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Posts posted by Wheels

  1. I myself reclassed Panne once she hit 15 into a Wyvern Rider (As Yarne doesn't inherit the class from her, I can pass down unique skills from it to him). I also got lucky, because in the DLC maps, one of the Villages gave me a Beaststone+ XD In the end, I was left with 5 Beaststone uses and 27 Beaststone+ uses before she hit 15

  2. At the moment, I'm at Chapter 16, haven't done any children Paralogues yet though. Kinda want to get Galeforce for the boys whi can get it, but...grinding, man...

    I just spent the first 11 chapters grinding furiously for supports cause I accidentally got Sumia to C with Chrom, my patience for these supports aren't so good XD Literally everyone in my army is promoted at the moment, and they all promoted at 15+. Nowi, Donnel, Olivia and Panne got class changed after they hit 15 in their base classes, then promoted after 15 in those classes (This was all before buyable Master Seals OTL) so they're kinda beastly.

    Now most of em are about level 5-6 promoted (Except myself, I went to Dark Flier at Lvl 15 Grandmaster), and I'm gonna start looking into how powerful the skirmishes are out on Valm XD

    EDIT: Now that I'm out of that skirmish, stats! XD

    20 Tactician -> 15 Grandmaster -> 1 Dark Flier

    HP: 42

    Str: 23

    Mag: 30

    Skl: 25

    Spd: 28

    Lck: 13

    Def: 18

    Res: 25


  3. Unless, of course, Sully was married by Chapter 11. I cut it a bit fine with her, as I married her to Libra. So I used Roy's map, then she capped out before they hit S so Libra got some grinding too. Lon'qu Maribelle was just annoying to do, and SumiaxGaius went past pretty quickly. I got into the habit of keeping my FeMU away from Chrom though, they don't even have a C-rank yet XD

    And then I freaked out some, because I knew Sumia got a scene right at the end of Chapter 11, there was no scene, and I was like "NOOO BUT SHE WAS DOUBLED WITH HIM LIKE THE WHOLE TIME VILLAGE GIRL CHAAAAAAAAAAAN" and then it brought her out as his wife and I was like "Damn you game for trolling me!"

  4. The captions in the CG at the end of Chapter 13 have it as 'Mark of the Exalt', so definitely capitalised for the Mark

    EDIT: And in case anyone was wondering on the pronounciation of Owain, it's Oh-wayne. He refers to himself in the 3rd person in one of his win quotes XD "Owain needs no help(Or assistance, can't remember exact)"

  5. Yeah, I just unlocked the barracks so I could get her birthday bonuses. Except she found a Log for me >_> I do have two Soothing Swords already so I could live without em, but still. Just finished Two Falchions, so I'm not very far in at all XD I'm sticking with default classes this runthrough (At least for in game, post game is fair use XD) so my game'll probably be really short.

    I'm gonna do some grinding for Donnel soon, so everyone'll get some go in that. Sully's started to redeem herself some, and Stahl sort of but that might just be because he has a Steel Sword.

  6. I paid $300 AUD/USD for my bundle, $200 for the cost, and $100 for shipping from Canada to Australia, which...isn't all that expensive here. Both the regular and the XL here are $250, so even if it came out here, and I ordered it here from an online retailer...the cost would be about the same, most likely.

    Also, even if they did release it over here, then it might be Zelda 'bundle' 2.0 where Nintendo charged the same price ($250) and sent out to Aussie retailers the European box, but with the 'Game Included' area covered over by an obvious big black box. Turns out, Australia wasn't getting the game bundled in like the rest of the world, but we were still gonna pay the most for it!

    Like the guys have said above, the value of money is different to different people. I hear about Americans blanching at how a PS3 game costs $60, and I go to my local store, and see the same game for $100+, and that's the RRP. Australia's expensive to live in, and as our dollar is worth more than the US dollar, what would be considered an exhuberant price in the US could easily be a bargain, or on par, for us Aussies. Also of note is we get screwed over for games quite massively, and in this climate, where importing a 3DS from the US costs about the same as buying a local one, and with the added bonus of being able to play those games we got screwed over for a little extra cost for the console ends up balancing itself out as soon as you start importing games, and the savings you get on them (Our 3DS games are about double the price of US ones, so by importing 3 games, I've actually saved money compared to buying locally)

    tl;dr $300's not that expensive for where I live, so I'm happy to pay that for my bundle

  7. Here, something I whipped together quickly for an easy way of tracking level ups by level


    First gen Base class level up chart, basically, you just plug in the numbers when you level up, I've put in base stats for Normal Mode (I'm assuming the base stats on Serenes are correct). Hit File -> Make a Copy to basically copy it so edits don't clash with one another, and it's just something who wants to use it can do so XD

  8. Yeah, I mean, now I'm actually at home and can actually load Serenes properly, here's how ridiculous Mag!Morgan is XD

    Ricken!Laurent!Morgan has a base magic of 56 as a Sage before Limit Breaker. Add in Limit Breaker, Cries, Valflame and Tomefaire pushes it up by 30, so up to 86. S Rank him with Libra!Noire, who has a base magic of 51, apply all the same boosts to her, so up to 81. Then as they're Sages, they add 9 to each other when they're paired up, so 95 for Morgan when Noire's the support, and 90 for Noire when Morgan's the support.

    And then Dual stuff, they should have a 92% chance of Dual Striking, 40% chance Dual Guard for magic, and 35% chance for physical attacks.

    You can use temp items to boost up their stats further too XD

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