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1% critted

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Status Updates posted by 1% critted

  1. My first RD playthrough was so noobish

    1. 1% critted

      1% critted

      I had General MEG!,I trained Leo and he ended up dying on part 3-12.Micaiah,Sothe,Tauroneo, and edward were my only good DB units. I LET VOLUG AND JILL DIE D:. Idk I never use non royal laguz, because PoR taught me they were crap. But all the noobness was only related to the DB.

    2. 1% critted

      1% critted

      I only used 1 royal on Endgame and it was Caighnegeis.

  2. It's a great game, but as you may know ,ITS SO SLOWWWWWW. When I first played RD I played with all animations on, but in the 2nd playthrough, I found it so useful to be able to skip combat animations to just bam bam and numbers.

  3. PoR was my first FE, so it will always hold a special place. RD is long and I don't rememeber that much of it because I could only get to play it twice and it was so long ago. I really liked it though, it was all I could want from the sequel to PoR.

  4. Oh man, mentioning Priam on the FE:A board before his release, what an easy way to start an argument(which was against Sazuke anyway).

    1. 1% critted

      1% critted

      I wanna replay RD and PoR, but my wii broke down so long ago :(. The only FEs I can still play are the ones that are easy to emulate and FE:A.

  5. I agree, the board is my main source of entertainment, along with the SSBU board.

  6. But the board is on a really rocky state right now, so I'm now using the SSBU board for the lulz.

  7. It was the most mindblowing realization I've had.

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