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Posts posted by roylover

  1. It turned out might lovely, Popo. *w* My only issue is that with the details in his hair...the lack of crease details on his clothes leaves me feeling slightly unsatisfied. D: Otherwise, good job! I always love the way you set up your composition!

  2. As always, you really do have quite a lovely collection of sprites here. ;3 My only concern is the problem you have relating to the face/neck/shoulders with your people, especially faces. The eyes are either too close together or the face looks off from the rest of the head. Anyways, if you have any specific ones you'll like me to take a closer look at, don't hesitate. :)

    (Oh yes. I simply adore all the details you put into your mugs. D: You sure have patience.)

  3. You did a good job spiriting yet again! But I have to point out that there are quite a number of flaws to the figure of her body. D: I think, however, the main reason to this is her lack of a stomach. By that, I mean it's a tad short. Her legs should also be thinner from the way you portrayed her figure to be. (Her arms her rather slim, yet, her legs are rather thick.) If you want her to keep her legs, I suggest you widen her hips. Also, her arms lack length because they are not "bending" enough.

    WELL, I hope it helps you, MK404. :P

  4. Harvey - Haha, thanks. XD Much appreciation to your comment!

    Eltoshen - I felt the battle animation was a bit choppy because I got lazy. :B (Especially with Lilina's cape. XD ) The reason as to why it looks clumped...it's because I tried to imitate Pelleas' bedroom hairstyle. It's very messy and if it did not have that clumpy look, it'd look too...tamed? Well, Pelleas has very messy LAYERS AND LAYERS of hair so...he's complicated to sprite and draw after. <_<



    I PRESENT YOU MY LATEST WORK (not really, but it's my second latest. :B ) Older Finn with his Brave Lance/Silver Lance. :D

    I have nothing else to show. D: College had me by the throat. I'm sorry! I fail you guys!

  5. Although I do not have much music knowledge, I'm sure my feedback will prove to be somewhat useful?

    I think your best work was the forest themes. It was the only one I could imagine a specific imagery...a forest. As for James' Theme's melody, it was not fluent, the notes go together very choppily and, therefore, falls rather flat to the listener. That seemed to be the issue with the other works you had. A song sounds good when there is a certain melody that one can easily follow with the addition the melody's harmonizing counterpart to give a song a finish feeling.



    My one and only FE-style battle animation - - scratch that; it's my second. It's a future-Lilina casting a simple spell.



    YES, I DO MAKE FE MUGS...but since I'm so precise with them, it takes me forever to complete one. ~_~


    -HERE IS HOW I CREATE MY FEMUGS. :B Since I don't enjoy splicing. Yeah...I like to utilize my creativity. @w@;;



    -With sprites aside...this is my coloring experiment (since I fail at digital coloring.) :B It's very...unrefined.

  7. Not bad. A bit small for me to give a good, lengthy critique, though. D: But I guess I can say that Pricilla's shoulders would need more definition? It's angling downward like a tri-angle, not like...an arm. Am I making sense? XD;;

  8. Nice tutorial~

    Oh, how I adore the dodge and burn tool. XD However, I no longer color this way anymore, though. D: I color as if I'm painting things and...urrrrr...still learning. ~_~;;; BUT IT'S LOOKING GOOD SO YOU BETTER SHOW THE END RESULTS. D: <

    Also, Popo, I don't know how you can stand using the pen tool. ;___;

  9. I don't because I can't find the time to actually complete a game if I want to play others. However, I will play it enough to see the entire story and secret scenes. Otherwise...no. (And now I really don't thanks to the new invention of youtube and video game clips. <___< )

  10. D: On my run-through, Oguma is doing worse than Navaare...which is very strange. I thought he'd do better. My Raddy is doing better than Oguma...which is, as I've said, very strange.

    But, yes, now that stats no longer cap at 20 (and which is why I don't understand they didn't redo the stat-growths completely in FEDS) and, therefore, Oguma isn't as amazing as he used to be.

  11. Ocelot, from what I heard from my friend who is a huge Advance Wars fan...Days of Ruin is a LOT harder than your average Advance Wars game. <___< I'm on Chapter 24, I think...and I quit playing it. Even the existence of Cyrus won't have me trying to beat the game...especially after watching how crazy it gets in the last chapter. The only thing I have against this game is re-creating units...but that's because I'm lazy and forget to do it when I need to. :')

    However, I think my Advance Wars fanfriends tell me to play the games that came before Days of Ruin. Days of Ruin was more of a avant-garde motive than anything. :B


    Anyways, good work here. Also, I see you have photographic skills in taking pictures while cruising in your ship. (I'm glad I'm not the only one who takes a ton of pictures while playing an MMORPG. XD ) You gave it a pretty nice effect - - making it feel very surreal and IN MOTION. :3

    Also, you have drawing skills, Fox. I mean, you're shading is actually very well done! You just need to hone an understanding of the human form (and I can see you are already getting it. :D )

  13. Will - Color? OF COURSE! But I'm very lazy when it comes to coloring. D: I should also mention that I do better with traditional work than with digital programs (such as Photoshop.) It's fine to repeat. :'D It motivates me to keep working hard and improving.

    Popo - Indeed. :B Let's rock the place!


    EDIT: Popo - I post too slow. DDD:

    But yeah, I wasn't sure if the arty peeps were coming over...but I'm glad they are. :'D (But I was already here for a while...and lurked. >_>;; )

  14. Your mugs aren't bad at all. :3 I like them. Their necks are a tad long and lack highlights...however, good job! For some reason, I'm liking the Naruto one a lot. :)

    You're drawings aren't that bad, either. :B It has a nice style to it.

  15. Hmmmm, I don't want to repeat myself...so I won't.

    BUT I DO LIKE THAT KAREL AND KARLA ONE A LOT. I love how he's educating his sister about her actions. :'D Karel is just such an easy character to poke fun at.

  16. Love your stuff as always, MK404...although I never said that much, huh? :B WELL, GOOD STUFF. Nolan's left shoulder is a bit iffy, though. D: By that, I mean it's too small. Also, Zelgius deserves broader shoulders! (I'd critique more if you really want me to, MK... >___>;; )


  17. AND SO I BRING MY STUFF HERE. Uhhh, I don't want to put up a bunch of crap for you guys to look at...so I'll just put up a few. ~_~ (Yeah, I'm not one to make portfolios of my stuff. XD )


    - My original character, Raiyo, using his skill, "Healing Hand."


    - The original of Raiyo's before picture...and why the shading/lighting don't exactly match. XD! (BECAUSE I DIDN'T SET THEM UP THAT WAY BEFORE HAND. >_<;; )


    - The counter-partner of Raiyo...and also my other OC, Mars, swinging his weird-looking scythe around...


    - My OC, Julius...


    - My colored pencil work of my OC, Julius, and my friend's OC, Taka...


    - Something I did with charcoal in a good hour and forty-five minutes....

    OH YES, I SHOULD TELL YOU GUYS I DON'T DRAW GIRLS A LOT. >_>;; And I do create fanart but...meh, they are old. I wouldn't want to show you guys. :P

    EDIT: Oh, yes...I do critiques for those who want them. Therefore...HOLLER AT ME THROUGH PM IF YOU WANT ONE! (They take me a while to do...so I prefer if someone wants one from me than for me to keep having to critique...or for someone to get offended by my critiques. X_X )

  18. Um, yes, as Blacken said, he's got his own place to go to. Astray. I highly doubt he'll stick once it's up, guys, so don't get so bummed over it. He'll only really get a kick out of it, really. And, as many have said, "please don't take offense to what I've wrote." That also applies to Blacken's post. You've the right the ignore or take his comments as with anyone's else.


  19. ChaosNinji - I know...which is still...very shocking for me to swallow. XD

    Boo - Carrion is one of the best units...after a little go, he's totally awesome. :3 But I love Eyrios' personality...with his name-complex about being born a peasant and not fufilling the dream of becoming a noble. XD (It's been forever since I've talked FE5, man. D: )

  20. Boo - I'm stuck between Carrion and Eyrios. DDD: Who do you think I should go with?

    Popo - Indeed! :B Let's show our buckteeth! And it's nice to see you, too! XD

    Locke Cole - Wassup, Locke? It's awesome to see that there is someone who is appreciating the best game of its series. I don't think no other Final Fantasy will ever move me as Final Fantasy 6 did. D:


    ChaosNinji - Thanks! :3 (You posted right before me, you! XD)

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