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Posts posted by WhiskeySickFive

  1. From what I'm seeing, with a rapidly diversifying United States in terms of race- the only Republicans that will be viable come election time will be the moderates on social issues, like Christie.

    Or, they could attempt to clean up their poor relations with people of color (if I remember correctly, Cuban-Americans are the only minority group that voted for Romney) and continue to push their conservative stance on social issues. That might be too difficult and too short-term, but then again, continuing their Southern Strategy is a short-term solution that's barely keeping Republicans relevant, and certainly hurting their future prospects in a more diverse America.

    Of course Christie's the big-name moderate coming up in the next election, but I think he's going to be coming in with a disadvantage in the primaries, considering the bridge idiocy.

    Jeb Bush is also a nice choice, although the fact that he's the brother of George might hurt him if he gets out of the primaries with the nomination.

    I think Bobby Jindal might be a bit too far right, but we'll see what happens.

    Either way, I think Democrats will have a greater overall appeal unless the Republican Party changes dramatically.

  2. Shhh, there's no conflicting political ideologies in the title, none at all!

    Online name: Dudeaga
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    DoB: 06/05/??
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    Good Point: Angry left-wing Democrat
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