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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. still has me hooked on to his avvy sucks
  2. [spoiler=What a lame sleeping area] DESTROY US ALL DESTROY US ALL! Finds a run-down building, a lone woman appears. ENEMY ENEMY, KILLZKILLZKILLZ Looking for a husband? ENEMY ENEMY KILLKILLKILL Totallyis Cowards Yeah...cowards KNEEL BEFORE YOUR TACTICIAN! So, you take the south, and Florina takes the east? Goodgood Make a bet ladies, is it a hit, or a miss? Meatshielding Natalie, whee The answer is... a MISS Neat That wasn't enough? Wow pansies. Brigand north of Lyn, first attack miss, okay np np she'll get the next. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? Kill the brigand so she survives. Meh. Slowly but surely. HEAL UP FLORINA, TAKE CARE OF TEH MERCS Two down AMEILILUCK PLS Everyone hates her~ Not bad. Ouch... Sweet, a str. Lyn too gud Last turn, but she's really wounded. Oh a defense! Last kill. Victorryyy Let's grope each other in definitelynotsexual way to celebrate! I'll call you up for that someday then.
  3. new avvy that now has me admiring it.
  4. If you're using emulator, you can get save file with the modes unlocked, so you can go ahead and play LHM or HHM. You only have to search online. As for PMU... I challenges you to use Vaida
  5. wants heavy storm back fuck your one word post
  6. [spoiler=New Girl get!] Destruction wakes? Yeah, it got burnt down. Ooo a girl! Lucky, Lyn knows her. Time to get her in the bag! Lyn comforting Florina. My nose is bleeding now. Just because her horsebird kicked you in the groin doesn't means you have to sell her. And let free exps get away? No thank. And they have the same idea. Obviously, it was my intentions from the start! Darling, I controls your destiny, rest assured, your horsebird will be safe with me. So damn fine! Destroy! And free golds to kick the gear up! She's just ORKOing them. Boo, but she got resistance so it's k Double heal Lyn knows no limit. Meanwhile. Sweet, str! Let's wait here~ Don't turn into Navi, I beg you. So you're just as bad as them? No way a brigand would ever hit her. Chip damage is chip. SWAP PLACE! Poor Florina, so naive. Ahaha one. Ahahaha two! Sad that she didn't get to next level... oh well. next chapter. Stuff Suddenly, Florina thinks Lyndis and I are mercenaries. Now, it's two girls one man. MY HAREM IS GATHERING!
  7. [spoiler=TO STEAL A SACRED SWORD] Oh an altar? Oh! We're going to break in and steal the sword?~ Damn someone beat us to it. Its name is Mani Katti huh? Definitely a sword for women. LYN, FINISH HIM! My thought exactly. Ohshitson It's only for women, didn't you know? But we were on our way to steal the sword... I means... cough No chance Doubling her doesn't help you there. Yesssssssss STR Double brigands down. Door guarding brigand is finished~ I'm letting myself in. Hue hue Fate, the one who controls everyone's destiny. First time to ever get hit... Poor Lyn. BUT SHE GOT THIS AMAZING LEVEL! And she revenge-kill Glass for teh throne. So we can steal it. WE HAVE ACQUIRED TEH SWORD As a being of fate, I knows every single occurrence, and this is one such. CONFIRMED. WOMEN ONLY. Ahhh mother fuck. But it's okay. Iron sword is breaking down~ Even my granduncle isn't that evil. And I don't have one.
  8. [spoiler=Lyn the Lyndis] If anything, I'm the strange one, not Lyn. My story is totally based on me! Well... it actually started with me, not with these two oafs. I'm coming, I'm coming. Yet... we didn't. Who the f-? How to turn down a man. Directly from pages of "How to avoid split tongued men" on page 108, section F, paragraph 11 on the line, "Thou shalln't lie with men with loose lips" And we circled back. Right as we leaves the city, we get pursued by the duo-perverts Then we runs into a third pervert. Suddenly the duo perverts decide to help us instead of skirt chasing. Fortunately... your orders are to... "Bench theeself" Like so. First death~ On the edge of the forest, a silent lady awaits a wandering brigand, who would befell to her beauty and come closer... To whom he would become food for her. Such is a siren/dryad/mermaid/thingsthatlurewithbeautyandeatsthem Skill/Spd are now equal. This is so beautiful? Her next kill brought a nutritious snack Final brigand is brought down. Lyn has yet to be touched. But they're not fighting. Heh. HEH Luck again. What? Fantastic indeed. "WHY ARE YOU TALKING TO THEM?" Also, you can see me to the right~ Veeery handsome ain't I? Not a second after asking that question, she apologizes to me, and walks with me back to our travel of paradise... Or so I thought.
  9. [spoiler=Fate The Master Tactician] Yep... Four more days till my birthday btw. I'm wide awake babe. I've been safe since forever ago right in my room behind a monitor playing you. My name tag is right there, next to my word balloon. No shit, I'm named after the strings of destiny that controls people! BEFITTING ME EH? Two seconds later, I see what's happening anyway. Well of course... bandits. I'm so lame on that map. Okay, her base stats, not bad but not good. My dumb strategy begins lol no hitty Finished I'll rather wait. I controls your destiny, it is written that you dies here. Hehe Hehex2 UNTOUCHABLE And I got str, and no spd. I guess it's a good fortune for me today. I don't have a home though... Five seconds later, and you ask me if I'm awake? Bitch. Ask away my darling. Uh... Let me think... Well actually, it is written that I took you under my wings and made you the baddest bitch out there. Chapter 1 coming. Going to be so fun.
  10. Alright, I'm closing the poll I guess. 7 votes each, LHM into HHM and Bartre arena grind it is!
  11. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=46566 Need votes to finish poll. :o (yeah I finished FE8 run)
  12. That would be the first option. I went ahead and fixed the poll.
  13. Hey, Fateborn here again. I'm going to do a Female!sword only run. If you are familiar with my FE8 run, then the rules will be the same, with few expectations that I have placed in poll to allow you to decide for me (I would do it myself but I like to see what you guys want to see me do.) First rule. Only women are allowed. (Unless Bartre is permitted permanently I won't use him.) And they are required to have either sword, or has promotion gain of swords. In other word... Lyndis, Florina, Fiora, Isadora, Vaida, Farina, and Karla are permitted. However, as an expectation due to low amount of units, Ninian/Nils are also permited. (If only I had a mamakute too...) If such a need arise, I won't hesitate to use a healing class or an additional female unit. But until then, I won't be required to use them. (Yeah, you heard me right. I'm WILLING to use Louise or Priscilla (Two most likely canditate of emergency if something's fucky with my run such as terribad growth on my characters since it usually happen... Fucking Tate, Vanessa and Syrene.) I also have to sell all items that are not swords and consumables (Which means, no axe, no lances, no bows, no staves, no tomes. I will however keeps few lances -for florina and fiora of course, and a couple of bow/staves for louise and priscilla in case of emergency.) As I will be unable to have any female sword users for 5 chapters of HHM, I am allowed to use Eliwood and Hector with no hestitation until I re-acquires Lyndis, to which I will then bench Failwood. (He always suck on my team no matter what happen. It'd be Lyndis who's most blessed, and Hector will be above average, that's always common for me...) I also will level up Priscilla with usages until the unnecessary of her approaches. If something is really messy between chapter 12 and 15, I will be permitted to use Marcus, but only with swords. I'll keep the poll running for 24 hours, or until sufficient votes are input. Till then, I bid you good read and entertainment of my mostly gangsta outburst and dumb references here and there of my run. (Mostly thwomp.) Now then I gotta go study a certain pattern of the chapters and see what I could do for each one (the ones between 11 and 15 anyway.) Edit: Main reason why I'd like to do LHM is so I can drag my balls through chapter 19xx :>
  14. It's almost impossible to shade an afro. :(
  15. isn't the one that just tried to sprite an afro.
  16. I'm terrible at this. Edit #1
  17. I got dibs on this edit! MAN THIS HAIR IS TOUGH BUT I WON'T SURRENDER
  18. And I you. Also, it's not impossible to do Hard mode with just lord, in fact... I've done it before. It's challenging, but do-able nonetheless. The only real hair pulling part is the chapter 13, the rest falls into pieces as soon as you reach Lyndis since she'll destroy everything if you feed her well enough, or have her hit 20 in her story. (which is pretty lulzy to see her stomp chapter after chapter when you get her again with Florina.) The only thing I'm really worried about is Karla. Like, am I even allowed to grind Bartre at an arena on the pirate chapter and promote him to warrior then grind him to five again with another arena? Also I'm pretty damn sure Rebecca can't get sword.
  19. [spoiler=The Demon King Returns] Yes, it's a giant fugly winged gorilla So basically, religiously praying for it? THWOMP PARTY Just did. OP SO OP TRADE STORY PLS Marisa vs Fomortiis LEGGO CLASH ROUND ONE Oh thanks fuck, no dragon. MAKING ROOM! Ouch SECOND ROUND. YEAH OH YEAAAAAAAAAH Two Turns KILL I'm so good. Yay, no more demon king. Actually... Marisa and Tethys, 'Two' vs 'Five'. I think Two won. Syrene x Innes? You deserved it Marisa, take a nice break! NOT TAIL? HAX I can't either. You leveled pretty well after the recruitment chapter. Not really. Day and Night. No you didn't It was all Marisa. WHOA DON'T CRY CG craps Friend forever? friendzoned Oh boy, I hoped it'd be a bit less than 500, but meh... WOMEN PARTY That's all Folks! See ya next time on FE7 FEMALE!SWORD run! (ithinkillprobablyregretthatsomuch)
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