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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. Fateborn

    Spriter's Guild

    Not putting in that chart? Or it's for second post huh.
  2. I don't remember voting for that new poll. Huh, interesting. Also, some of us has our own 'project' that we're working on, so maybe you should include those? For example, me and my Nemesis project.
  3. He was seeing more plays than any of the other ADC, so these nerf were warranted. He's just broken in how much dps he can deal over a fixed duration than any other adcs that he might as well be ad caster than adc.
  4. I should be thrown into insanity asylum. Why? Because... I'm trying my hand at full-custom mug. Taking a bit of inspiration from Redfield's recent work on the custom mug. (The one with outlining thing, it cleared my head up on how to start a custom mug) Using an image (Jibril for the curious) as base, I outlined the crucial part and painted in single color tone to placehold the specific parts. I think I'm off to a good start. /getthrownintoasylumanyway
  5. My fucking side. Played jungle cho. Stacked Hp. Never die. Was nearing 7k HP too.
  6. Went ahead and downloaded PBE client again, couldn't wait with Doom Bot
  7. It's not possible to revisit the FE8 without reusing Demon King considering that's the major antagonist in that universe. I'd rather they have a sequel to FE6 featuring Idoun and the story of Nergal/Aenir are involved.
  8. Perfect enough for me to hate her even more.
  9. Mugs- C/B (depending on whether or not I get creative.) Battle Sprite - -- Maps - D Yeah, pretty much that.
  10. Oh, and battle sprite is a big no-no for me too. I have no experience in any of it. so Mugs, and bit of maps is okay with me, but it would probably be better to ask others for maps, so. . . Mugs for me.
  11. I'm in Map too? But I sucks at making maps :C /me corner of shameful display
  12. Hmm. This is an interesting problem. On the Sisterly event, the text happens, and she receive the longbow, only to have the game reset to back to starting the game into the main menu. Considering the other ones are fine, something's strange. The only difference is that the event is bothway while the other three are one way. Edit: Tried to do the 'oneway' it still happens. I'm suspecting it may be the 0x03 one but I don't see the other trigger for that. Edit2: Bingo, it was 0x03. Guess this is a lesson well learned.
  13. FancyAssassinEntry and FancyThiefEntry's palette color? Just so they appears green, red, or blue however I choose.
  14. I-I can't remember my previous event. I'll do my best to rewrite code for code on the single event. I think that's it. (I removed few of the events to keep it private and did not exist on the previous event so, they're straightforward one so don't worry about them, they're fine) The fancy entry one and warp in doesn't seems to work together that well so I threw it out and came up with another way that worked better, though i wish you could change the fancy entry colors for both so it fits for better than just work. Edit: The event is ThiefArrive one.
  15. I took another way around it. I'm good for now.
  16. I don't know why, but the shields on the soldiers remind me of '300'
  17. Hide yo wife, hide yo kids, cause there is no escape from the nightmare.
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