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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. [spoiler=turns out I was wrong Chapter] Onward to Chapter 4 again. So after rechecking items. I realized something. Lockpick has fewer uses than I remember. Alright so this time as a piece of safety, I deployed Gilliam, and changed formation so VanFail would go to the right instead of pincer attacking with Neimi. Not wanting to be first to attack, I wait for them to come to me. Then this happen. Turns out to be the best idea I ever had. Neimi paying that piece of shit back for the hit on Erina >:c Got a good level out of it. Erina baiting is too mighty Safety first. Like... Do they have a thing for her? Spoonfeeding Vanessa. Reminding me of my Yuno time... (Except Yuno was better off.) L FORMATION ACTIVATED. I think this RNG is bewitched for my favor. What in the world. Ohshitthatwascloooooooooose Chug bitch chug! Erina so blessed now. Thwomp mode Success Alright, nice and gentle here. WHAT THE FUCK? NEXT ROUND SHE LANDS BOTH. NEIMI FOR THE CLEAN UP Now back to the snag, I HAVE A NEED TO VISIT EVERY SINGLE VILLAGE Now to sit on his ass. WELL AT LEAST SHE'S GETTING STR. UNLIKE A CERTAIN SOMEONE This point four zombies spawn at the corner, time to turn around and farm off them~ Decimated Neimi, pls get defense for once. My paranoia is strong. Killed dat skelly for teh ville You need glasses. Hello money~ No more eye~ Tate could learn from her. Cleanse complete. I love you Neimi. Cool it there midget, too much information. WE'RE PRESSING FORWARD!
  2. [spoiler= What is this shit? chapter] This is from Sunday. I stopped since then. Picking it again 2spooky4me Erina so bored she falls asleep to the journey lecture. Yeah fucking right? Well, I spoke too soon. Oh a Prodigy? Too bad, not on my list. But with skill, you can slip pass that with a sword! Whichistotallywhatimdefinitelydoing W-What the fuck are you doing? Stealing my xp like that? Can't bench, time to put him on Seth. Neimi such skill. RNG may you bless me. Of course... You miss the first hit. Erina the best doge I don't even know why I bothers using her. RNG STAHP Extremists much What the fuck are you doing? STOP At least, she's spared. NO NEIMI WHY This is starting to look bad, with all of these hit rates, I'm doomed. Vanessa actually get more than three? What is this sorcery. MOTHER Of a god! Please dodge more Erina. NEXT ROUND! I JUST NEED TO GET RID OF MELEES BEFORE I CAN MOVE ON! Even Neimi is falling victim to it... Fuck you Vanessa. Thank you Vanessa for clutch dodge. GOD FUCKING DAMMIT, THE EYES GANGED ON HER.
  3. That's pretty sad luck right there. But Shirtless Louise. I ship that now.
  4. WHY DID BOTH OF YOU GET STR IN PROLOGUE? D: sits in a corner crying
  5. I intends to. For now I'm using Colm until I can buy some chest keys and door keys. I'm struggling somewhat with the chapter. Damned hit rates.
  6. Doesn't live in the Northern West area. should burn in hell for ninjaing this pretty darling.
  7. Recently changed avvy. (multi-time in fact)
  8. [spoiler=youmad?] Same request as my last post.
  9. caplocked last reply. Didn't forget to refresh the page for new replies.
  10. Has a signature that I put on ignore list.
  11. Let's see, as you may be aware, FE13 has class change however, this breaks the game because it never get fun mainly because you're stomping everything with higher stats due to you multi-changing. Unless the AI is set to Brutal type with everything on enemy side more powerful than your own characters could ever get. (Perhaps with a mode) Either that, or have a set restriction of how many time one can class change. Just my thoughts.
  12. FE8 for a certain, Having more than 2 promotions/choices breaks the game, just my opinion.
  13. [spoiler=ein] Nope. Not that one, nor do I have the avatar snip. It's supposed to be of Roy and Idoun alone. No dragon, no lilina, no zephiel, no fae. [spoiler=rough memory of it] Same request. I don't mind if you can't find it, Just gimme moar idoun
  14. [spoiler=BLS] Anyone remember that Idoun avatar I had in December of 2012? I'm trying to find the wallpaper again. (It's cut from it) Idoun glancing to the left direction with her hood on and roy's in front holding binding sword, it's all gloomy feeling.
  15. Now knows I cut off half my body and is able to use Wrath. Better ninja than me for the moment.
  16. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=46153 Didn't click the link yet.
  17. Knows I sincerely wish ZM holds to his word. OR ELSE HE WILL FEEL MY WRATH
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