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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. I'd rather have Norne than Gordin.
  2. Body is too small for that head. Get creative with that~
  3. Is there a way to clear a map of units at the end of chapter for on-map events?
  4. Trying to get the FIGH code to work, but it states the codes AttackerHit and the likes are not found. Here's my code in order as how I put them in. And a part of the cut off event (to hide few of the details between the previous and the current) If anyone could help me clear up few things about FIGH since Arch wasn't very clear with his explanation of it in that dummies thread. (Tried to pm, hadn't been replied to yet, and I'd like to move forward to the next chapter without worries about the current)
  5. Female Sedgar and Roshea? Now I have two characters to prefer over others.
  6. I assume it's a "choose an ally to fight for you" and others will either disappears forever or appears later.
  7. I'm saying it looks like he's planning on using Ewan.
  8. Looks like he is from the last video.
  9. L-lewd Joking aside, this isn't bad considering this appears to be your first hack.
  10. Oh I didn't know you sprited. Interesting. Do you plan on making more?
  11. I ran into a caitlyn player in ranked a week ago. she won bottom lane with her support (due to the opposing adc's support not being in the lane and instead roamed top lane which was my lane and won it for the opposing top lane much to my disappointment.) I called caitlyn out on that as why she's not doing anything to cap on the missing support like taking dragon or denying opposing adc valuable cs. She didn't say anything but her support started saying that it was my fault for losing the lane not her, to which I said I wasn't blaming her, I was asking why she isn't doing anything to take advantage of the missing support. Later, Caitlyn said she was using script bot to afk farm and complained that we lost the game without her. ... What. I reported her for scriptbotting/afking. Wasn't bout to let her roam the community.
  12. Uhm. I only know how to do FE7 one, but if it's not that different... Check your rom with that map in nightmare under... chapter data editor. Change the, IF it's identical as fe7 one, second to fifth(?). They're coded to the map's palette that you chose. But I doubts that as the map of your and chapter 2 is identical, so it's likely an error else where. But try it anyway.
  13. Fateborn

    Dat Merc

    Jealousy intensify
  14. Alright, I think this palette is suitable. I made the color slightly lighter. I'd make it a bit more lighter but APE got clipboard error each time I tried to change it so I'm giving up for now. Let the speculation begin. Edit: New color.
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