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Posts posted by Wheels

  1. ...What. That is totally not cool. Ike's a hero, not a bad guy! D: The mightiest hero of them all! It's why he's the last DLC character. And that IS decided to save the best for last. ^^

    Katarina, Palla, Catria and Est say hi ;D XD

    I'd take it as a compliment, I mean, the way the DLC is set up you fight every unit twice, as he appears in so many sets, it means that he gets much more screentime, and more conversations

  2. Today we get 'A Hard Miracle', which has Chrom rescuing a mysterious woman and villagers from a kidnapping

    Ghost of Blade (Mar. 28th) – A tale about a ghost and the “ultimate sacrifice”

    Wellspring of Trust (Apr. 11th) – A map full of challenging enemies

    The Radiant Hero (Apr. 25th) – Chrom and allies search for a legendary hero

    From Siliconera


  3. It just seemed metaphorical, to me. I felt that was really hammered home by his line later in that conversation., especially the bolded part "We have EVERY reason! A conqueror rules by strength alone. Defeat is death, and I must rise again!" Basically, to me, it seems he is dead metaphorically, as he was defeated, he has no real purpose any longer, and probably wishes to be dead, but, his body won't let him die, and keeps pushing him to live and conquer. And seeing as he certainly refers to himself as alive in the DLC now, I don't think he's a Risen at all. Just that Chrom really sucks at checking whether people are dead or not. I'd be interested to see, if he still mentions 'heart' in the Japanese script, and which 'heart' it is. If it's kokoro, it's the metaphorical heart, not the literal heart

    Also, Gangrel specifically makes a mention that he's not dead when you beat Grima and let Chrom get the final blow. He basically bitches because he didn't die in the battle. Also, don't forget Gangrel's ending, where it's said he dies a few years after the game, so he's certainly alive.

  4. [spoiler=Virion]You have always endeavored to keep your friends alive. But you must keep yourself alive as well! For your friends...and your true love.

    [spoiler=Lucina (Wife)] You saved our future- no small feat. We will use it to find a permanent solution for the fell dragon. And we shall do so together.

    Morgan (M) is the same as Morgan (F)

    Random bolding O_o

  5. If you don't own a US 3DS, you won't be able to play an imported copy at all, thanks to the region lock

    If you have a US 3DS though, it'll play just fine on the US 3DS, however, you'll need to set your location to Canada (Alberta, preferably) on the 3DS. This is because the US eShop won't accept international credit cards, so you''d have to buy prepaid cards. Canada's eShop allows international credit cards, so can use your own card to buy from the store. Alberta has the lowest sales tax, so it's the cheaapest Canadian state t pretend to be in.

    I live in Australia and imported, my NA 3DS is set to Alberta, Canada, and I have all of the DLC released so far, costs me about $6.40 a pack (AUD) including tax, credit card fees and conversion fees.

    Also, while I can't test it as you know, FE:A's not here in Australia yet, but, my Australian 3DS will streetpass with my NA one, and it will cause a randomly generated team to appear, so maybe they'll be able to communicate with one another unlike the NA and JPN versions

  6. She's of the Catria archetype, a Pegasus Knight who was in love with Marth, but could never be with him (due to the fact he never loved her back, and he was in love/engaged to Caeda). The developers made her with that archetype in mind, and wanted her to be another Catria, a woman in love with her prince, but never able to be with him. I believe one of her supports makes a mention that Chrom knows of her feelings, but just doesn't reciprocate (It may be in the Japanese translated ones only though)

    Sort of unrelated, but I do like one of her sparkly tile quotes with Severa/Morgan

    "Well, I used to be painfully lonely and in love with a man I could not have. I even dreamt of death... But I found another man who sustains me and a daughter I can be proud of. So trust me—no matter how dark things seem, you will always pull through it."

  7. Nah in every infantry class curtseys after battle (So Merc/Hero Nah will curtsey, I've seen this one to confirm)

    Lots of glare, but, a video showing Nah, Lissa (Who has a custom Sage animation I found out), Noire and Brady

    And, Yarne keeps his Thief line exclusive animation as a Warrior too

    Sage comparison

    Yarne comparison

    (Vids are still uploading XD)

    Oh yeah, and for Henry and Tharja, their unique animation is their basic animations in their base classes (Henry laughing, Tharja's 'I'm gonna throw my book away" flourish) which carries over to their infantry classes (Tharja's may be just for magic classes, I didn't check when I have her as a Knight/General, and she's level 1 so can't reclass her atm)

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