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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. I think my sig is better now. clickablesigftw
  2. I wish I didn't read these last few pages.
  3. I claims Aenir, and steals Idoun from Al for the third time.
  4. Have a little something I made in my spare time. Here's an extra.
  5. I'm home from my stepdad's father's funeral. Ahhh, i'm at peace now. Damned parties.
  6. Ohgodnostalgic.jpg I loved this title!
  7. If you can't manage to have Marisa fight anyone on her recruitment chapter. You're not worth a while for her. Also. You don't need valni to train your trainees. My female!sword run is proof enough.
  8. Happy birthday! You are now one year closer to your demise!

  9. [spoiler=Black Fangs are a bunch of wimps] WE MUST HAVE ALL GOLDS WE CAN GET FROM DAT HEIRLOOM Sigh... sexy Ursula as ever... what were you saying again? BALLDEEP As planned. They're all so weak! "Tear down this wall!" Ronald Reagan Spare none. 1 down, 5 more to go~ Why. So. Thwomp?! Damn, nothing useful huh. Much dodge. Wow. Next~ Tink Javelin broke ;A; ALL BECAUSE THWOMP DIDN'T DOUBLE THE MAGE. Speedy to top! Thwomp to bottom cleaning from below. + Unneed crit Hehe ALL MAGES ARE DED LAST MERC ISDED Grinding Nils Lol wynaut Last grind SPEEDY GET EVEN FASTER Coward's escape. Now you two... Dance for me. DANCE AS IF YOUR LIFES DEPENDED ON IT, YOU ARE MY PLAYTHINGS NOW! Especially you Ninian...~<3
  10. I don't consider having an item that waste your turn to make an enemy unit waste their charge and barely get damaged as tactic.
  11. [spoiler=Wow, apparently, this round of run is harder than my first run.] Here is where everyone is positioned... To start off, this is where you should have Lowen go to deal with the pegasus knight. But first. Trade around the items, Steel Sword to Oswin, and the iron lance to Lowen as his is running out. Now send him over to the forest tile. Now, as you may be aware, archers are the major threat as usual so take them out. Unfortunately for me... I missed both. So to plan according to the archer's survival, I place Serra here and move the others just out of the brigand's range and close enough to close up with Serra. Unlike the pegasus knight last chapter, she has enough speed to not get doubled, pity upon me. As you may expect, Serra will finish off the brigand and get a level for it. A pegasus knight would have came toward Serra the enemy's turn but isn't in range. so finish her off with Hector who with proper placing will make a strategical turnback for you. Unfortunately, I forgot about it. Second try of an archer kill, still a failure. Finish off the knight for a level. A speed is something he could need for now. To be safe, end it there again. Rather a good dodge I would say. Another archer should have came toward you in range of Hector, but he does better. By your turn, finish him off with Failwood for an equal failure level. Third attempt of an archer kill works out successfully, to be specific, the one on the bridge. Another dodge. You fucking useless piece of shit. Oh okay. A well placed Matthew should snag the kill. By that time, ANOTHER pegasus should have approached your south party and target the weakest one, which is likely Serra, but she'll finish her off with no problem. Lowen however should be fine. Who the fuck gives a shit about a mine? Heal Serra like you should be doing with Marcus since he's useless for now, so just make him a heal bot. Wow, so useless Much skill, wow, so damage Go to Vendor with Lowen to buy vulnerary, he needs it and retreat up away from the north village cavalier and other pegasus knights They're quite rude. Give the brigand that attacked him earlier a nice payment of bolting. And the pegasus a bolt of steel. Send Lowen to this forest tile and heal with vulnerary and stay put. End your turn with Marcus's heal of Eliwood, or another character of your choosing. The enemy phase should be how this occurs. Heals the infinite use sword lady. Get the extra chapter while you're at it. Finish another shitty brigand with that broken as fuck axe. I'm not exactly concerned about your choice at this point, but just be sure to not place any of your units in danger of being swarmed by two or more units, just one is sufficient. By now you should have finished off the cavalier. At this point it's becoming a problem, and you should have got Guy. For now focus on destroying the reinforcement arrivals. Like so. Adios steel sword, hello 2nd steel sword. Badecca getting doubled like a scrub, try to avoid putting her in a danger like that. Chip the very rude cavalier down and feed Rebecca the kill to level her up. And heal her up with Marcus for a very good level. Try and get rid of the cavalier with the iron sword, unfortunately Oswin couldn't get him with a crit. End your turn with Lowen healing. And the enemy turn should be along this. . . Then Rebecca get hit by the perfect amount of damage needed to kill her. Wonderful. FUCKING WONDERFUL. New round, this time, try and get Oswin in range of the bridge archer. Wow you fucking piece of shit. Do this as usual. TRASH Chip the pegasus with rebecca and feed failwood the kill. Since Oswin has to be here to be in the range of the archer, he is an easy target for the nearby pegasus knight, however, this one can be doubled by Lowen this time. Now, target the steel bow archer that came in range. But the bastard missed one. Hector lands a crit instead. WONDERFUL RNG IS WONDERFUL/sarcasm Do this and that and end your turn. The second nearby pegasus should rush for Lowen to whom she'll fall easily to. AHHH YOU MOTHER FUCKER. I swears Klok likes to make hitrates so much crueler.
  12. Ahhh, my soul feels like it's being pierced through by his lovely gaze. I want to marry him! That serious feeling, that simple yet elegant beak... I WANT TO MAKE A BABY WITH HIM. sorry had to be said
  13. I'm a bit embarrassed to post my chapter 13... sinceidiedthatchapterapparentlyiforgotwtagetincreaseddamage
  14. [spoiler= Damn I wonder if Klok gets a kick out of our misery with hit rates. Chapter 12] Both of them are heavy as fuck, but has good crit ratio, and well... Eliwood has shit con, so I wouldn't expect him to double anything, at least not until he get archsage to which Klok prides himself as being the point of Eliwood's Opness (which is a lie he can't dodge for shit, so what's the point of him being OP if he dies every time he walks up to someone and OHKO him?) Rant aside, he has good late, just need babying. Well... I... Let';s just say he has T2 base as T1 class. As his description would say. Just focus him on healing until promotion where he'll thwomp shits. Okay, for now focus on top most part with Hector's party, send Hector to the reserved T forest just next to the gate to the left on the bottom forest tile and kill the pegasus with one shot. Send Matthew down to attack the lone brigand south of the party with an armor slayer since iron axe is 2 range weapon, it SHOULD kill the dude. With his near lv 4 exp, he should hit 4 with the kill, but well, I got a shit one. See this archer? Kill the fucker with Oswin you don't even need to move him either. Trust me, archers are the worst enemy in the entire game for early part. They HURT as you might expect from the last chapter. Slowest animation, but so nice to slowly savor it. Let's get started with the last member, Serra the Lyn. You should only focus on the single pegasus knight in enemy phase range to feed her a good chunk of exp, so send her to this specific tile to be out of the merc's range, but in the pegasus's range. Now for the Failwood's party. First thing first, a pegasus knight is the first unit to be in range if you approach the house, so... Look at that weight, and her con. She's gimped to 3 speed. Which is more than enough for this big boy to double her. Check the closest brigand's range to make sure you don't step into his range with anyone. Send Lowen behind the house, and be sure to have Iron Lance equiped, Javelin wouldn't work. Now send this handsome girl behind him to get ready for the closest brigand. Prepare accordingly. Now end it that way. Well, I'll be damned, lucky for Rebecca to farm off her. The pegasus should approach Lyn Serra and hit her (probably) to which Serra will pay back for the bruise. (It should be a hit... unless you're just fucking unlucky) I'm surprised that he got a crit, but nonetheless a kill for Oswin had he missed. Now, check the bitch's damage and see if Hector can survive two pegasus knights approach (if possible), then send him to the tile behind where you were and kill her. Like so. And a good level for it. I guess I am a good tactician then? As you may see, the mercenary should approach your attack range, so send Matthew to melee him with an iron lance for WTA and put the dude to low enough of a hp for Lyndis to kill. You can choose whether to go on the fort or not, it doesn't matter. A free food for Serra~ Honestly, the crit got me too I'm slightly impressed. Now attack the nearby brigand with Dorcas' steel sword to chip for Failwood. However... He missed one, so Lowen get the kill. By this turn, you should have got this lovely bastard. Now, move Oswin just behind Matty to be in range of this fucker, and destroy his anus. Now put Failwood on this fortress and end the turn. One would know how this ends right? Perhaps you might get a dodge, perhaps you might land a crit. Who knows? If the brigand does survive, choose who get to kill him. I choose Rebecca myself. By your turn, you should move Hector all way down for Matthew to move to him and get the red gem and move toward the armory to sell it, you won't be in range until next turn unfortunately. Being slightly daring, I move him on this forest tile after thinking of how RNG went. And my guess was right, a dodge and a crit together. And a swell level for it. Sadly, he get hit this round, HOWEVER. THE DUDE PAID WITH INTEREST OF A CRIT. My guts are never wrong~ With your turn, just waste this last pegasus away with Hector. At that point, this dude should be alone, and you should have already sold your red gem. Move Lown, Rebecca, Serra and Failwood closer to the bastard just outside the boss's range. See? Now move Serra behind Failwood and get Marcus to heal her. Take a look at his weapon. it is 2-3 range weapon with 4 mt. It's definitely not a devil axe unless it does actually hit the dude too. And the best part? He put himself in a bad spot saving me the unneeded Rebecca positioning. Chip him down with Lowen. Send Failwood against him, but this round was a fail. Take down Zagan with Serra if possible, otherwise... End it there. Feed Failwood with the kill to give him a level. And I got a shitty one. THANKS KLOK
  15. Hey, since Klok gave me a patch of the game too, and I asked him if he wanted my POV of the game to give better understanding of how to beat each chapter without much difficulty, and he agreed hastily. So, here we are. I already have two chapters beaten with screenies and am currently on chapter 13. (originally I had another run, but since I didn't want to erase the two save files klok gave me, I decided to erase my original run, so here we are...) [spoiler=WHY IS LEVEL RATE SO BAD? Chapter 11] First save is... I don't know what the fuck it is, Klok had both of them. Second is where the current patch that Klok has applies are at, which means... almost 8 more chapters I believe. Alright, let's get my tactician, and for the kick, let's make me a female. .w. Alright, first up, Hector is an archer with base speed of 3. That's pretty fucked up right? Well unfortunately... He has con of 9. Which is more than enough to not get weighted by his bows, of which are 7 and 10. The 7 being steel bow. Iron bow is 2 ranged tile only, but with a high MT of 14, which is very generous considering his base str of 9, making him a powerful killer, but a doubler will never be him ever. Okay, Matthew with a really strong base to make up for Hector's failspeed. Armorslayer is 1-3 range with high crit ratio of 25 and a mt of 11. When you looks at that alone, it's a strong tool of DESTROY THEM ALL. But taking look at Matthew... He has a really shitty str, but a capable speed allowing him to double is just fine. And he has a con of 9, which doesn't give him weighted disadvantage with the armorslayer's weight of 5. This chapter should be considerably easy if you... don't do something stupid like say putting on an iron sword. First up, instead of opening the door to bottom, let's crack open this wall like one would actually do in regular run because of the risk of aggressive charging by the units in the hall, which is NOT okay for you to be spartaning into. After the wall breaks down, these two units will come for you, but they are not in range to attack you luckily, so put matthew up against this ugly soldier with an ironsword. I know what I said. IRON SWORD. Trust me when I say it. The RNG will flow very nicely if you use it instead of that armorslayer. Like so. In fact that was a crit. This opens a path for Hector to target the archer, but since he has an iron bow, use Steel bow to attack him from range of 3 to be safe. Oh look at that, he hits too. With enemy's turn, the archer will obviously target Matthew because of his weak armor, and HE should kill him as long that 1 crit doesn't trigger which isn't possible with the scenario I gave you beforehand. Now that the archer is dead, and a thief is about to open the door into treasure, you should open the door with Matthew. And send Hector to target the knight instead of the thief, trust me. If you send him against Knight, the archer nearby will come charging for Hector instead of having the thief open the door. In which this happens. Send Hector a bit further back onto the chest and attack the archer with a steel bow, and the result should be 100% this. Now what do we do about the thief near the other door? We kill him of course with an armorslayer. 100% Kill. And get a shit level for it of course. By then the enemy phase should be an idle pass over, to which you opens the chest and get the red gem, now send Matthew to recover his health Now, pass some turns using Hector to move toward this door without giving Matthew the key to make the RNG waste the unluckiness. Now the two enemy units should come charging for you after the door opens, a soldier and an archer as usual along with the extra soldier in the hall beyond knight. Put Matthew just below the pillar tile and attack the soldier with armorslayer. It should be a kill. Now give Hector a vulnerary to heal himself from the wound he got from the archer earlier. By enemy phase, the archer that came along should target Matthew as he still has the lower defend and take him dangerously low, relax this is intended unless you have a really bad luck. To which Matthew takes him to a low health. To which this dude will take out and nab the exp. The last soldier arrives by the enemy phase, to which you kill with Hector, and it should be by crit provided you manages to copy my moves. Of course a shit level as well. Now, to get an extra exp farm, send Hector below the door in top left and attack the archer with his bow as usual. And have Matty clean it up for a close-level exp. (He should be about lv 4 by this point) Now just use steel bow versus Wire without using Matthew, focusing on getting a bit of exp and weapons exps. Trust me. Well he got a res. Yes, Wire heals himself with vulnerary, he actually moves for it. so avoid trying to be in his face when you attack, he usually runs 2 or 3 tiles away and heals, he will always use up the vulnerary anyway so just focus on chipping him with Hector, it's not going to bite you in the ass. It didn't for mine anyway. After Wire finally falls, you get a level up. Which is of course a shitty one like I would expect. So far, no death for either of them yet (No I wouldn't cheat and restart the adventure. it's not that hard.)
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