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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. It better shows gore for the title screen dem bloods dem lines
  2. No. Just betting that someone's adding in little animal. I have no talent for such.
  3. plsno edit: my body is ready Horray for no heal. >.> Oh look, no heal staff either
  4. I'm trying to patch it on chaos lol edit: now it works with venom Fuck this shit A new random with Lyn as Wyvern Rider Guess what? Fucking wut Edit: Forced to redo random because of bolting iron sword in chapter 2. I have a sad luck don't I?
  5. I can't apply the fix patch for some reason. Keeps saying the patch doesn't match the file.
  6. Ignoring the comment about hair since we each have our own opinion on her hairs, I just see it as Lavender and agrees after comparing the official color with her, you could keep your thought to the Silver side, and personally, I think Silver is awesome but... I can't deny what I see. Which characters do you want to share? I'd prefers to keep Aenir to myself but. . .
  7. Oh my god, a gender confused character! I totally wanna do it too but... I don't know what to add.
  8. Seeing as you won't share Idun, I won't share mine to you. Life's a bitch.
  9. Wrong. It is not the Idoun, but rather the futuristic Idoun, which doesn't exist within FE6. Therefore, she isn't Idoun of FE6.
  10. I HAVE CLAIM KAGA KOKO, LINDA, BANRI TADA, CHINAMI OKA, NANA, MITSUO YANAGISAWA, SATO TAKAYA (2-D-kun) from the anime Golden Time (Don't ask why one of them is naked, I don't know either.) And I officially claims the characters Idoun and Mark, from my own hack/fanfiction, Realm of Dragons. And the characters that spell the name of Idenn. 遺伝
  11. The anime, Golden Time, has finally ended, I personally recommend it, it's a great romance!
  12. I have bunch of things to do. I have 3-4 playthroughs to do, my own life, and I have my hack to think about too. I'm just taking a break at the present moment. Dragon Gate, I promise you, is fucking ridiculous. But since you want an update as soon as possible, I'll go ahead and get started on my fifth run of the chapter. (I erased the other runs because trust me, it's ugly to look at.)
  13. You're not going to believe this, but using Klok's chaos mode, a sps save of hard mode (since apparently it got overwritten and I had to import it again) But with the item randomization. I got this. . . These dude can OHKO her, but luckily their hit rate are bad. I was incredibly surprised. (I think there need to be a way to preserve the hard mode you have on your own file. Unless I'm incredibly dumb) Edit: Found an interesting bug. Florina throws the 2 range iron lance at the mercenary, it doesn't hit, nothing happen expect her throwing it without the camera moving to the mercenary. No damage are displayed or anything. He dies. Edit2: Game freeze when Lucius attacks with Devil Axe (Works fine with Iron Axe)
  14. Hard to get quotes from IPChat, and screening won't work because lot of conversation going on. He's posting soon though.
  15. Proto and I talked. The Idoun I claimed is the Idoun of my FE story. And the characters of Idenn that spells her name. With that, they're mine 100%
  16. Unfortunately, they don't count since I already claimed the two names beforehand. Why are you complaining? You despite Idoun name, which is completely against you. Either give up on Idoun and Idenn and take Idun for yourself, or be hypocristic and go against your belief for the sake of having names you hates to not belong to anyone?
  17. Three names, One character. Difference of name claim. I'm pretty sure I can claim the names that you didn't claim~ @Shadow. Sure. It can clones itself, so you're allowed to have a cell. .w.
  18. Jaffar has to be spoken to with Nino and survives the chapter for the gaiden to happen.
  19. I claims Idenn of the Three Demon Dragons name to be added to my Idoun's side, and Jenova of FFVII (If she has been released)
  20. Alright I guess I'll go into more details. Firstly, his head faces directly toward us, yet, his eyes, hairs are directed toward else where. I'd suggest using someone with the same direction for eyes, hair, and ear. (Geese is good one to splice on to face. There are also few bosses of FE6 to use.) Secondly, his armor isn't something you can really call original, it's just Heath's armor slapped on. Sure it's a good start, but try to make it less Heathy, and more You. (In style, not you-you lol)
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