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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. Alright, thanks. I'll have some result tomorrow.
  2. ...I can't believe I threw out useless yet full of hint information
  3. How's this? Inb4 I didn't improve
  4. Could use feedback. I'm still working on it, but as I'm 100% pure novice and noob at this thing, I'd like everyone's opinion on what should be in, and what shouldn't be.
  5. God dammit Mew. Stop making me question my sexuality!
  6. Fateborn

    Solum's sprites

    ...Solum said it's a he.
  7. Agreed. So Kamon. Get on with it. :D We're satisfied but you'd have to feed us more later.
  8. Is that what's-her-face's promotion class animation?
  9. Fateborn

    Dat Merc

    Katarina's hair is too puffy for the vanilla Katarina, try and shrink it?
  10. Funny enough, I didn't have much trouble chapter 8.
  11. Probably because you recruited him when he was a green unit without the boss symbol.
  12. Just a query. How far do you plans on taking this hack to in amount of chapters?
  13. you have to apply the ups file to a blank US FE8 rom using NUPS program.
  14. [spoiler=Completed Game thoughts] Now that some of us finished the game, and what I presume to be the FINAL boss is revealed, are you sure you can preserve the bosses badassry without Hellios Demon King to stand in? I'm sure it's possible and I believe in you, but it can be a hard process.
  15. Is it recommended to download 1.1 before downloading the next update after? I'm a bit worried about my hard work going missing if I wait with 1.0 for 1.2 update.(Seriously, fuck Chapter 5 and 6, and 8 to some extent. I CAN'T imagine what they'd be like in hard mode...)
  16. Naw, just being concerned. I means, if it wasn't intended, and no one reported it because they thinks it's fine, and well. . . you might become obsessed with it.
  17. [spoiler=Text] The line before this. Hel Demon King talks then "pfft" without a pause. Edit: Yeah, I think I saved in battle prep. (Of course, that chapter was brutal for those who weren't prepared like me. Got 5 deaths, and four of them didn't have the handsome brigand that brings almost nothing but brute force and beef to your team)
  18. Okay. Route split. Oh the decision... Oh right. Savestate. Oh it ends there. . . Edit: Before this derail thread again. I'm going to try and grab the screenie of chapter 4 text error i mentioned before before I go to sleep.
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