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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. Why didn't you use the femmerc animation that TBA made?
  2. I don't fucking know. Klok mentioned I could with Earth Seals, but the few that appeared on units chapters ago weren't droppable, you had to steal it, which isn't possible considering no thief...
  3. I fucking died. I was drinking my root beer when I read this, my throat and my noses feel fuzzy and painful
  4. Kain? Dora? What. Do you means Kent and Sain? lol
  5. While I'm at it, might as well post my current roster. [spoiler= Roster]
  6. Can't Wait. Too Impatient Result Nao You already have a Restore in the chapter where I'm at. It's droppable item. I'm thinking of promoting Failwood now, but I'd like your opinion. Took snapshots of it.
  7. [spoiler=Geeh I wonder if there isn't long range shits for this one] Darth Silver solo? God I love Steel Swords. Bought a whole bunch. I wish there's a version of it for axe though. A lot of them lately. Darkilla growing powerful... Beware Hector maxing skill in one more shot. I hate luna Infintie use sword, sure wish it's droppable. Axe get! Go fuck yourself Feeding Lyn The assassin is no more and I got an armorslayer out of it! Fiora 2 stronk They can go fuck themselves A mere axe cannot match Fiora's THWOMPNESS Luck get DIE HEALER DIE Fiora for president 2016 Ouch Darth Silver hates you for harming his new waifu Go away Brigands, I have business to do with the rest of these hookers. Yay, no more medic Meh Two miss Four miss Six miss Fuck you Well, considering all of your previous levels, I'll let it pass Hue HUE HUEHUEHUEHUEHUE Moved him while I was at it. Grind time. Slowly taking care of these lousy knights Huehue Brothwomp grows strong Sexgurl slaughtering those who aren't girls Darkilla chipping more lol More mage death Wow rude. The Duo Sith take care of the first sniper! Darth Silver on other hand... get a shitty hp. Raven chip the last one. Hector breaks a sword. Oh yeah One more hit... Fiora take out a knight. Sexgurl you failure Dammit brothwomp. Yay hector! Maxed Skill! The bitch has been consumed The sisters destroy Last one! FIN!
  8. Please note many were harmed in the production of this film [spoiler=The numbers Mason, what do they means?] Forgot to get her in the chapter, the moment I got progress, I had forgotten about Fiora's requirement and ended up restarting. :\ Raise the curtain! Mine now. Bartre feed Go sit here Florina and wait for your lovely sister. Sword afar Are you fucking kidding me? (Last runs had him getting blessed gain at that level, guess not this round.) Okay, all nomads on the top corner are dead!!! Darth Silver isn't pleased by your attempt at poking him. Dorthwomp to 1 hp. Ow Don't touch me you filthy casual Casual Silly spearer thinking he can hit Dorthwomp Healing to 26, just enough for Dorthwomp to kill Surprise Go fuck yourself eclipse DEAD FALCONKNIGHT IS DEAD. That sword would have been so nice though. . . No mercy Bitch give yo life to Darkilla Death awaits the insolent fool RISE YO DONGOR I hate hit rate. Get~ Hector. Again. Does this game like Hector or something? Anyway, best Hector atm. I want Farina though. KNEEL Poor Bartre Purplvern has no fear toward an arrow! Eh. PRY OPEN TEH PASSAGE You kidding me... Ha. Noob Raven being Ravenly Failwood No chance TEAMWORK SIBLINGS POWER Purplvern does not like being shined on by moon Boom Whee Wheest No. And Darth Silver was baiting instead of engaging. Dat skillz Go fuck yourself long range lance Darkilla requires more materials to consume the worlddddd I don't know why. Oh yeaaaah.
  9. Fleet is an unit on Epharim route, it's a sea unit that attacks from range. Also Joshuna The Demon King :>
  10. Don't forget to include a Lightning too. Zomwin ran out of his 2-3 chapters before Lucius.
  11. Darth Silver killed him with silver sword in melee, I don't think you can say Silver Sword has a weakness. [spoiler=War of the Boats] Darkilla got the kill with Luna. Miss Hit. Hector on the blue sea~ Gangslyn hates rogues. The hate evolves. Darth Silver protecting the side! FLUX! FLUUUUUUUUUUUX Sexgurl you lil cheeky bastard Ow. OW you sword bastard Darth Silver annihilate life. You bastard Nope chuck testa SPEED! no resistance still. . . Angry Purplvern is angry And Darkilla steals his prey once again. Dammit EMBLEM WEAPONS GET SEXGURL CONTINUE BEING SEXY Serra need to axe a question. LONGSWORD GET Sisters doesn't like being hit, you know that gentlemen. Last one is get now. :\ WHITE SCREEN WHITE SCREEN EVERYWHERE. A wild Flux has been caught! Purplvern hiss at the presence of armors SHINE BE MINE No mercy Fuck you. Darkilla doubles with a flux! More questions to be axed Nearing that bastard MUSCLE AND WARD ACQUIRED ONCE AGAIN DARTH SILVER IS DYING. WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN PURPLVERN IS NOT PLEASED SERRA IS SATISFIED WITH THE QUALITIES OF THE ANSWERS HERETICS ARE DOWN Sword vs Axe, Axe win Balanced SEXGURL AND DARTH SILVER TEAMWORK GAIN PROMOTION Leila~ Turns out he's not monk. Just a thwomp
  12. >:( [spoiler=The Torment under the Darkness] GIVE ZOMWIN HIS NEW BRAIN TOME Sold Pray Darth Silver acquires an axe that hurts self. OH SHIT! DAMN MONOCLE, YOU SCARY One hit, one miss. To feed this sexy lady... wait it's a male? Okay. Transilicus So it begins. The one-sided massacre... THE FUCK? SWORDSLAYER 42 DMG ASDFGHJKZXCV Okay new try GIVING HIM SHITS AND LEARN SHIT RNG still same. Oh god. OH GOD. CAN'T LAND EITHER. FEED OH GOD A MISS AGAIN SEXGURL SLAYS TRANSILICUS KILL UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL YOU LIL FUCK (Yes, new run. Again) HECTOR BOLT NOW IT REALLY BEGINS, THE ONE SIDED MASSACRE Owned Gains muscle and ward CLEANING UP So few are left now. TRANSILICUS GAINS MUSCLES AND TACTICAL Well I was bored. Now I get. Overkill much? There should be a texture tiles of blood on the ground around him. Feeding Purplvern SEXGURL IS GRUMPY HE HUNGERS Thwomp Soon... SOON Shortbow get! Get Get~ THUNDER! Oh god, no, please no, I already had this Monk Dart the other run D:< But I can't promote...
  13. Oh Klok, you so cruel. Anywho. New update. Commentating block is gone! [spoiler=Siege on Lyn's Grandpa] Just to be reminding, this is everyone's stats that I will either be using or perhaps benched. Already a Godlike mercenary. He has yet to die. (Except for the Knight extra, but that was just to check to see if he crit.) Slightly useful, he doesn't get doubled often which is a miracle, but he can't land a crit regularly, what the heck is this rng? The Anti-Jeigan Darth Silver, used for dangerous enemies or in clutch situation where someone could die if he doesn't kill the unit nearby. Recently slayed a Jedi Master A decent physical tank that can somewhat double due to his con ignoring the wts of his weapons. May or may not be end game material. Use till level 5 Berserker to where I'll bench till the gaiden chapter for Karla. Will not be end game material due to how he's looking. Most destructive unit in the party, she doubles all the time, she ignores physicals, and due to be formerly magical she has high resistance which is further boosted by Wolf Beil, definite an end game material. A on-fence unit, she may or may not be capable of reaching the end game, otherwise 10/10 Very shaky stats with that low con that prevents her from being able to not get doubled. Very unlikely to get used. All rounder nomad, unlikely to be end game. Strongest of Lyn Party, definite end game material. Strong unit due to the light tome being light as fuck (presumably a joke pun by Klok in his drunkard mode) Will probably reach end game if I can find a space for him after the chapter. Good stats, poor item start, may or may not reach end game, will use nonetheless for the later chapters. Hahahahahah MOST WANTED. Best stats one could possibly ask for. Definite an end game material. Slightly better than the Hahahahahah, but will see what happen. Gonna try and snag this bad boy. First attempt. Bah. At this point, I forgot I needed Darkilla for Raven. Getting rid of the steel bows archers. Front liners going down~ Fuck this unit. Oh god a crit. Crap stat Phew, he survives. Not bad. Lyn on the trek to solo the cavaliers reinforcement I'm just getting rid of the later units to make it easier for my units to get through before these green npcs decide to kill themselves. Sexgurl getting beastly. You lil fuck Dorcas brutally destroy a defenseless horse in a threesome. Sexgurl is too god damn gud 18 skl, Hector. EIGHTEEN SKILL. Fuck this nomad in particular. SHE HITS! The archer stood no chance. Gets even awesome! GET! RAVEN TO PLACE HIMSELF TO TAKE THE TWO BAD BOYS NORTH OF HIM! Yeah... That hammer hit him... Darth Silver is now a monster. Sexgurl snag the last one. I could use some speed you know, or even resistance. They begins. Sweet Feeding Darkilla now. They never will stand a chance against the thwomp that is Gangslyn Awesome shot, still a miss. Swell. Still feeding. Darkilla, please actually get good level for once with that lousy item start. Gangslyn still dunking. So swell Sexgurl still gud *Faints* His first action! And he gets spd. Still at it. Slowly but surely. Oh yes! A feeding target for Darkilla. ... Get! For Zomwin! How dare you not take sexgurl's mighty pen. Well, take Failwood's almighty crit. Last piece of reinforcement I think Great! Feeding the Failwood's chip. Let's put him here to chip for people. WHAT THE FUCKING HELL? THAT WASN'T A REGULAR SPEAR. WOW FUCK YOU KLOK. OKAY NEW PLAN. These mercs are still popping out like newborns on a new year festival. Good! Wait, what is that tiny piece of hp bars at bottom? o.o DORCAS DESTROY~ Gains muscles SEXGURL SLAYS GAINS THWOMP Ofucking course. No.
  14. Well I could, but I like keeping characters alive. I'm a bit of perfectionist when it comes to strategy rpg. Right now, this axereaver pegasus knight is killing my poor Lucian every single time, or Failwood if Lucian wasn't nearby.
  15. Nope. After the knight extra unit in the previous chapter, it went to 1 use, used it up to feed a level to another unit (I'm already on Dread Isle, but the damn commentating is wearing me down and the fact I have shitload of images :\)
  16. [spoiler=The Duel of Darth Silver and Master Jedi Steelix] Benching Guy this time, he's fucking useless... Following the same shopping usual However, due to the amount of images I have for this chapter alone, I'll summarize it with clutches and levels. Sorry folks! Dat Pegasus crit Darkilla takes it Get! Darth Silver vs Thwomp Tree ...This went on for about 11 turns, just btw. Dodges and heals alike. :\ Oh jeez Florina crit always op It continues Yay! NO Savestate Even better Now it resume No crit ;c Still a failure Wow fuck you Dem dodges dudes No lyn pls no Sain buffed He finally hits! NO Good fkmoisgkdye I savestated a turn before, all's good. Ugh. I burnt through like 2 vulneraries by now. Slowly getting better, soon soon! Dorcas just beating up horse reinforcement Almost... Ugh jerk. Sigh... The duel nears it finale. Feeds boss kill, disappointing level. WHY AND DARTH SILVER IS THE VICTOR Giving to Sain. Fin
  17. [spoiler=Ascending the Premise] As much as I hate it, I have to bench her because of the tome restriction, I'd rather wait till I can get a flux tome, but it's 1 range locked, so it'll be a bit tricky to train her. Gave her the shield as promised. Also, Lyn Party! Hector!Lyn. Oh god the terror. Slightly better than Failwood, but dat con man. Hahahahahaha Nomad Kent, the Red Bowman. Fear his horse BetterthanCrossdresser/10 you sexy sexy beast. Too bad I can't call you Sexthwomp to honor the man. With 5000g from Blue Gem Lyn has, I got 9k, TIME TO BURN IT ALL ON STEEL SWORDS Whoohoo... Also Hand Axes Trading over Steel swords to Sain just because. NEXT! FOR KENT Two of them, can't be too safe. And now for Wil. Trading a fire to Floirina for extra ammos Hector says fuck your safety. Serra owie Nope Haha no. Oh okay. Oh baby Failwood. You never cease to amuse me. Lyn DODGES Feeding Florina. ZOMWIN REQUIRES FLESH FAILWOOD NEED TO TRAIN ALL'S GOOD BREAKS SWORD TO FEED BARTRE The Siblings ownage Ahhh dat palette it burnnnnnnnssssss That Palette But Sain has the sexiest palette alive. Lyn always has that palette for some reason, KLOK PLS NO FIX IT LOOKS SO GUD, DAT YELLOW/BROWN HAIRDO. Ow. Bitch Kent surviving You can guess this was a double, and she got hit once ;v Crit rng fails me So Failwood's taking it once again. HEAL SERRA HEAL BRIGAND NO BAD BOY The extra unit of this map. Impossible to kill with your units unless you have a godlike Darth Silver. See? Even though Steel Sword is rather low hit rate, Hector has high skill, that tells you about the unit's opness Sain the Sexgirl winning Wow, rude Datquote I happened to save state sometime before, I don't know... Dorcas guud Kent missing somehow. Wil didn't crit the merc either... Lyn best Hector? Nah That belongs to Serra for the moment. Motherfuck
  18. Oh my god, Lyn's party are so much better than my previous runs. You guys should be swelled for them. But first, Hall of Death! [spoiler=Carnage in the Laus Castle] First thing first. Destroy the reinforcement trigger. Like this c: If I had a General or Hero Marcus, they'd just wait with their 2-3 range weapon, but since... he doesn't have one, better to blow him up now than wait. Shield get! Priscilla'll get this, I wanna baby her. Destroying the troublesome mage over the wall. Closing the gap. Serra best Hector Darth Silver too speedy DIVINE RETRIBUTION OF ZOMWIN Hector too Lynish Ow Oh speed! That Crit Fucking Rng NEW TRY! Instead of throwing axes, I'm going to bash face in Swapped Serra with Bartre, better that way I guess Hmm... Dangit Oo a crit! Nope I savestated Let's try this way And of course, Failwood still crit since two round was used all the same. Feeding Priscilla a kill, too bad she didn't get a level. GO SIT HERE BARTRE THE BEAST Well Crossdresser dodged one at least. He never stood a chance. Dorcathwomp best dodge And Darkilla can't dodge a curving axe Savestate to Zomwin again. Attacking from this place this time. Wtf just happened to the RNG? How about this. Good. Crossdresser being out of the range from one knight changed it! Never stood a chance still Dorcas so gud BARTRE WTF? Well he had to get hit at one point... Oh god the silver bow, well he dodged it. OH SHIT PHEW SERRA IS ANGRY HER BROTHER IS DYING, SERRA SMASH Dorcas hide behind her little sister and smash and become thwomper Ow, i hate you Hector. And I love you again. DEATH TO THE KNIGHT INFIDEL I refuse to move Darth Silver due to the thief, so from range it is. Oh Failwood... You continues to disappoint me. Clean up by the brain hungry boy. lol LOL Let's get this extra! Nope Let's try this. Better Serra so beastly Purr-fect lol Looming death descend SLAUGHTER Oh baby. A couple of turns to kill off, so I went in options to change things up. My bad for forgetting.
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