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Posts posted by roylover


    Nightmare - Thanks for the welcome. >:3

    Songbird - Hmmm, highly doubt it. But it's nice to aquaint with you, ma'am. ;3 Actually...I'm actually very happy that you like my sig! XD

    Extreme Void - Indeed. I won't nestle in your nest. Oh, dear me.


  2. Uhhh, I've actually been here for a while now...and lurked until I returned back to FESS. But now that FESS IS CLOSING DOWN, I will be lurking around here permanently. I will sometimes get into conversation about Fire Emblem here, but I will most likely lurk in the Creations topic (as I am an artist. Whoop-dee-doo.) Life's busy and I will keep things short:

    I'm an artist who adores the Fire Emblem series. :)

  3. Keep in mind that FESS IS A PRETTY BIG COMMUNITY. So many a good 50 of them will go to Astray. And then a hundred of them will come here. (Most of the people who have joined FESS are simply lurkers who come to read what's on the board. Therefore...more lurkers like myself.)

  4. I actually joined this place a long time ago...when it just started, actually (and I still LOL at you, Jyosua, for asking me to join when I already did XD). It just...I haven't been in my Fire Emblem mood lately since Marth's remake doesn't exactly make me all pumped up for Fire Emblem. ~_~;; (I think I'll just go ahead and beat FE5 again...)

    Onwards, I highly doubt there will be much change to SF, guys. A lot of the members on FESS are mainly going to the Ashtray to keep in touch with their FESS friends as they all no longer have a strong drive for Fire Emblem. Therefore, only the members who are still into Fire Emblem (like me) will join in and love Fire Emblem alongside with you. After all, we are all brought here not because of each other but because of the passion we have for Fire Emblem as FE fans!

    As for the new admins...you guys have to keep in mind that these guys are FRIENDLY (THEY DON'T BITE) and only wish to make the place better. That, and these guys have experience with a bigger community and have been long-time FE fans (maybe even longer than you)...so it's a good thing they wish to help out this community! I KNOW they won't abuse their powers so please don't take it as an offense. Trust Jyosua and Vincent...I KNOW they KNOW what they're doing with best intentions.

    That being said, since I was in FESS only for Fire Emblem and not the members (hence, I've no attachment to Ashtray), I'll reside here and lurk another while...until Jyosua kicks me to do something because I'm pretty lazy, too. (But, yeah, life's getting busy. What can I say?)

  5. Claymore? I remember seeing episode 24 when I was browsing the Winamp channels. From my impression, it actually seems really good. Although, the guy seems annoying, the main character is well developed. :) I think you should give it a watch, although it is rather gorey.

    I'm a rather picky person when it comes down to watching Anime and reading Manga. :\ So far, the recent Animes that I've seen were very disappointing. So far, as of the past year, the only Anime that wowed me was Terra E. I'm pretty sure no one else has seen that one. '__' But the structure of the storyline and characters were done so amazingly well, I was blown away. Not once have I saw such an Anime that can move me from so many emotions and become so attached to a character.

  6. You are...like, my savior. XD I no longer need to keep going in-game to get references for them. =___=;;

    But, errr, you didn't have Levail's so I'll like to request him. :)

  7. When you say from scratch, you really mean based off of pre existing sprites just with changes to the way to clothes and hari, etc. look, right?

    No, I mean off of nothing. >__> I do it right off of MSPaint. Anyways, if I'm trying to do a certain style, I'll use whatever sprite as reference but still work off of nothing.

  8. Once in a while, I do make my own sprites from scratch (such as my avatar currently.) :) Even Battle sprites (well, I only made one), but I don't think me alone will be enough to, errr, create a seperate sprite section. That and I also don't base myself in sprites.

    But, hey, if it's going to be made from scratch, it's considered art so might as well just stick it in with your other fanart. No biggy.

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