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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. Jacklyn is recruitable now?! Maxed str Mag recruit. OP Nerf nao
  2. I gives up on the monster sprite and went back to re-splicing Atarja (a character of mine for the hack)
  3. I tried out a new version of Atarja, it's looking good so far, but I'm bit duped on what her left arm should be. Fresh memory lane walk: Atarja is a Phantom species conjured by a certain character, she serves that one person without question while keeping her independence though she does not know what a free will is because she's a little more than a dead spirit. I'll take any suggestion as to how to add to her or change her. Thanks.
  4. Man, it's really hard to sprite a monster.
  5. Oh yeah, I remember Tangerine... where did he/she go?
  6. Unlikely. Yuno's showing promise already.
  7. Nope. Yuno got better RNG than Tate ever got. I'd consider her better already.
  8. Welp, shit. the NEXT chapter isn't RNG friendly toward me.
  9. I can't believe I took lot of screenies for this one chapter. [spoiler=Master Tactician indeed] herewego.jpg Get to digging men! I need teh moneiz Now to outfit my newest bitch. Oh what's thaaaaaaaaaat? Back to preparing. Gave Yuno the robe and the gottagofastfeather, she's going to need all the help this point. To the "Rampaging Beast" Echidna, "Unseen Death" Fir, and "Feather Blade" Shanna right? Starting to like Yuno more. dontkillmeIdoun Pretty long range on that berserk. I don't particularly mind the sleep, but berserk is the major problem, as I can't "rescue" berserk. Thankfully it can't reach my main breach. My little naughty plan begins this point. Miledy breaking open wall to breach in. As a safety caution, let's check this dude's gear. Perfect. In you go. Now put that on your back! The entire breach party will be together, except for "Unseen Death" who is going solo breaching on the side to try and wipe out side enemies for Sue and Tate. Thus ends my phase, and the babysitting for Yuno has begun. Not bad, she'll need str proto. Sue trying to break open her side and is greeted by a blind axe throw. Pah. 14 hit rate with a pure water, too good! Now to ferry off Sue and get her down safe. Move Bitch, it's YUNO TIME! Yuno's farm has been sow. Stay right there for two more turn missy. Bah, she was barely in range for him. Huh, so 6 hit rate increases for each resistance lost with each turn Wiped out the last one in that room. NOW PUT ON THAT SHIT Can't be too safe. Ending it at that point, can't really do anything anyway. Poor swordmaster, completely outmatched. Final berserk use and poof! As well Sleep is gone, this means I can begins my main breaching now! These two sisters are too awesome. Unlike their middle. Fir at the next breach already, too op. No problem, just don't end up like failtate please. Still awesome Apparently, the sleep count doesn't go down while being rescued. Damn. A small gamble, worked to my favor. Even the BRAVEST warrior is no match for Fir. Hmm... Not worth the risk. Go the other way please. Not a bad crit. Fir moves to the side now. Lack of Echidna is displeasing me. Wall down with Tate, finally. How bad are you at hitting a heavy dragon? Seriously? This was a weird screenie I don't have any comment... She wakes! Combo attack! Rude of you to hit a lady like that. Wonderful! These archers are in for it. Tate so bad she can't even kill a fighter with weapon advantage. She can dodge archers! I'm so proud of her. Well this means Tate'll breaks her steel weapon this round now, thanks! Ofuckingcourse. Stilldontcare I have to admit Yuno and Lalum makes a good farming duo. Pleasedontmakemehateyou Fir #1 She finally wakes. Toldyouitwouldhadbrokeifshehitthefightertwiceinsteadofcrit Hey Myrmidon! What? Fuck your health! Dead longbows best archers Sue's first piece of action! Yuno making a nice carpet out of his filthy blood Thisgunnabegud.jpg lol Too brave. Stop! Hammer time! Good level. I still don't understands how someone as bad as her could manage to dodge a pro archer's arrow But a certain someone is much better in that aspect. http://i.imgur.com/FJTQtg9.png Go Miledy! http://i.imgur.com/nqpMImy.png Hmm... http://i.imgur.com/B6JUDjb.png http://i.imgur.com/dd9Tqyt.png -reverttolastsavestate- http://i.imgur.com/PPtCToY.png Shortly before Cath wakes that is. http://i.imgur.com/1SYJ4vY.png I think I'll send her this way instead. http://i.imgur.com/PqmSTWu.png Same result. http://i.imgur.com/TMzhe4D.png Return my Echidna from last run immediately you scum! http://i.imgur.com/gj39SUe.png Where did everyone go? http://i.imgur.com/z9zDQmW.png WHY http://i.imgur.com/zl4ElZY.png Istilldontcare http://i.imgur.com/naVlQKr.png Better.jpg http://i.imgur.com/1to4SW6.png Traded place with Shanna for the kill. http://i.imgur.com/IYehQEO.png Double breach! http://i.imgur.com/GK6H1zR.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/TDhY2Kp.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/r9S1tGm.png Good job ladies. http://i.imgur.com/kPrOVgV.png Thisispaybackforthelastroundscum! http://i.imgur.com/z5i0CNc.png At least, she dodged that. http://i.imgur.com/s09xyLU.png Time for Yuno to steal teh exp. http://i.imgur.com/XyKvaQM.png But unfortunately... the fucker dodged. http://i.imgur.com/sx5S1JX.png She got the exp instead. http://i.imgur.com/IIl5FEf.png Boss time? http://i.imgur.com/Kc4hzpy.png Not yet, Sue still got a steak to cook. http://i.imgur.com/amSDS18.png She's cursed this run too apparently. WHY RNG WHY http://i.imgur.com/gvyF8w7.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/bpwTUl3.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/ifFcdHb.png Boss time! http://i.imgur.com/rQ5C5pv.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/psmFv8T.png Last clean up with Yuno before Roy seize. Till next time! Edit: Dem links.
  10. They're not as bad as they claims. I can agree that it's not best, but it's not the worst. Enjoy what it has to offer, not how the previous successors stands out compared to it. That's why I likes these games.
  11. Happy birthday nigga!

    1. ZemZem


      Is that just because I'm black, Engel.


    2. The Envoy of the Beginning
  12. [spoiler=] Let's see what occurs this run. Same old pattern. Sent Tate to deal with the outside mercenaries instead of Sue, and this is what I get. GG RNG. Main room defenders three down. This is getting old. As is this. These mercenaries... This barbarian... How dare you aims for a defenseless naked girl. Sigh... Boring to see same old crit over and over. Still nope. Echidna's crit is starting to bore me. Fae too adorable. They're starting to run out of bolts by now. Good riddance. Mercenary is so rude against Fae. Fir cleaning up the hall. Spoonfeeding Yuno. Not really caring for Lalum's growth this point, she's fine as she is. Damn it. -Restart- Same pattern, Same result. This time they split target now, since Miledy got closer. Much better than last. Flashy entrance is best entrance Same result yet again. No. Resistance definitely plays part in how long range negative staff hits, too bad it still hits her. Got rid of both sleeper now. Smooth operators. Roy with the worst dodge. He stands there and it miss. They're trying really hard to hit through the wall of castles for some reason. Moving along. Fae being Fae Consuming Killer now, time to afk. Stop trying please. Not bad. NO! She barely survives... She really dodged the bullet there. Same for that. Miss an immobile sleeping girl, worst sniper ever. Can't touch this. Got rid of his annoying face Ihavenoideawtfhappenedhere.jpg -edit- oh it's Yuno being spoonfed. For above apparently. Fighter reinforcement, means Yuno babysitting time! I hate this sniper like really, the only reason why my third run failed. (He ran up to Cath while she was looting the last chest in a room and crit her) It begins... the one-sided massacre. Behold. She goes for the druid right after killing the sniper during berserk. Babying Yuno still. Off to a good start! After killing the door knight, she was on her third turn of berserk, meaning two more turns of cringe moment vs the general. Of which both missed their hits, Fir landed one on the last turn before being handed over to me. Shanna x Roy! Kidnapped his teddy bear. Now he has nothing to cry into as we gangbanged him. Miledy with Lance breaker faces off on equal ground, both miss... Mercenary reinforcement after Fighters were wiped out by Yuno. Yuno goes to farm them with Echidna to support. After a couple of turn, Miledy starts to pounding on his wimpass. And got a good level out of it. Now it's Shanna's turn for a one-sided brawl. I serves no one. Last turn of grind for Yuno before Roy seizes. Off to the extra quest!
  13. What the heck is Revolution about?
  14. Okay so, my THIRD attempt turned into a death again. This time... for Cath. Don't ask how. It'll be in the next post from me. I wanna post 2 runs per spoiler for a chapter if it happens by chance. I swears the RNG is not so generous this chapter.
  15. Where the fuck is this discussion going?
  16. Thanks for the feedback, I'll reconfigure the story accordingly. English is technically not my first language. Edit: I re-edited the paragraphs to be something close to what you said while keeping a bit of my own style. I think it's better now?
  17. YFW i'm not allowed to use healers.
  18. [spoiler=Fuck this shit, I quit] Party so far. Who the fuck is Jerrot? Oh. The male paladin, I'd prefer a female at least... A new addition for my party, let's see how she fare against Fail-Tate. Well, Tate has better stats for most of things. Behind only 2 resistances, but she may catch up in 2 levels that Yuno is ahead. But who knows? Plus, Yuno has less speed restriction from blades compared to Failtate. But we'll seeeeeeeeeeeee. Oh look, a killer ballistic. With a whip all alone in that tiny patch of opening between mountain and castle... Masochist much huh. Gay alert's going off from my cowlick antenna. I knew it. Moving on... Yuno for positive attitude! Doh! What shall we do about this faggot? I'm a genius! Sleepfag#1 down. Sword breaker is nothing for us swordmaidens! annoyingbow#1 down. Suethwomp! Nope. Didn't you know Shanna is the top percentage of all pegasus knights? Good level! They never learn. No. NO! I HATE HOW RESISTANCE ARE TIES IN TO THESE FUCKING STAFFS Tatemostdeath.jpg Attempt #2 WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR LAST RUN LEVEL? They still didn't learn. Nope. Lalum getting rng'd hit unlike last run. Motherf... At least Fir and Echidna are good at saving people. Miledy starting to hit low, better get rid of problematic shits. No. SHIT! RETREAAAAAAAAAT NOT SUE TOO! Fae to cheer me up. Tate finally being useful, and Echidna still awesome as usual. You cannot purge a goddess, maggot. Notbad.jpg Death to all knights! Someone has a sis-complex Motherf Robe up lady! Fir for pwnage. After being berserked by a certain Druid that I somehow missed, Miledy takes it out on Fir, and despite Fir's pro speed, Miledy has the skills to back her up and slays her after trying to delay her by throwing baits at her but didn't work since she only took out a left-over knight, was hoping she'd go after the boss, but the ballistc had better hit rate on Miledy than he do on Fir, and ends up forcing me to bait her away with Fir, who kept getting hit, and finally crit'd for the death on the 2nd pull. If only Vulnerable heals more... Gonna take a break for a bit, trying to ease this furiousness with Tate's fail and my own.
  19. Fuck I need to buy more swords. I ran out of killing edges for the next chapter. (After Yuno.) Thankfully there's an armory for Yuno's.
  20. No love for me apparently. Jerk.
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