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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. I agree I means, everyone has urge to fap, but this is just getting too much for a young teenager forum...
  2. Does whatever he wants with no fucks given for others' opinion, as is my finding of his title.
  3. Because RNG is a bitch, thought I could use it against the same AI, turns out to be so wrong. Everyone survived.
  4. [spoiler=I am Victorious but at what cost?] Prepared! Party so far. For a death match! IT'S IDOUN, GET IT RIGHT YOU MAGGOT Too bad I spy something... $%@! Tate also included. First level, and you get this shit? Miledy pls... Decoy which later come to bites me in the ass. lol weapon exp vs allies. Slaughter zone. Rip This dude landed the hit. Fuck rng Sweet Can't touch this Rip again 0 fucks given zzz Sleep Bishop appeared from a pillar, two uses down, both miss her. Datleg Ofuckingcourse last use. Physic so annoying, he'd be die a turn earlier, but nope chuck testa This one is annoying too, ran around healing himself with help of a physic druid, full health every time, so Yuno kept him at 1 hp every round... No shit. Lecture too stronk You have no idea HOW thankful I was to get this sword from a chest... considering merlinus ran away earlier. (Didn't have any on characters.) How about this... Nope. I save stated before this happen. Miledy will attack him instead. WHY People are dying left and right. Fuck. Not again Interesting RNG is interesting, did you know if you take a different pattern of attack, it changes? Yuno pls. FUCKING SNIPER Save state, instead of the druid, Roy go for the sniper. Meh, better than last one I suppose. DON'T VOMIT DON'T VOMIT DON'T VOMIT! everythingwentbetterthanexpected.jpg Someone dies again Smooth criminal Fir and Yuno fought the outdoor reinforcement (where you started) After some time bringing everyone back to the room... Dammit Yuno. What about this route instead? That works. Rescue Shanna with Yuno. Fir goes with a savestate. Nope. What about Roy? Seems to work. This time it's Yuno's turn... nope failed too, light brand sucks. Deciding to just gamble on Sue and risk a reinforcement from stair she was sitting on. Worked! Toddles.
  5. [spoiler= Thus the gathering ends...] SECOND TRY! Four stats items, Body Ring to Fir, Dracoshield to Yuno, Charm to Miledy (youknowwhatimtalkingboutright?) and the Boot to Lalum (gottacatchupwithherdancingeventhoshesmaxed) These three are too assassiny (exceptforechidnabutthatsokayshemakesitupforcrits) The same sniper that killed Yuno last chapter, SISTER VENGEANCE (I switched places with side, so Shanna's part is on left now while Yuno's on right.) Shanna's party are as following, Sue, Echidna, Roy, Tate, and Shanna. While Yuno's compose of Miledy, Fir, Lalum, Cath and Yuno. Miledy so gud at doge Poor Bravest Hero, cannot hit Sue a single time, and ends up dying for it. ALL SNIPERS MUST DIE! Fuck you. Lalum's partner to rescue! Annnnd maxed. Tate so bad she can't match up to base class unit, they're too thwompy for her. :| Echidna for crithwomp Tate. Stop. This. Instant. Shanna so gud NOT YOU TOO! Getting rid of people one at a time. Yuno for MVP zzz god damit tate. Same level... Are you kidding me RNG? At least it's not HP this state. Fir using different weapon this time. SUE WHY Echidna got hit this time instead of criting. ECHIDNA PLS Hero why you hit Shanna the Untouchable? Better than last one! Mother fucking Tate pawing on that fat armor Shanna is so much better. like 100x better! Yuno too. Tate why are you so fucking bad No comment about Miledy because it's Miledy. 2awesum Generul isded Power of darkness is too tiny compared to Shanna's bright personality Miledy thinks lances are funny I love you Yuno. damn trap Fir no mercy for small guy in a giant and heavy armor. dammit Hero has a bigger sword for some reason. Echidna gives no fuck about boys and their toys. One does not simply wear armor on a pegasi SHANNA WHY Finally maxed spd. Fir yusobadwithlevelsnow #1 gamble is #1 Success FUCK THAT SCARED ME. Miledy has zero compassion for people with anti-lance swords Nor does she give a fuck about fat armor with shiny stick WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS GAME! RIP in peace Okay, so after killing the dragon, she was at 20 hp, so I decided to put her against the zerker with devil axe and heal with vulnerable. Guess who had JUST enough dmg to kill her? With 31% hit rate no less... both sisters, same fate. Luckily, I happened to save state before the chest surprise. As you might recognize. Sue falls for a trap... NOTHING HAPPENED! 2 tanky for me That's better at least... Thwomp? I think not. By hunch... I save state at this point. OH FUCK THAT. What about this one? Two druid and the boss left... Ha ha. No. Tate manages to be useful for once. Time for Yuno to start her feast. Oh god, 50% chance. LEDOETZ Actually, I should support first, she might need the bonus. I wish I had a sister. The NEXT turn, she kills him. (Missed the turn of support, boss hit Sue and heals back to full, Fir slaps him once since she missed a hit, then Shanna with iron sword hit him twice, giving Yuno the final kill.) Darknesssssssssssssssss Whee Fin! Book get! 2spooky4me SWEETHEART! I MISSED YOU Zephiel, I will save Idoun from your lunaticity Bout the fuckin time.
  6. Oh yeah, for GBA games, how does Light Brand works for the characters with sword? It works off magic but how do we know the damage they could deals with it? Edit: Checking the database in this website, it seems it's always 10 dmg when ranged.
  7. This thread is now about pancakes. Can anyone tell me how to make one?
  8. Didn't change his avatar yet like a scumbag
  9. didn't just pull a muscle in jaw. -ow...-
  10. Following Lenh's random suggestion, I decided to try a full scratch shoulder armor, using Hector's brother's armor color, it works pretty well and flows with the "ghostly" feeling. At least that's what I hope so.
  11. Sin of Sloth is high today

  12. He looks like he's pulling his head far away from his neck, like a turtle in a sense.
  13. RNG sucks dick. The sniper had 30% hit... (and a silver bow, that just had enough to take out Yuno at 40 hp, she lost 9 hp a fight before.) I'll come back to it tomorrow, right now my head hurts.
  14. [spoiler=Part 2] Continue At this point they don't even give exps. Oh jeez... I have no more of these, I wish the armory for this chapter had some, but oh well. My team is so awesome. I hate reinforcement Keep up the good work Echidna! You have no idea how UNTOUCHABLE Shanna was this map... Yay~ They're so annoying... FIR PLS. Oh boy... too many to count. Wiped out the reinforcement, now to prepare for the upcoming dragon. Can do better than that Sue. Slightly better than Sue Random Wyvern Lord appeared from left! Yuno attempts to wipe him out! Nope. Tate nearing the shop with Shanna behind her. BOOT FOR ECHIDNA, THWOMP HAS BEEN UNLEASHED The Dragon is Toasted. Hi Gale. I hate having wyvern reinforcements appear next to me. This would be even sadder if this game had blinking frames where Gale close his eyes. :C And then someone died. Fucking RNG, no it wasn't Shanna again. (It was Tate, as you might know.) This time Shanna avoids it It was sad the first time, but not this time. Please go home Gale. Oh brilliant. Back to the save state. I decided to just rush down instead of grouping up and moving slowly waiting for Gale and his gayreinforcements to arrive, which never happened for a long while on the last run. And it worked, I reached the boss. HAHAHAHAHA! Note: Gale didn't die this run. I had Shanna hold his swarm back with Lalum being a dodge bitch with her. Due to AI's fail in this chapter. Last Divine Weapon! Idoun, you will be mine! (Holds out a wedding ring like a fail neckbeard would do)
  15. Whole lot of images for this run as well. (Mainly cuz it's frigging huge with mass wyverns) So I'm dividing this into two posts, so forgive me for "triple posting" if you counts the above post from yesterday. Keep in mind that I had to savestate A LOT for this one, implying that I died more than 4 times (whichismorethanthepreviousrunssofar) [spoiler=Part 1] Party so far. Oh yes. Bloodiest... Echidna, Fir, Shanna, Sue, and Yuno crushing everything in their path, definitely bloody. You means Fateborn the Tactician right? I can't wait to rescue her! Oh look, three items to sell! Fuck can't sell that either. Random battles that I have nothing to comment on. Poor me. Decoy tactic works! The poor grass are red now. Are you kidding me? Holy fuck dat rng. Second try! Not bad Tate, not bad. Better this time! Echidna the Rampaging Beast Risky is risky, but I'm taking it. OH COME ON! Fir is truly the Unseen Death. Trailing behind our party is anti-flier, left behind Sue instead of the crapgeezer to take care of them then catch up. You know I still don't care right? Well, I cared a little... Around here should be where I save stated #1. To which I'll stop for now and post part 2 next post.
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