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Posts posted by WhiskeySickFive

  1. Seriously though, the holier-than-thou attitude some users (hai dondon) have in that board are the reasons why people loathe it to begin with. Theres always "those guys" in an SD forum who think they know everything and come off as pretty goddamn insufferable. So people stop posting reasonably. Cuz seriously, if everyone who posted in that forum were Rehab (in terms of how to argue), more people would be willing to go in there and post. Instead we get Chiki.

    So yeah, theres one reason why people dont like that forum. Like i said, its peanuts compared to the SD forums ive seen where shit gets legit disgusting.


  2. Either way you wanna slice it or dice it, we're still going to be forced to have a presence in the Middle East, the only question (in my opinion) is how. I don't know about the rest of you, but I personally prefer Drones to American soldiers. Whether than constitutes as terrorism is up to where you want to draw the line of terrorist and leader, but I think the most irresponsible thing to do would be to pull out of the Middle East with no presence.

    I think Obama can be counted as a terrorist, but at this point he's a much better alternative to any Hardline Republican.

    And speaking about the other side's view on the Middle East...I don't think a side that would slip poison pills that tighten Iran sanctions on a bill for Veterans will be viewed well in the Middle East.

    At the very least, Obama can be seen as one that worked for sanctions relief in Iran, which may make him a bit more popular than Republicans...

  3. I have a little bit of time before I have to go off again, so I figured I might as well reply.

    Dudeaga, If you're really the role you claim yourself to be, you should be posting whatever you can in order to validate your claim. You continue to make assertions without bothering to provide any sort of justification. Your only post after the claim certainly didn't help town at all.

    It's important to break down this post for what it is. Textbook example of sheeping bolded in orange text, more assertions without any justification bolded in blue text, additional wafflie bolded in green, but what sticks out the most to me is bolded in red. What makes you say mafia was being hyper-vigilant? The only players who know for sure who is what faction are the mafia themselves. You stated yourself that you don't have any sort of lead other than me. Sounds like you know something we don't. You need to explain yourself, preferably with some legitimate justification.

    Well, I'mma be frank. I'm a noob to this whole forum mafia thing, so I'm applying my Epicmafia expectations- which is why I point out that my logic is based on EM experience. Sorry for not being the most confident in my reads, but I don't think we have much concrete evidence until tomorrow, with night actions and whatnot.

    For the red text: Why wouldn't mafia be hyper-vigilant? 3 wagons in one phase w/out anything really concrete, anybody could be next. And if I theoretically was mafia, what would I know?

    For the orange text: Well, can't argue with that. I did say he made a good point, and it did pop up while I was posting my response, so I addressed it.

    For the blue text: Let's not dick around here- it's mostly been Poly and Maka making the good points and whatnot. Which, as I said, is (imo) proof that they are maf goon or town PR. Villagers and mafia PR tend not to draw /that/ much attention, relative to everyone else, I'd assume.

    Anyway, I got to leave for about a while, so I don't know if I'll be back to post before night phase starts.

    Also, is it just me, or does it seem like Maka is trying to ask a mafia to Counter-Claim me? Although it is true that some here aren't active, it seems that he /wants/ someone to Counter-Claim me. Especially considering he made a separate post about it...in bold text... I don't know about you, but Makaze was looking like nervous mafia at that time, considering the speed of his posts, esp. considering that we still had 10?-ish hours left.

  4. Hory shet, thanks for claiming for me. I was about to, because I can't really get on tomorrow. Sorry bout that.

    Anyway, I'm dead because mafia kills me tonight. I think one of either Poly or Makaze is scum. Both are as close to softclaiming PR as possible, although I just may be applying EM standards to Forum mafia.

    So long space cowboys.

    PS: I think we're grasping at straws with all of this bandwagoning voting n' countervoting and whatnot. Although I did omgus (my bad), along with my own hypocritical logic, so, y'know, take my opinions with a grain of salt. Ciraxis did have a horribly scummy reaction, and I don't think we really have much of any sort of lead other than Ciraxis, so my vote stays.

    PSS: Read Green Poet's post, and no, I didn't crumb. I imagine softclaiming on d1, especially with mafia so hyper-vigilant after the whole bw'ing mess isn't the most, uh, prudent thing to do. Townreading Green Poet, however slightly.

    PSSS: Read Poly's post, and he does make a good point.

    Alright, for real, I'm gonna get off now.

  5. This post can be summed up as an excuse for not posting, followed by a vote you admitted outright "doesn't mean all that much." To me it looks like you're just posting this in order to appear as if you're contributing, while not actually contributing anything useful.

    A "feeling" sure isn't convincing justification of a vote.

    Well, its what we got, buddy. And that reaction to the votes on you was literally the closest to scum I can see.

    MAN, this has been a shitty day. I gotta get back out to the yard, but I'm taking a break to drop this post off!

    @Polydeuces: My play in prior games has been kind of shit! If this doesn't seem wholly consistent with my usual meta, it's because I have to change to improve. I've played all of three Day phases in the past few months, mate, all in very strange circumstances. I'm trying to see how players think so I have some more data to compare with when making reads, and I was poking you in particular because you were inactive and hadn't been called out to post yet. That's all.

    And so far as the YX thing goes: let me direct you to this post, where I note that I'm not voting my first lynch target at this early stage, but the person whom I have pointed questions for.

    I'm not entirely agreeing with some of the conclusions you draw in the post, particularly your assumption that I know you and would tread lightly around you for... what reason? Still, I fail to see scum intent in a post so chock-full of content.

    @Dudeaga: "I have hunches of my own, but no /real/ concrete evidence, so I'll just wait on that."

    That is literally the only thing you have to contribute--your hunches and impressions. Nothing is concrete right now; everything is just subjective reads on behaviors that seem scummy. Please tell us about your hunches--even if they're unsubstantiated, that's far better than nothing.
    The whole post is a load of waffle. I'm not comfortable with it.
    @Vashiane: I asked you a question here, which you can answer if you want, but seeing as we're out of RVS and there's actual game content to discuss: who are the three scummiest-looking players to you right now, and why?

    I'm not sure where you're coming from with this particular. Are you reading me as scum, or as town? I'm feeling quite a bit of waffling coming from this particular line, and it's kind of bugging me. While we're on that subject...

    To be honest, all of your (minimal) content feels waffly and very non-committal, aside from your Ciraxis read that could well be sheeping others who've made cases on him, such as myself and Terralec, since even that 'read' seems a bit like you're unsure of it.

    There's been enough time in the game; so please give a firm read on Ciraxis. None of this "if I have to vote someone, I'll vote X" stuff you've been pulling so far.

    Well, again, it can flip both ways, from my experience. Just noting. On my vote, yeah, Ciraxis is the hardest leaning scum for me, so I voted him.

    I'm aware, Makaze.

    As for scum reads, currently nothing. I need more time to analyze posts, and it'd help if this game went a little faster.

    Jumping on the vote against you on the first page?

    Yep. For reasons I explained. Not so sure how that will hold up after today and tonight, so we'll see how the dice roll.

  6. Well, a feeling is what I've got. And if I had to say, my lynch list (in order of scumminess) would be:




    My gut tells me this. Blyv and ZeeEmm for jumping on, and Ciraxis for his horrible reaction to the call-out.

    Jumping on, to me, feels like a small scumtell because if we assume we're all noobs or inexperienced, I'd think an inexperienced mafia might see a chance to get rid of town.

    Also, Poly feels like he's leading the conversation, which in EM is the sign of a good townie or better mafia...so who knows. That's a person of interest to me.

  7. Sorry about the delay. I didn't check the thread, because I thought it was just gonna be a RL for lulz today, but apparently serious business went down, so I'm gonna go and state what I see.

    Not gonna lie, Ciraxis definitely felt sheepy because of the vote n' unvote, but I don't think that's really a hard scumtell. The way things are going now, however, I think he's probably be lynched because his reaction is leaning maf- but then again, I don't play Forum mafia, so that doesn't mean all that much.

    To be completely frank, if I HAD to vote now (based on my Epicmafia experience), I'd probably go hard on people that (imo) are reading too deeply into things, and using that as an excuse for bandwagoning and lynching d1. But I haven't played d1 start in EM about a year or so. In the end, Ciraxis does lean scummy.

    I have hunches of my own, but no /real/ concrete evidence, so I'll just wait on that.



    ##Vote: General Ciraxis

  8. For my time, from 2 p.m OR 4 p.m- 9:00 p.m. PST on weekdays.

    I've played for a few years, but not consistently all the way through.

    If anyone's down for training, or, hell, Comp, and is willing to teach me about Comp in the latter case, hit me up.

  9. Don't worry about the laziness, there are plenty of people like that on here...myself included. Anyway, welcome to the forest and you probably won't be leaving.

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