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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. [spoiler=LYON ISDED] heal up marisa, fourth round's a charm? eirika/10 would bang and bench 10/10 would overuse GODAMIT Okay... YER SURROUNDED -eyetwitch- Once again... I wish you'd be more useful, but hey you're better than Syrene. But i'm certain if Syrene came at the same level and class as you started, she'd be better. That's how bad you fucking are. Not enough... Dammit. WOW SYRENE SO BAD First thing first, let's clean up those around just in case... And the things has finally come to closure. Oh god what's going on? One does not laugh at death. Just Tana being tana. Confessing at death is corny. JS. Pack your balls and go home Lyon. OHNOES HE'S GONE
  2. [spoiler=The Light of Finale Chapter Final] Useless character Where did he go? Funny, so do I. NO WHY FORCE NO FUCK YOU BENCHED Massacre zone Yet another same level as the last chapter. What? Now two chests are mineeeeee The fuck use do I have for this? Oh yesssssssssssssssss Let's move her back into action Oh. God Nope watdo... HP FOR MARISA. MARISA SMASH Alrighty, time to send her into a suicide mission. GOOD LUCK MARISA [spoiler=SILENCE YOU MERE WORMLING] [spoiler=She actually dies, sorry.] Kidding No way she'd die like that. One step closer to Lyon No way swordbreaker would touch Amelia. YOU LITTLE FUCK Bwahhahahaha -bwahha...?- I am so ready. savestate. Let's see... Nope. No silencer. GG NO RE Let's try this time. Nope, not this time either... Figures. Hahahahahaha She broke her edge. SADDAY BUT THAT'S OKAY. I HAVE MORE Might as well... Blah OH FUCK (I don't know if she lived or die, but I wasn't bout to find out.) -reset to last savestate- Same situation, but this time, she's not in danger zone! stuff Still no silencer. fuck you. Hahahah no. Heal up. Third round, same problem. crit, but no silencer. WHY WHYWHYWHYWHYWHY No. RAGE- Okay, back to the third round. Ugh She got hit by a skele, so rude. Not this time fuckers Part two with finale next post.
  3. No starting phase nor the other fail runs for this one since my imgur broke down while uploading to the point where everything froze, so I had to restart pc. :| (TOO MANY IMAGES I only had one fail run but it's rather short.) [spoiler=Crossing the River Styx Chapter 20] Neighing down the coastside Teamwork~ Useless Flying horse vs half horse. Flying pony win Executed Ferry time. And ferry consequence came faster than I expected. Okay, this time for sure! Turn 1 a kill already for Marisa! Got str for it too. ~ Tana ain't taking shits from nobodies Ahhh you mother fucker Rattling their cages. Revengeeee for Vanessa statue Stuffs Finish him for a level Keep going Syrefail Doom! Swag Swagger Even more swag TOO MUCH SWAGS Str~ NEIGH MOTHER FUCK NEIGH I AM SO READY Fools No. I AM SO READY Good so far. Ahh you motherfuck PAYBACK Perhaps, perhaps not. SAVE MARISA! why you... HEAL UP MARISA, YOU MUST BE READY FOR ROUND TWO! New disease. Ameliluck. I shall use this term every time a character get a luck only level for my next run. specifically FE7. VANESSA YOU WORTHLESS FUCK YOU GET HIT ON TOO. SO WORTHLESS That was annoying having to clear these damned eyeballs for a return trip. Fuck you gargoyle Damn, no route to teh dragon Go back in there you pussie Lol no chance GOT A ROUTE OPEN! GO MARISA GO Dodge a stink breath I always loved this strange effect when a silencer is activated on Morva, it doesn't trigger the purple/black thing, just a slight blurring of blackness with them both visible onscreen. Yeaaaaaaaaaah Just things between seize and boss kill The chapter finally ends! (Total of re-runs happens to be 5 times. of which, three were by either of the pegasus knights, one by neimi, and another by... i believe it was eirika. Poor Myrrh... Lyon just drop dead.
  4. I'm curious as to how you're going to solve getting Karla if you're not allowed to have Bartre. :>
  5. I don't remember a Phantom in KH. What was it again?
  6. I don't know either, it's a fad surge in the stream with kitty.
  7. Okay, Good. Cleared up. ... thisissoawkward
  8. apparently I thought Kinumi was a girl. Wow, rude of you guys to play around with me.
  9. I couldn't decide, but since I'm a sucker for tiki, I went for her.
  10. I'm a decent support, but I don't particularly likes it, why are you getting back into the game though? It's pretty toxic lately.
  11. I now realize... Lancereaver has really shitty uses. Neimi died because these fucking gargoyles wouldn't stop coming out. :( I better change inventories to pure lancereavers with a regular sword for cyclopes
  12. I held on to my chair with anxious for chapter 19 of fe8... it's uploaded to my thread btw. Give it a read.
  13. [spoiler=The Wake of Devastation Chapter 19] Thwomp SHE'S BACK IN ACTION. DESTROY DESTROY DESTROY SHE'S IN PLACE THANK TO TETHYS Even more speed. I'm starting to fear her now. TOOMANYHOWAMISUPPOSEDTOREACHTHEBOSS? Yay~ But she's getting weary now... Also that fucking level suck WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU AMELIA, GET MORE AWESOME PLS Overkill is fun Decent level. Both Warriors Same Survival Rate. Giggle DESTROY The sound wave made him bleed out of his ears killing him instantly. If only... SHE'S LOSING WEAPONS QUICKER THAN A MOSQUITO'S LIFESPAN That looks so cool Swag dodge Thanks god Marisa doesn't decide to crit everything, else she'd probably be forcing me to reset 6 times. LOOK AT DAT HP AND WEAPON. ALMOST EMPTY. ONE ELIXER LEFT. The wall is unshakeable Myrrh so gud That's just a waste of a crit... Owie FUCK YOU Marisa for extermination Warrior with monstrous strength. 0 damage. Guess Myrrh has too much defense for you. Almost twenty. SCARY SCARY SCARY TWENTY NEXT FIGHT. THAT GROWTH SO SCARY Yeah, she doubled and/or crit every single one. It was pure slaughter I laughed so hard. Good level~ There's that DOUCHEBAG that harmed her. A fucking bow. (Right under the health bar it's a Ranger) Moving back a bit since I have to preserve Myrrh, She's at 14 uses of stone now, so much ass whopping. Meanwhile... I sincerely hope you don't screw this up Amelia. Not bad Amelia. You deserve a medal. Poor things did not see what came. My phase of kill. Ran out of elixer for her, took one and healed. Then sent her back down. So gud. AND THIS HAPPENED. FIRST TIME Where was that crit when you first fought him... Alas. . . This is when I realized the right side was getting reinforcement, I rushed over my ponies. DESTROY She dodges better without a weapon apparently. Toned down stairway. GOOD LUCK. Yes... Yes...! YES Warrior isded Oops, forgot to change weapon when I sent her over to right. Hehe... Ouch Sidestep AT LAST... IT'S OVER Lesbians vibe~ Turns out she had it all along. WTF. Not going to use them, sorry. -give back- SHOP SPREE -buybuybuybuybuybuybuybuybuybuy- -storagefull- -SELLSELLSELLSELLSELLSELLOLDCRAPSANDUSELESSSWORDS- -BUYSMORE- Who should use this beauty? Might as well, she has lowest speed, and lowest hp. What a scrub.
  14. You have no ideas HOW lucky I was this chapter. 216 images taken in total, so two posts. [spoiler=Desolution of Rausten Chapter 19] L'Arachel being dotted on. Crying= Make-up ruined. The more you know. L'Arachel lecturing like she usually does. This game is getting old. Weaklings Eirika benched Time to get picking. Revenge is lame you know that. But it is certainly sweet if you get someone so hard that they can't comeback. WHY ARE YOU HERE? YOU'RE BENCHED Just to be a bit of a distance away so Tethys doesn't get mercenaries'd First druid. NEXT A tiny slab of iron breaking armors. So nice~ Brave Lance is a no-no. That reminds me... I never got Brave Axe from this chapter. dem hit rate Mercenary #1 down. A perfect level is always lovely. Mercenaries are no more~ Amelia so boss. OH A BRAVE SWORD! Dancing for Neimi so he go for the swordmaster. Brave sword get! Death awaits these opposing the Benched Princess. Slowly toning down the north hall. Le-broke Yes! A magic sword! That reminds me, I never got Light Brand... where was it again. 5k Gold and an useless staff. Ahh such is life of sword!female run Dyingdyingdying Rest assured... She's okay. That great knight however can go fuck himself for having a lance and an axe efficiently fucking Eirika. Just so Eirika doesn't get fucked by double lance. Amelia wrecking. Neimi being awesome. I swears that Great Knight has it in for Eirika. Fuck you. useless tomes are useless Amelia chipping down the Brave Archer That's quite an interesting shot, these things on the left and top border. Tink. (Note, NO ONE could harm her. Save for a certain douchebag.) Myrrh suddenly start being awesome. DESTRUCTION EVERYWHERE + beautiful dodges Huh, do I really have a use for that? BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE. Position switch! Tink More tink. Get even more hardened
  15. I might get BD for my birthday, I'm thinking of retrying it, but instead of using demo, I'm going to see it with full introduction. All of this hypes are starting to annoy me unless I finds out WHY it's good despite my dislike of it.
  16. [spoiler=EGGS ARE EVIL EXTERMINATE EVERY EGGS! Chapter 18] WHAT ARE THESE SHINY LIGHTS? ONE EGG DOWN. GET LUCK IN RETURNS. WTF EGG SECOND EGG. GET HP. GODDAMMIT RNG NEXT EGG. USELESS STATS I hate gargoyles Fucking long range siege BURN IN HELL STONE STATUE Godammit EGG FOUR DOWN, NEXT. SAME EXACT LEVEL UP. WTF RNG FUCK YOU HEAL UP SYRENE Looks like a dress from that side of view for Tethys SIXTH EGG, BEST LEVEL. IS THIS CONSPIRACY? MEDUSA STAHP Girls are afraid of spiders, therefore they always crit. TEAMWORK DOUBLE CRIT. MY THEORY CONFIRMED. Hmm... Maybe Tana is secretly a male. Phew. totally not a generic Burn baby burn Marisa does not like fliers. None of them are afraid either. Is something wrong? EIRIKA DOESN'T LIKE A CYCLOPS'S EYEBALL At least it's not spd/res again I'm growing sadder each level, no one is getting str anymore... Definitelynotsyrene/10 The only one getting str MOTHER FUCK Yay, another one get str now! VENOMOUS SPIDER. EEK TWO MORE EGGS Eirika being a boss! Kills boss medusa, get a great level! Death Penalty Cleaning up trashes THUS IT END NO EIRIKA, DON'T FALL FOR HIM. TRUST IS MISPLACED. PUT IT WITH ANYONE BUT SCUMBAG LYON FUCKING KNEW IT Well that got dark fast. Is human soul tasty? I certainly do love these too. LIGHT! DefinitelynotZephiel/10 DON'T USE HIS SHOULDER, USE MINE PLS EPHARIM ISN'T MANLY ENOUGH FOR YOU.
  17. Oh Titania... I really wish I could find the fan art of Idoun that I found and used her face as avvy. :\ (No not this avvy)
  18. Last time I played this which was few months ago, I recalls having to need a certain person to just get the item specially for him. Other couldn't get it. I don't know if he changed it to be anyone since then, but that's what I know.
  19. That's pretty neat change. Who's the female dark class again? Just so I can note on it whenever you release a public patch.
  20. [spoiler=Sing-a-long of Inferno Chapter 18] Why are we here then? EGGS ARE BAD, LET'S GO HOME EGG IS EVIL. EVIL MUST DIE GO AGAIN ERINA MORE EVIL DEATH No. . . PURIFY GO FASTER MARISA No. EVIL IS NO MORE. KEEP GOING TANA EYEBALL IS DED Go home Nocturne. BAD SPIDER BAD SNAKE VS HORSE. HORSE WIN GO DRAGON GO GARGOYLE IS KILL NO MORE EGGS PLZ BE GONE FETUSES Spiders stomping DIE DIE DIE KEEP GOING GO EIRIKA GO Boss is dead now~ Man I feels like I'm forgetting something. Fire Breath vs DARKNESSS Fire wins Eggs are no more! ALMOST DONE Of fucking course. The gargoyle had a horseslayer, but Eirika had enough hp for that, but the spider managed to hit her and took her into the killzone. Oh. I forgot her.
  21. [spoiler=The Dark before the Dawn Chapter 17 Continued] Continue on! Neigh BITCH Stupid stuff Just stuffs that I don't know what to say again. SADDLETHWOMP Good level I'm feeling lucky. And I am! Rolling the dice again. LUCK Last wyvern taken care of. I'm getting tired of these bravest men BAITING FAIL Better. (This is the scene where I try to steal, only to find out I can't) Thwomp'd Not a bad starting point. That's just too awesome for me to not take snaps. Chipped Let's try and get her the kill. Bah, 1 hit and a crit. NOT ENOUGH. FUCK How about this. PLEASE CRIT GOD FUCKING DAMMIT LYON SLOWLY GETTING HEALTH BACK, FUCK YOU SYRENE FOR NOT CRITING. I SWEARS TO GOD SYRENE CAN'T HIT A VITAL ORGAN. I WON'T GIVE UP MORE MORE! STOP SUCKING SYRENE AND GET SOME FUCKING STR I give up. Fucking Syrene. And fuck you too. Well, this barely make me happier. See you tomorrow Lyon. Worthless.
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