DIE Such skill much doge Nhhhhhhggggg Man Heath you sure sucks. FIORA FOUND Annnnnd unsurprising, it's Rath from FE7CM This was a crit too Chained Heath into Rath for free unit Oh NOW one of the lord unit get their special weapon. -stare at Wallace, Eliwood, Hector, and Ninian- Quite a guy too. Str and Spd. Obvious from growth. It's just a slaughter at this point. The enemies are really really weak when there's bunch of forests to hide in. Like so. And even then Farina won't let them live. Hector grabs a vulnerary from an ally and chug since healer's a bit off. Dart's having the time of his life with pirate reinforcements Hector meanwhile I'm close to Boss now on both fronts. Raven levels. Oh. Oh!! Rage kill the cavalier. Hector does his thing at same time. Heath levels. Oh shit, the myrmidon managed to nearkill Hector. Hector get his payment. Dart levels. That's... quite a stats and inventory. But because he doesn't move or have ranged weapon... RNG'd it so Hector dodges. >w> Whooo. And Side quest get! I always forget don't I? [spoiler=Growths] Rath the Hector Lord- Fiora replacement Hp: 85 Str: 50 Skl: 45 Spd: 20 Def: 40 Res: 0 Lck: 45 This is a true Hector growth :O I'll be using him provided speed doesn't bite him in the ass. Legault the Shaman- Dart replacement Hp: 10 Str: 95 Skl: 30 Spd: 70 Def: 65 Res: 0 Lck: 30 Oh boy OH BOY. This'll make a pretty scary Druid.
  8. Meh. I'll let you guys find out more via screenshots. Ain't teasing now. [spoiler=C18 Spoopy Shup] Spoopy 4 me Oh hey Ninian, why are you in that dress now? Put your armors back on and pick up a rapier. Oh boy. -fiddles with nightmare, guiding ring now droppable- Holy then stab. Sing then holy. Pent need some feeding nowadays. These two are OP. This is not, but OP DODGE OP Eliwood already showing promise. Florina cures her choice of a husband but denied because Farina best waifu I am burning a Brave use, so what? Pegasus arrives now, they're going to be annoying on my swords team DOH Farina so OP she walks and people dies. Shaman so gay Ninian walls off bottomright Already proving fruit. Kek Pent vs a merc goes on. I hate lyn sometime. Things. Push Push Push!! One shot a shaman. Last level. Promote time! Ninian!<3 One get toxic damage, another runs away to vulnerary. U SRS Redo It's better now. Shaman so weak they can't offs Pent the Master Magic Swordman! Hector earns his payback. ALL DIES CAN I ASK FOR AN INSTA CHAPTER WIN? Not bad Pent REAL Okay back there again. I make it to the boss! Okay, let's make this count! ARE YOU SERIOUS. SAME LEVEL AS CHAPTER 17 BOSS KILL? HECTOR STAHP And there we are. I re-did boss kill cuz fuck the rng. 1 hp is better than 1 luck Fuck you RNG
  9. They shows up 19x. Early enough to fucks my army if they decided to move, thankfully they don't. 22 Chapter will begins the serious shit.
  10. Not an update but I want to show you what I'm going to deal with eventually... I woe my future chapters. Be warned this is not for faint of a heart. [spoiler=Stay out] [spoiler=seriously] [spoiler=don't say I didn't warn you] [spoiler=I promise you it's beyond brutal and is not for weak minded peons] [spoiler=Your next step will be the last upon entry]
  11. NO READING ALLOWED FOR YOU. [spoiler=17x The Port'o'Pain] This is dart. Actual good bases. I'm excited! Let's see who's our Canas. Apparently Hector isn't the only one to cross dress. Brave sword to boot. I'm in heaven! I figured I'd use this map to train Hawkeye and Dorcas so i can have sums of 50 or greater. WOW WHAT THE FUCK WHY DID HE COME HERE... oh right high mov. RESET Training!! NEVERMIND YOU ASSHOLE Level get again. Sideboss appears. Thunder. Get crited. Reset. Howaboutthis? Nope. Well Dorcas got a str now. AND IT'S GONE AGAIN Spd and def Fuck off please. Just. PLEASE Yes! YES!! Dorcas goes batshit crazy Serra is our new main healer. Renault won't cut it anymore with high demand for more hp restore. I use vulnerary anyhow too. I AINT RISKING MORE DEATHS Farina's just slaughtering them at this point. the ONLY problem was the swordslayer one. Farina get stronger. Ninian trolls Damian Poor Dorcas, I make him fall back. Heal heal heal xp! Dodge and CRIT! You see this? THAT is a nice palette for the bishop, but gotta make the garb works. Almost done with the rush. Farina kills Damian for nice level. Trained Dorcas some more off troubadour I'm done! Let's get this on the road! Dorcas kills all pirates at top. And now... The leftovers. Farina has no trouble with them. Gave Louise the archer kill. Smashed Last one! I'm so strong! I grabs all items from house. WOW U KIDDING ME. Louise is so weak... Leveling Louise is going to be a pain. This is one of the unit that Louise fights. Yeah... So much grinding. Ninian and Eliwood shacks it up. So much levels. Gave her a skill book. I can tell Eliwood will cap str. I ends the grind there to save some exp rooms for them. [spoiler=Growths] No Legault growth for you yet, so have Eliwood. Eliwood the Lyn Lord- Canas Replacement Hp: 90 Str: 80 Skl: 30 Spd: 55 Def: 55 Res: 10 Lck: 5 Wow this is actually a strong brute lyn lord growth Looking forward to him with Hector.
  12. Just wait till you see the later chapters lol. [spoiler=C17 For Real] AI won't change so I removed iron bow. Fuck you Nightmare. Gave him a vulnerary just in case. Wonderful Renault healed Hector to full. Sleazybag Shaman hurts him. That was pointless. Hurry up and make Klein. I need an archer. NO FARINA DON'T DO THIS TO ME. DOH Levels of greatness and mediocre. Cunts Pent cleans up for Hector Hector dodged everything. Farina just took it all and giggled. Fuck you shaman. Well Renault got speed. Now I'm in the hall! Hawkeye grabbing any spare level he can. Hehe this map is a cakewalk for these two chicks. And it's even easier now! Death or Glory. Death it is. Mercenary off between Kent and Pent. Hey that rhymed Nice level acquired from his colleague . Get. Gave Pent a healing. Oh perfect! Useless, don't need him anymore. Bottom horses arrived, Sain shall solo them together. Hector gets a sucktown lvl. STAHP Loot #2 So much rekting Vulnerary >:D Kent picks up a boyo Sain chugs one more. I give Dart the archer kill that the other soldiers worked on. Farina continue to get sexier. This proves just HOW powerful the mages growth are for enemies. :T I dread to think of prepromote In case you didn't notice, I took away thief key from the first thief that spawned. Why wouldn't I? lol Ravens get a mediocre level. Last loot Hector dodged this. Three uses gone. Poor boss. Pwnt Lame Then i remembered. I need a new mine. Returns to a savestate and toss a soldier into his range. KEK One more! Yay! one soldier alive! Mine is mine! Once more. Harder this time lol. STR! Sigh... Support B! Fin! Lyns can promote with hero crest while Eliwoods can with knight crests. I assume Hectors are with knight crests too. I checked the promote gain, pretty wild. [spoiler= Growths] Kent the Mercenary- Raven's replacement Hp: 100 Str: 30 Skl: 80 Spd: 0 Def: 0 Res: 80 Lck: 0 NOPE.AVI Dart the Wyvern Rider- Lucius's replacement Hp: 20 Str: 105 Skl: 10 Spd: -126 Def: 5 Res: 0 Lck: 15 Ew EW EWWWWWWW An actual glass cannon mount. What is this I don't even.
  13. [spoiler=C17 The Castle of Tears] Wrong, it's what I put in the spoiler title. OH SHIT Priscilla replacement for Raven! Lucius. He's looking manlier now. Raven is orange now apparently. Also no class change kek. So much rekting in the first line. They HURTS. trustme ;-; Now I can push in. Kent's free!! Aww yeah. AH HELL TO THE FUCK NO. I'll save you some screenshots that I won't be posting. Basically, this archer's move is so high he can move to the first soldier that's in the range which is what he just killed. And due to growth inflation by me, Dart is no match for him with flying weakness. In short, it's a complete GG no matter how fast I go to get him beside Farina who could solo this whole thing wouldn't reach in time due to sheer amount of units and the fact she can't double a few of them yet. My solution? Nightmare. That'll be in the next post because of the volume of screenshots I have right now.
  14. [spoiler=C16 Soldier March] Nice level! zzz Ninian enjoys the cavalier line of death. I wish his str growth was hp instead. Pent is awesome. you can't deny that. Cleaned up the line of cavaliers and moved to prepare for the reinforcement. I'm not risking losing Merlinus, I have a need of him to promote before the last Linus/Llyod fight. Boom head shot. Boom level shot! She chug a vulnerary just in case. SMFH Two crit in a row. Fabulous! ~_~ The cavaliers cometh! Dong. Nils has lot of works to do I'm awesome. Took the opportunity to train Hector too. Needless to say the cavaliers always land an attack one way or another. Levels. -Dice rolls- :D Wallace sucks. benching him. I'm finished! Chapter will be over in no time! Bard chaining move Well now that's not nice. Ninian mops the pegy Sold. Level. This nigga critkilled erk. RESET I admit it. I savestated there because I was afraid of rng and I wasn't in mood for more turn killing. Samelevel During this levels, Hawkeye tanked the ballista, and pretty well to boot as he dodged a few and shrugged the few hits like it was nothing. Hawkeye rekt a mage. Terrible level ~_~ I HATE RNG Speedy raven. Time to grind Hawkeye. I think I'll do Linus instead of Lloyd for first chapter. Itotallydidntchecknightmareforwhoshowsinwhichmapnopenopedidnot Cycle of grind. Finally. He dodged LOT. Farina and Hector now a couple. Farina, just stop. Hector's rich, so chase him! One last level before. Seize
  15. After the chapter! Gotta keep it a surprise you know. But if you want the growth for these 5 new units so badly, I'll give it now. [spoiler=Chapter 16 Growths] Hawkeye the Sexy Mage- Lyn's Replacement Hp: 25 Str: 45 Skl: 80 Spd: 35 Def: 20 Res: 10 Lck: 25 Subpar defense, great offense growth. He'll be great if they hits right. Pent the Mercenary- Wil's replacement Hp: 50 Str: 45 Skl: 45 Spd: 60 Def: 75 Res: 15 Lck: 110 The only poor one is res, and he has a good base for it anyway. Had to buff his str and skl so he can be on par to keep up with Louise as the main lord. (A support important yo!) Erk the Knight- Kent replacement Hp: 35 Str: 40 Skl: 35 Spd: 10 Def: 85 Res: 60 Lck: 20 An actual knight growth but that hp % is on lower side, but regardless his base is horrible so I'm benching him after the chapter. He wouldn't even serve as a great counter tank, but a living meatshield. And I don't want a tank that does no damage. Nils the Troubadour- Sain's replacement Hp: 35 Str: 35 Skl: 65 Spd: 20 Def: 80 Res: 65 Lck: 45 Nils stole Erk's growth and made it better. Makes a great healer if given a slot, otherwise don't bring him if roster can't open one. Heath the Bard- Florina's replacement Hp: 65 Str: 70 Skl: 40 Spd: 5 Def: 50 Res: 50 Lck: 15 Funny how he has 65 hp growth and it's not even being used right. GG RNG I'll use him if roster has a slot, but otherwise benched. Raven is good enough to solo bard it out. His speed is super high with good defensive and hp to utilize it.
  16. You gotta be patience! [spoiler=No Game No Life] I have no life. Only game. Not bad Raven! ... Yes I'm doing it all on one turn. SO MUCH SONGS SELL BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY Nils grab the heal staff since he only has a physic and I don't wanna waste it. Geitz sucking. Farina isn't. Or the muscular tanned man. Did I forget to screenshot overmap positioning? GEITZ NO WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASTEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I'll just skip ahead to the cavalier reinforcements So many levels. All in vain Nils dies a lot so... Fuck Geitz. He killed all of the units that attacked him. NO REGRET He never once died in my playthrough, that SAYS something about him. I can't hold all of those levels. Imgur and internet being a dick atm, the rest will have to wait for a bit.
  17. [spoiler=C16 Lover Reunited] Our new Lyn. He's fabulous. That is the real female mage one. 5 mov female vs 7 move male. Step aside Hawkeye, Farina's better. Florina is now a bard and a guy. I was tempted to make him dancer instead but nahhhh Shitty stats to care. Heath was just strolling when soldiers from the castle asked his identity and since Heath was a criminal he couldn't just say it so he claimed being a songstress and threw away his lance and his wyvern set freed. And Louise's lover is found! Turns out Pent was traveling with his student when Hawkeye came under attacked. Hawkeye had no axe so Pent gave him his own and picked up a sword. Erk got tired of Serra and ran away to his master and became a knight instead because an escort doesn't means being squishy af and die. Nils was traveling with Hawkeye during then. Meh stats, better speed than Renault though. I'm a fucking tool with canon story for randomizer. Bards barding. Smash. Sold. Ow Hawkeye turns out to be a better mage than he was a half naked berserker. Couple. Thief goes bye. Nothing to steal! Thing New guys does things. Ow. Ninian level poorly Nope. Nope! Paid back nicely. Doh! -reset to retake the crit that killed Nils- Doesn't crit for some reason and Nils is spared. What? Jus... wHaT? Oh well. Won't say no to that. Pegasus bitch's dingadong dead! Things Gem GEM!!! Glorious crit. No idea how he got to that hp. Did someone ties brigand's feet together? Oh dear. Pent's awesome. Wallace might not be cutting out for it. Level. Nice! Why did he bother? Farina makes a brigand crispy. Hawkeye and Pent works together. Still wondering to this day. Not bad Hectorkun Pent is now fending off brigands for free xp Meanwhile Whoop ~_~ Cavalier is a Twilight fanboy Sigh, those levels are sooooooooooooo bad Ninian is a great unit. idek Pent is too cool for this shit. Yay a str! Louise is holding on to her hope that her lover is somewhere else. Completely unaware that Pent is exactly right there. I can do this I can do this! I can one run this fucking chapter! Go me GO ME! Speed! DOh, first level doesn't look good. Doh. "Ahh! Darling! You're alive! I always believed. I have always believed." "Please my dear, I was merely researching a topic of a certain individual that would pose threat to us one day. I am not going anywhere dangerous just yet." "And if you are, you must take me along with you!" "Of course. But if we are approached by heavy danger, you must take fleeing as your priority for our unborn child." "Yes darling, but you must follow along. None of that bravado from you as long as our child is here." "Tch!" "Let's mop up those trashes with our undying love." "No. You mustn't release your anger here!" "I AM NOT ANGRY! I HAVE JUST MET MY HUSBAND AFTER ?? MONTHS. HOW COULD I NOT BE ANGRY?" -Housewife power activated- Wallace, you are clearly going to get benched. Doubled by Javelin... ofc Spamlevels Double Team... More coming!
  18. [spoiler=That was Brutal] Luci oops I means Louise has had enough of the fighters giving her the axes to examine. To-Be-Couple does good! Geitz yes! Heal Hector! Wallace and Ninian struggles. I move Renault down. Farina soloing top right like it's nothing as usual. I give Sain a chump heal. So much beating up GEITZ WHY MAKE IT COUNT YOU DITZ YOU GUYS ARE TERRIBLE AT FACETANKING Louise back off! Nice! OH NO Sain got fixed up! Sain mad. No way she's miss this right? SO MANY FIGHTERS AT TOP LEFT. Nice level then... Doh! I have a savestate. I'm not doing the whole bullshit again. I go next to the javelin cavalier instead. (The javelin was top right, the iron lance was at Wallace,Ninian and Sain's area.) It pays off! NO IT DIDN'T She dodged the handaxe. thank god. YOU DUH Renault gets a last heal off because. I win. I only managed to loot Silver Axe though. No Mend for me [spoiler= SPOILER FOR UPCOMING CHAPTER, DO NOT OPEN IF YOU WANT TO BE SURPRISED ON NEXT CHAPTER] THE HUSBAND COMETH!
  19. [spoiler=C15 True Hall of Death] Good thing Matty came with a free door key. I'd need one. Boss. I can try and get dragonshield but don't get your hope up. Minus 121 gives 2 lck. Seems legit. I will TOXIC ALL KNIGHTS! Wallace. STOP It's obvious who wins. FUCK. He got gangbanged from two side then a javelin toss kills. How about this... ARE YOU KIDDING ME That's better I guess? Of course... Repeat NOT THIS TIME. Geitz was one side cut off so only one attacks him. *_* Worthless geeh. Those guys are soooo strong. -smh- Top right almost cleared. Reality Glitchhhhhhhhhhhhh I hate this map. Support! Booyah Steel Lance is so stupid. Steel lances are the only reason why i'm dying. ~_~ I hate ranged too. Oh nice. Side defend are doing great still. Especially Hector. -moans of pain- Renault must heal more! Those pricks won't give up! Healllll Apparently somewhere after this I lost a unit. Proof. Swap out for Hector to recover. MOVE RENAULT MOVE Nice job! I wish those Myrmidon didn't have enough defense to shrug his OHKO str. DISAPPOINTED So much to do... So little time... Geeh. Sain must survive. DOH. More. Coming.
  20. I'm surprised no one is commenting on minus one hundred twenty one luck growth that Raven has.
  21. [spoiler= C14. Foiled before It even Begun] PROOF I'll probably need it... Seeing as the whole NPC and village recruit... I'm scared. Then there's the boss. WHILE not as threatening ch13 boss was, he's still dangerous. Tink dmgs inc This guy will be a mine target if I have to resort to that. Shut up and get on that field! WHO ARE YOU. YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ON MY TEAM WHY ARE YOU WORRIED I SHOULD BE ONE WORRIED ABOUT YOU. No you are not Erk. you're clearly someone else. Randomizer confirms it. Oh hey. A early bard! While not better than a lance unit that I'm defintiely in need of, a bard is better than an extra sword or something. Let's get the bard! Yes. Renault is Serra. Shut up. I NEED NEW WEAPONS NINIAN STOP DON'T YOU DARE Yeah, the map swarms me.... GG. All of the scenarios in my head are fucked by the swarming tactic of enemy AI. Ain't nothing I can do... EXCEPT FOR THIS! MINECRAFT MUSIC PLAYS OMINOUSLY And I was wrong. It wasn't the soldier like I thought but rather, the knight that turn comes later in term of typical player switching units. DO THIS FOR ALLLLLLLLLLLL UNITS. Emphasis on all. xceptforbosssinceiwanthedrop Hi Priscilla whose I triggered before her event even starts. didntcontinueonthisthoughitwasfunny Shut up two characters that doesn't exist yet. From here on it's just one sided gheb rape. How amusing I get best stats when it's in my favor... Drop dead. NO! MERCY! DON'T MAKE THEM COME. I hate few of these. Buy a fire for Farina. (I soon regret my stupidity to not buy a heal staff. Oh well. I can get it on 16) For real now. You disappoint me randomizer. Bought few axe and swords. Florina levels. A pegasus that was dying to Ninian backguard crit and one shot Merlinus. What the hell rng? WHAT THE HELL? IT BEGINS THE BOSS BATTLE DUN DUN DUN Level of shame. Hp is only worth. Wallace is getting brutally shafted. Raven's first level. Guh you guys sucks. Nice. Good job my best waifu. Nicer! Ninian levels. 101+ lck growth confirmed. This is the entire of ym support grinding. Nothing popped yet. FUCK YOU IS. I gave up on like 35th round. Fin! Edit: I FORGOT AGAIN. [spoiler=Growths!] Raven the Bard- Erk's replacement Hp: 0 Str: 20 Skl: 5 Spd: 60 Def: 40 Res: 40 Lck: -121 WUT Matthew the Monk- Priscilla's Replacement Hp: 85 Str: 75 Skl: 85 Spd: 0 Def: 0 Res: 0 Lck: 20 Is this a glass cannon? No wait, can't be glass cannon, he can't double worth a damn to be a glass cannon!
  22. [spoiler=I hate you I hate you I hate you] HATES LOVE HATE HATE HATE STILL HATE IT LOVE Insert Hate Quote here HATE HATE Love. because I hate Dorcas. if he wasn't lord, I'd kill him off too. Ew LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEE Love it. AHHH THE HATE IS STRONG IN ME. Yes let it grow. Let the hate grow... Hate Love Hiss More hiss Roar of anger FARINA HATE Hate Hate Love cuz reset badlevels -loud snoring goes here- -insert additional deaths here- FUCK ALL OF YOU I quit with my usual strategy and just go Turtle style. Hp and str. meh. Hp works, str works. I guess it's good. zzz Louise still kawaii Meh Things Fix Galaxy falls Things good and bad. Fix the bad Easing burden of ranged attacks I guess. Funny you wouldn't think Hector would be doing well rn Not gonna bother attacking. Awww yah Fix Farina so she can attack again. They really like to play with my feelings. I refuse to let Hector ruin this thing! OH GOD OH GODDDDDD Level. FUND Sain restored from brink of death. Maiming fuckers. I CAN DO THIS I CAN DO THIS. Anddd I PREVAILED Hell the fuck yes.
  23. Fuck this fuck this fuck this fuck this fuck this [spoiler=Chapter 13x More like THE PAIN IS REAL] Rename to The Pain is Merciless I need funds. BAD. So I'm gonna beeline for the village. DESTROY THEM ALL. The suspension begins. Yep that's an axe. Ouch. Ninian is sooooooooooooo great Florina fix up Dorcas. Teamwork.jpg Beautiful. Fix her! Doh! Not bad Geitz! Heh. The pair that would never meet does their things on this run. Return stroke! Destructive Disk! Fixherupagain! Him too i guess. Sain is so sexy. Someone trying to be michael jackson. OH THAT SMART -stare- Srs? Trying this out. Glowy axe! SPEED Doh Yes I changed all male mage to female. What you gonna do about it? In case you didn't notice till now, well now you know. Betterlevel/10 FARINA WHAT ARE YOU DOING. This is going to hurt someday. That'll hurt in the morning. Why? Okay i guess that's why. FARINA. THIS IS THIRD TIME IN A ROW NOW. READ THE SPELL CAREFULLY. Fix him before he get any baldie- oh. Fix Hector before he get any gayer I should be alright. right?. ... right? Spinny spin! Look good so far... I need faith. That's better Farina. I hate Hector's dodging skill. But it's okay cuz he dodged this. Sigh... Well ofc this was bout to happen. Fuck this shit fuck this shit. WHY So blurry I think I may be blind. Good. Louise is so fine. \ I made it here! SIGH More coming.
  24. [spoiler= I DID NUTHIN] YOU HEARD NOTHING. YOU SAW NOTHING. YOU SAID NOTHING. YOU TASTED NOTHING. YOU TOUCHED NOTHING. GOT IT? Levels reget. SHOVE IT. AT LEAST I TOOK YOUR TOME AWAY. IT'S TOO VALUABLE Ninian got a str!!!!!! Okay I'm back here again. So much better. SO VERY BETTER GAH... He hurt. SO BADLY YEAH BITCH YEAH ... well she got mag Burned a couple turns for support to build up, but not too much so I seize. BAM Oh I forgot Florina's growth didn't I? [spoiler=Florina] Hp: 90 Str: 35 Skl: 35 Spd: 100 Def: 0 Res: 40 Lck: 5 Very solid growth.
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