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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. -shrug- on the 18th and I'm still safe. The day I walked in, the clerk asked if I was preordering the game, we both laughed because I had walked in prior before the direct and he was the same clerk that I asked if it was available then, he placed it in, so I'd assume mine copy is safe because we're in a remote place where some reserve should be kept.
  2. Ah, one of the raven's weapon skill reduces his stats. I have no idea what's the advantage of it though, It's the blue skill.
  3. They keep their growths + class growth if you didn't randomize the character growths.
  4. I suppose I'll toss in my piece. 0705-2524-3360 PM me if you added me like everyone else.
  5. I beat him on my first try on my first run. Then when I unlocked NG+ Unknown... Oh sweet fucking caramel jesus, fuck that boss on Unknown. He's biggest FU possible any Tales could have. I had 500+ HP, skills 1 point each, all artes/weapons/skills kept, and spamming with Rita's Meteor WAS NOT ENOUGH. He would overlimit spam and ignores Meteor's stuns. The only way I actually won was to cheese Estelle's Force Field... I was NOT proud. Speaking of which, that was from my latest vesperia run. I played Unknown before this too but I restarted because I forgot where to go on my previous Unknown, but I do know I beat Gattuso on first try in that Unknown run, and I have no idea how after experiencing him. I think I probably used Yuri's cheese... I should continue that playthrough soon. But I ended up dying to the red eyes that appears in the town after Gattuso. -Forgot to save after :C- RIP My THAT ONE BOSS would have to be... the tutorial boss in Dark Soul. I gave up and returned the copy to Gamestop for another game. lol. I was only 19/20, so obviously I had reaction skills from earlier gaming of similar genres, but noooo you'd think I would be at least adept at dodging considering I was pretty bloody good at countering in these games. (ESPECIALLY IN MMORPG)
  6. Edit: I can't read. That dlc occurs before Awakening shortly before they finds Robin.
  7. Just run around heal with his nice aid smash when you need to and keep running around. when he rolls in a scene for the third time you're home free with party unleashed.
  8. Thanks! That confirms mine isn't canceled. Phew, I worried for nothing.
  9. Maybe we should switch IPC with Discord?
  10. I'm inside it right now but it's pretty darned broken.
  11. I regret spoilering myself. I think I would had enjoyed it more if I stopped prying into the new and exciting findies. Still didn't stop me from getting special edition.
  12. Judith is the hardest character to master in Vesperia mainly because all of her powers comes from keeping enemies IN AIR. With right hands and combination, she can stay in air forever provided the enemy doesn't die. In this regard she can out dps rita or even Yuri as long as she's up there in the sky. Here's one where the guy's showing all combos. Then there's that guy who did a full hits possible without any repeat artes. And a guy showing the aerial combos. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find one where she was in air for lengthy amount of time. She's good when on ground too, but she's far better when she's floating around. The issue with Judith is that almost none of the party members can synergy with her. All she requires is practice and right amount of patience to master her.
  13. Everything in that in general for me. >.> <.< I don't really have any memories of great moments honestly...
  14. As much as I dislike the character, I'm pretty similar to Zero... i'm incredibly satire.
  15. Thank you for your work! We appreciates it! This is amazing stuff. Top tier quality.
  16. I said this once, and I'll say it again. Hentai. Also. Feminazism isn't about equality, it's about females > males and attempts to degrade men even further down and make themselves immune to laws and anything that would otherwise bars their "lifestyle". It's particularly why I hate these sort of people.
  17. No worries dude. At least you're working on something that you greatly enjoys and wish to story tell. And I'm not. I'm still looking forward to this. My rough estimation of final release would be around late March perhaps?
  18. Aw yeah, I got my preorder in! Ain't nothing gonna stop me now.
  19. I'll give you a bone since that quest is easy to miss later on, (it's stopped because you can't progress the last part until you unlock the area) After you get all seraph's powers, go follow the quest.
  20. Are you searching for streamers to host? I might be more inclined to splice sprites if I had C&C during the time I works on it rather than showing half-finished product and see what's wrong with it. But of course I often stream other games so I'm not sure if I'm the best person to host.
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