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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. That's what I was ughing for. The disappointment that it's not vanille.
  2. If you love that, you'll love this even more. [spoiler=Purple rain, purple rain.] Well, I need meatshield. Holy This and that to get the bad erk for his steel lance. Darth Silver to solo! (Silver as in his palette) One fucking pointless crit. NO NO POISON NO NO NO NO KNIGHT NO NO 1 hp off, such a fucking shame. Clean-up hitter Beautiful level. Rood Yeah the dude doubles. Hold on... What the fuck? Phew... STAHP Tank stats best stats HORSEBIRD GONE FOREST TO TRY AND SURVIVE? DEAD SOLDIER Oh yeaaaaaaah. Doubling. Whew Purple rain purple rain oh that's just your blood. How about this savestate... attempt? No crit, you disappoint me failwood. HORSEBIRD GONE Oh yeah... Dodge Dead LET'S TRY THIS -Fast forward to the space where Marcus was- BETTER DEAD KNIGHT WITH CRIT Wow fuck you DROP GET No battle animation either. SAD (Actually... that reminds me, he never had a battle animation for all of the reclass I've done that I did earlier, maybe that's why he has shit class and stats, KLOK CHECK!) Good good Well at least you got speed to double with. Darth Silver so gud Ow. ;c Darth Silver getting hit by heavy armor with a bow, so sloooooooow Missed twice, lol. PIRATE NO LOOTIN PRISCILLA Completely unneeded... Okay. Ferrying out Failwood, That steel sword scare me ;c LOOK AT THAT. 12 DAMAGE A HIT, HE DODGED ONE THOUGH, THANK GOD NEARING DAT PRISCILLA OH SHIT THAT WAS CLOSE Not Pink Lyn/10 Feeding Bartre still IRON BLADE GETZ TOXIC NO INTOXICATING Fucking ow. HE HAS FALLEN! PRAISE THE ANGELOIDS Ugh. No dark tome for a good while too :c KLOK PLS Dat 9 dmg crit Lootz Definitely Not PinkLyn/10 Runningoutofroomtogetpicsin Final Unneeded crit of the chapter. whee... 9 use Luna now. I also bought an iron sword, and some fire tomes for failwood. Nextup
  3. [spoiler=RNG HAS BEEN DEFEATED] Same cycle as my previous attempt. With a minor difference. . . I healed these two this time! Double swag Crit feed Hector so good. Marcus the 0 fuck giver Dorcas the thwomp Darth Marcus Hector hating brutes Ouch Failwood treasuring his tome LET'S GET DAT GOLDz Feeding Bartre a bit to get him to lv 5 berserker. HECTOR PREPARING FOR CLEAN UP Both dead. 5k get! 3 turns to ends Fin
  4. The real question is. Did she get hit or not?
  5. [spoiler=Death Streak is too damn high] Fuck Reset Oh god, he's black. I fucking quits
  6. Triple posting is too cool for me. [spoiler=Oh god the sword] Originally, this would be where Marcus kill the merc, but since he doesn't have 2-3 range weapon like Hand Axe or Steel Lance start, but whatever. Boss can kill him from where he is, just a head up. -hums sith lord theme song- I wish this was a crit. :c But it's okay, Dorcas got his back. DEATH TO FIGHT Crossdresser goes here. At least he die. %^$# Oh god, a double, but it's okay, Failwood got swags 1-800-MARCUS-SUICIDE-SOLUTION and Failwood was the first caller.
  7. I have two hectors on my Myrmidon!hector run, where I have femerc serra, myrmidon lyn, myrmidon fiora(i actually don't know how I got this, considering this is her class in the original chaos) Five myrmidon models. I also have three eliwoods on my lyn!hector run. :\
  8. [spoiler=Hector's trek on the river.] Oh god the lel. 2 con 1 aid. So much lelz 12 wt killing edge. -10 speed. FUN. Feed! Give him this too. Wow, a crit, so rude. dat 15 dmg dod. That Palette of marcus. so semxy Suiciding archer is fun. Hector can walks on water! Thwomped Wow... Marcus permacrit is fun Best at dodging too. Dorcas so gud Get to studying! I need you nice and mad for your Karla meeting. Much dodge Such kill Marcus the dodgemaster Was afraid of this guy after Serra's fatal wounding. Real. Serra's payback Overkill You kidding me. HEAL Hectory has a deep hatred for the best axe in game. No. Tink Thunkow Dodge Crossdresser get! Dat palette tho Clean up hit Serra such a nice girl. Hector for the critswag Zomwin too What time? Soldier decided to go bully matthew :c Feeding crossdresser Iron off No crit. :c Clean Zap Zappiest Fuck her. ow SPINNING ZOMWIN! The fire crit ratio is so nice No more cavaliers! Skill! Sold! Buying some vulneraries, can't be too safe. And handaxes, can't forget the best axes in game. And an iron sword for crossdresser. THE ELECTRICITY IT BURNNNNNNN Wow, three hp only level up this entire chapter? Real.
  9. [spoiler=Demlords] May the Saint bless you. The most hated woman in game has gotten the very class of the person who hates her. MAY THE GOD HAVE MERCY UPON US. Mage again, unlike the last one... he just has a fire tome. Poor him. Fear the god. Still benched Mightuse...justnotthischapter Oh sweet jesus. Fighter, but even better. Bless Karla. Hector to here and kill the bird with two stones...I means lightnings He never had a chance. That Palette. Put Dorthwomp here and wait. Done Dorcas isn't being Hectorly. That palette is so beautiful Hector that can double is fun Did I mention Oswin looks like a zombie with that palette? Let's call him Zomwin Ignore the brigand, he's worthless with wta. Bartre so gud. He looks pretty tanned. Too much beach party I imagine. Acquired Trade hand axe to him for now. Maybe... Done He never stood a chance either. I wish that'd be a tink, but whatever. Ow. Serra sucks. Dorcas the better hector Zomwin kills the merc that dares to harm my little Serman Pointless crit is pointless Bolt>bird I can't trust Hector to double her. Incoming maxed skl Move Failwood here to make him a man. Hector. . . . . . Failwood has some good swag i guess Torched Zomwin winning. That was disappointing waste of a time.
  10. [spoiler=Fresh Approach of a New Destiny] Hector's stat. Very good as compared to the Archer!Hector, now he can double! whoohoo Give Hector the Armorslayer and attack the wall to his right with iron lance. Hector breaks it with iron blade. Kill the soldier with Matthew as usual. Oh god, that palette. . .kill it with fire! Toasted Archer is toasted. Next turn, have matthew walk up to Hector in front of the door and take a vulnerary from him and open the door. You don't need him. Because he's already this strong. That archer stood no chance. Great level. I'd recommend to go back and heal yourself with vulnerary, but since I'm an idiot, I forgot to and waited instead. The thief looted the chest, and now you steps back and kill him, then take it. Swag On your turn, walk to the doorway and equip iron blade and heal yourself. Iron Blade is probably the only buyable sword that has 1-2 range, as far as I am aware. Steel Blade is 2 range. Silver Sword and Blade is 1-3 but buyable late. You lil fuck Toast. Rescue him with Matthew and begin your joyride of bromance Drop him the turn after the next and attack the last archer with armorslayer. Done~ Next chapter coming in 30 minutes. (Screening atm)
  11. Oh god... OH GOD The HORROR Well actually I have an empty run that I hadn't done, though I'd rather do Lyn!Hector, but Merc!Hector is okay. Actually. I'll let you choose. I have TWO empty run with reclass already in. First is already mentioned. Merc!Hector. The second is Eliwood!Hector Added poll I'll add a third option. Fuckiti'lljustbecomeastripper I guess Merc!Hector wins since I asked my friend about it.
  12. Don't remind me about these extra units, No way I could ever get them on this run as compared to my random re-class runs. I also told my friend who likes FE about this. He thinks you're retarded. I am sad now :( Edit: I don't wanna go back to this run either. Too braintwerking with heal!marcus. I'd rather have my General!Marcus or Hero!Marcus.
  13. No. I held out fine, I'm just hating the stats rng. In general, I was seeing how I could clear the map in 1 go without save state. Didn't work because of how ugly the rng were.
  14. That's why then. He has to be level 5 warrior on vanille to be able to meet Karla.
  15. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but the god damn rng on those levels are so bad. :(
  16. It self hurts. Had it happen to me during my alternative class run of his hack. (My run is easier than this bullshit he calls Chaos, everything flows pretty well, unlike these rng he has on.)
  17. Is there random equipment currently applied? Cuz... I got this. With E rank light too. Rather strange. (I apologize for derailing)
  18. Steel Bow is too powerful on Marcus. He solo'd the entire raid. :o
  19. Well. Well. Well. I found something I-n-t-e-r-e-s-t-i-n-g. Look at this. A wyvern rider, a knight, and two soldiers. And Hector!Raven Hey look, it's not Lucius Wyvern rider, instead... he's a god damn soldier. Are the Unrecruitable NPCs supposed to be classchange-able? Now look at this. Hector!Raven. Geeh I think I didn't get a Hector too. Ohwait. I did. Rather interesting situation. Also, what the hell is this palette for Lyn? Heath-like hair, nonsacae clothing color.
  20. Oh, what happens if one get a soldier character? I got Soldier Wil. :| (But I got myrmidon lyn lol, what's the difference?)
  21. ohgodpouroilsonitandburnitandtheplanetitdwellson! Ps Klok, I like this reclass one better than that satanic spawn you calls your Chaos Mode. Apparently. Serra got to high B sword Rank with iron blade, (and finishing it to A with an iron sword.) I'm guessing Iron Blade is like that steel axe?
  22. Oh my god... What's with swordfighters random?
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