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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. I dumped the animation from FE6 and inserted it on a class animation to test it. Every battle, he'd have this specific (I think it's Nergal) animation that doesn't belongs plays as he preps up his attack, and after settling down his sword. Any idea to get rid of it?
  2. Unplug your computer. If you wakes in the morning to finds out you can't turn it on, that'd be a good time to do your homeworks.
  3. Dropping out due to wish for focal effort on my project.
  5. Progress Report: Prologue 35% completed. Need Text study, and additional informations to continue.

  6. So, in other word. 0x00 is 0, 0x01 is 1, 0x02 is 2, and the the letters are the next number after the last numbered index?
  7. I'm curious about this function in Nightmare to try and experiment with Event Assemble result.
  8. Yeah, the Phantom is from FEditor animation thread, I don't know who made it, and I couldn't careless right now. I'm putting this one aside for now as I don't need Phantom for this short hack. Nah. Right now I want experiences doing it myself, so I'm not starting one yet. When I'm finished with Metztli's Tale, I'll go make a concept thread and see if people are willing to help. :U Edit: Check, doesn't seems to find it. Haha... Thanks though.
  9. -Cough- (This is slightly bugged. But workable, the prologue-chapter10 text get messed up when you choose the route) (Prototype stats) (Testing model and whatnot, not the true map.) Full sheet Surprise! I'm making a short hack featuring Metztli. (It's not 10 chapters long. No one can change the Mode Selection Route thing, just the model which is based on the first Lords model, and the words are unreplaceable, can't find them anywhere in FEditor) I'll have Prologue slightly ready in a couple of days.
  10. Okay, I'm trying to do a map with tile change effect and made a map based on Chapter 11H of FE7, but expanded out a bit. I made a few trial and errors with the aid of PhantomHanrei otherwise known as Ash. Right now I'm almost at the end of finishing the map and something is keeping me from inserting it. It gave me Tilechange without Id error despite these... Screenshots proof of every tile change with an id in the order from topleft to bottom right starting from the main layer. [spoiler=HUGE IMAGES] I'm in distress and is at point of insanity if I continued working on it trying to figure out what's wrong. Edit: Nevermind. Fixed. Currently trying to fix palette error.
  11. @Darcy, try to avoid using this forum's attachment, they shrink images all to hell forcing us to click on them. Try to host images and post url.
  12. I wasn't talking about Lyn Mode stats though, I was talking about how all three lords had same class. Also. her level is 1. In chapter 16, her level is 4.
  13. Fun fact. Trick rooms counter baton pass since usually people have speediers passers first. That's why I like Trick room party :o
  14. Fateborn

    Dat Merc

    No shurikens on his back? D:
  15. Any way to preserve both Nightmare and Feditor modifications to a rom?
  16. I ripped Echidna from FE6 and inserted her in FE7 using Feditor for a prototype FE to serve as a runner up to my future hack. I would like to know how exactly one would fix this sorta of palette. See below.
  17. I demands to see a sexy dude spriting on his computer if you'll be so willing to draw that. c:
  18. A shame that it barely got much further with the new updates, but I'm glad you're making good progress on new features!
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