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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. I'm back! [spoiler=Oh noes Fogz] Faith. Faith everywhere. Better known as useless counties. Affairs of dirty old man. Surely. BENCHED Pack that in your useless paper armor and carry our cargo baldie! Ahh music... Chop. Don't Care. Fog=Water=STAMINA! Hores no chance Such a magnificent sight. A half naked muscle man tucking in his legs and go for a cannonball into the sea. Much rude. Dingdong Sweeping the floor of carcasses. Maxed speed!... of course that's to be expected. Now she can finally take actions. Note: I turtlenecked topleft corner with Florina sitting on the fort. Slowly pushing out. Florina bored. 3balanced5me I have arrived at the castle! R&R But there is no impostor. Only Lyndis. Sword trump over lance! Ow. Stupid baldy Almost maxing sklz Don't care. Don't care. Don't care. Don't care. I'm almost tempted to replace Lyndis with Metztli.
  2. I have a funny feeling that I saw something like that in Nightmare on class or character editor, did you try that?
  3. C-Can we have that one instead of the default Lord?
  4. Isn't carrying the butt with dignity.
  5. Poor your untainted virgin sockets of vision that reverse what we see in our head to give us the world.
  6. Get going! Should be going to his job.
  7. Oh true that. Been having harsh times lately. Probably checked my new hack.
  8. YOU'RE ALIVE! Abandoned 'Idenn' avatar.
  9. Said the guy who watched No Game No Life.
  10. Apparently changed things? A-At least I don't post the real hardcore ones! Who?
  11. May or may not checked the new content in my signature.
  12. I suppose I'll post a new progress update. 1. I'm changing Items stats and balance it out to not be a one hit wonder on each map. (I'm sure you find having a character being able to kill a dodge units or remarkably armored unit in one turn boring.) This will also lead to the player having to think about item choices. Swords now carry crits, but are vaguely weak in powers, they rarely miss. Lance is the balance of all stats. Axe now carry powers, but less crit happy, this includes Tomahawk and Killer Axe, to which will be modified to be less weight in exchange for crit, making it a favorite of warrior and such, perhaps may need a name change for that. Uncertain about Bow. I think I'll make them power, but less hit in exchange for crit. I means, it's pretty hard to land an arrow unless you're incredibly skilled. I'll adjust the numbers for bow users character to reflect this, no worries. I'm open to suggestions however. Here's what they CURRENTLY look like. They are subjected to change. I am still testing them of course. That's why I'm still testing. I need to work out the WTS to make the stats balanced. 2. I'm making each map difficult to present challenges for LTCer and 0 growths, while keeping it fun for the casual players. 3. Not much progress with eventing, still testing out a couple of things. 4. New Hilda mug. Just a peek.
  13. Then you're welcomed to try then, but it'll be pretty difficult considering the layout of chapter 4... I'm sure you can do prologue to chapter 3 without much difficulty, and chapter 5 doesn't count lol.
  14. Unfortunately... you can't beat it with growth turned off. Kamon balanced the monsters to be as powerful as your own units.
  15. You stayed true to Garen's character. His over sized cauldrons! Horray!
  16. Chapter 7 feels harder than before. Probably because I'm playing without Hellios haha... Screens pre-chapter7, hadn't beaten it yet >.>
  17. He's not. The Robin from future was Grima. That's why Robin lost memories, Grima tried to take over the alternative Robin's body and ended up being repealed by unknown reasons, i think it was a mind issue. So really the Robin that you plays as is from the same timeline as the story you're in. So. On to the topic, I wouldn't consider it creepy or pedophilia. Remember, Time Travel is something we can't prove yet, so there are many different theories for it, however there is one thing that would cause Lucina to remains in the same timeline to which I'll explain later. Take this as an example, and since I like Lucina I might be biased, Lucina travels to past to stop Grima's awakening and save her father. She had no interests in love until presumably you meets her and somehow makes her fall for you, hell if I know how Robin does it, he is very charming...I might just fall for him at first sight, even if I'm male. nohomointended You make baby with her, she pressed a nail into the timeline that keeps her in because she now has changed history with her own genes by bringing a new life into it. -nosebleed- Which is why the ending with Lucina and Avatar states that she stayed with him.
  18. Fateborn

    FEE3 2014

    Totally this. I means, it's so obviously fake.
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