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Posts posted by WhiskeySickFive

  1. I haven't been on Serenes in a while, but I'm getting back into FE in general. So, I figured I should reintroduce myself!

    I play CS:GO, and FE Heroes currently, and when I'm not procrastinating on homework I'm actually a student/political consultant for the Democratic Party!

    My first Fire Emblem was Shadow Dragon, and it's still probably my favorite. I've played all the games released in the US, along with the Japan only DS game. I can't say I've completed them all, but hopefully down the line I can get around to finishing Radiant Dawn, and the Fates routes that aren't named Conquest. 

    Hope to get acquainted with y'all!

  2. Violent video games have been linked to increased aggression.



    Of course, "good" is a relative term, and down here in the USA, being aggressive (in whatever you choose to do) is sometimes needed to survive, with our "savage capitalism."

    I don't really care either way, but the facts are the facts.

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