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Everything posted by roylover

  1. Thanks so much for the birthday wishes. |D

  2. Thanks for the birthday wishes. :'D

  3. OH, wow, you joined! XD Welcome aboard, FC~

  4. Been very busy with art and Thanksgiving. I hope you are having a nice holi-month. :B

  5. It turned out might lovely, Popo. *w* My only issue is that with the details in his hair...the lack of crease details on his clothes leaves me feeling slightly unsatisfied. D: Otherwise, good job! I always love the way you set up your composition!
  6. As always, you really do have quite a lovely collection of sprites here. ;3 My only concern is the problem you have relating to the face/neck/shoulders with your people, especially faces. The eyes are either too close together or the face looks off from the rest of the head. Anyways, if you have any specific ones you'll like me to take a closer look at, don't hesitate. :) (Oh yes. I simply adore all the details you put into your mugs. D: You sure have patience.)
  7. You did a good job spiriting yet again! But I have to point out that there are quite a number of flaws to the figure of her body. D: I think, however, the main reason to this is her lack of a stomach. By that, I mean it's a tad short. Her legs should also be thinner from the way you portrayed her figure to be. (Her arms her rather slim, yet, her legs are rather thick.) If you want her to keep her legs, I suggest you widen her hips. Also, her arms lack length because they are not "bending" enough. WELL, I hope it helps you, MK404. :P
  8. Harvey - Haha, thanks. XD Much appreciation to your comment! Eltoshen - I felt the battle animation was a bit choppy because I got lazy. :B (Especially with Lilina's cape. XD ) The reason as to why it looks clumped...it's because I tried to imitate Pelleas' bedroom hairstyle. It's very messy and if it did not have that clumpy look, it'd look too...tamed? Well, Pelleas has very messy LAYERS AND LAYERS of hair so...he's complicated to sprite and draw after. <_< --------------------------------------- I PRESENT YOU MY LATEST WORK (not really, but it's my second latest. :B ) Older Finn with his Brave Lance/Silver Lance. :D I have nothing else to show. D: College had me by the throat. I'm sorry! I fail you guys!
  9. Although I do not have much music knowledge, I'm sure my feedback will prove to be somewhat useful? I think your best work was the forest themes. It was the only one I could imagine a specific imagery...a forest. As for James' Theme's melody, it was not fluent, the notes go together very choppily and, therefore, falls rather flat to the listener. That seemed to be the issue with the other works you had. A song sounds good when there is a certain melody that one can easily follow with the addition the melody's harmonizing counterpart to give a song a finish feeling.
  10. You a very smart man. :B YES, LEVAIL IS SEXY...BUT TO YOU!?

  11. Ignore Oguma? D: But that would be rude of me. XD

  12. No, Popo...I mean how do you have the patience to use it? D: I can't sit still if all I did was curve lines for an hour.
  13. DOUBLE-POSTING! D: My one and only FE-style battle animation - - scratch that; it's my second. It's a future-Lilina casting a simple spell. ...Pelleas...........Zect...............Felix YES, I DO MAKE FE MUGS...but since I'm so precise with them, it takes me forever to complete one. ~_~ http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v252/Roy...ugsTutorial.png -HERE IS HOW I CREATE MY FEMUGS. :B Since I don't enjoy splicing. Yeah...I like to utilize my creativity. @w@;; ------------------- http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v252/Roy...rtantFriend.jpg -With sprites aside...this is my coloring experiment (since I fail at digital coloring.) :B It's very...unrefined.
  14. Not bad. A bit small for me to give a good, lengthy critique, though. D: But I guess I can say that Pricilla's shoulders would need more definition? It's angling downward like a tri-angle, not like...an arm. Am I making sense? XD;;
  15. Nice tutorial~ Oh, how I adore the dodge and burn tool. XD However, I no longer color this way anymore, though. D: I color as if I'm painting things and...urrrrr...still learning. ~_~;;; BUT IT'S LOOKING GOOD SO YOU BETTER SHOW THE END RESULTS. D: < Also, Popo, I don't know how you can stand using the pen tool. ;___;

    Besides...Levail is like my child. :B *shot*

  17. HOLY CRAP, WRONG PAGE. D: *is viewing two different profiles*


    Besides...Levail is like my child. :B *shot*

  19. If you did, just know it's a different person. Otherwise, you might have came across someone putting up my artwork (not like they would since it sucks, but, hey. Possibility.)

  20. If you want to believe I'm Roy's lover, SUUURE! It's just a netname of mine now. XD

  21. I'm familliar? Nah, I never joined the FE Gamefaqs. They're not great with people like myself. <_<; But I've been around the FE fandom for a long while...so...I don't know. :B

  22. I don't because I can't find the time to actually complete a game if I want to play others. However, I will play it enough to see the entire story and secret scenes. Otherwise...no. (And now I really don't thanks to the new invention of youtube and video game clips. <___< )
  23. Glen, hands down. I just have a thing for knights and their devotion to duty. Then again, I love Cormag and his family. Yes, that includes his dragon, Genarog, as well!
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