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Silver Lightning

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Status Updates posted by Silver Lightning

  1. Last day being 19 and last day of being a teenager....it feels kind of weird. Not just because anyone who gave me a good look would ever think I was almost 20....they always think I'm fourteen or, god forbid, twelve... T^T

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      I think it also helps that I have a really small, young looking face and I'm really short; I'm barely 4'11 ft. Back when I was 18, I seriously had some person think that I was twelve...and my parents will always say I'm 12 whenever they want a discount on something and always get away with it. It's very sad.

    3. Kaze


      Wow. I'm about 5'8 and I'm mistaken to be 14...My sister who is 22 is mistaken to be 15 sometimes. On the bright side, being young looking will be beneficial when we're older. XD

    4. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      lol, yeah when I'm older... :P

  2. I got Female Morgan today on hard mode file. She is freaking epic; after reclassing her through Grandmaster then back to Manakete, nothing can touch her especially since she has swordbreaker for wyrmslayers. Only thing I don't like is her carbon copy Nowi outfit and her same dragon color. Would it have killed them to give her a unique form?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      Yeah, while I wish she had her own special clothes and dragon color, I wouldn't have minded Nah or Tiki's model (though I do prefer Tiki's the most; and it would make sense, she is her daughter). I like Nowi, I just don't really like her clothes and I don't like repeating models. :P

    3. Kaze


      Yeah. I'd rather see that the female Morgan's Manakete outfit coincide with her mother's outfit. Even if it's just a minor change, it'd be nice.

    4. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      It gets me wondering what Morgan as a Taguel would like either with Panne or Yarne as the parent...

  3. Can I make it official....I FREAKING HATE HARD MODE HIT PERCENTAGES! How the f***ing hell is it possible for Olivia to be hit twice in a row with freaking 26% hit rate?!?! It just makes no sense!!! DX

    1. The Envoy of the Beginning
    2. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      ...I feel like the RNG has been trolling me this entire game. I remember the old days when anything less than 50-40% hit rate usually never hit. Its been a hard wake up call when something as small as 18% can still be counted on to hit...I'm still not really used to it; its making me paranoid!

    3. Kaze


      I've been hit by a 10% hit rate...It was not fair since I can never hit anything when my unit has a 50% hit rate or less...

  4. You are very welcome! It's always nice to have new people on the forums! ^_^

  5. Hi! Welcome to the Forest! I hope you enjoy your stay. :)

  6. Well, I finally officially beat the game with Seraphina (female avatar). My final team (for the first time around) was Chrom, myself, and all of the children; we kicked Grimleal ass epically, and Grima was down in 1 turn (thanks to the Falchion and my super magic skills). I wasn't in the mood for sad feels right now, so I let Chrom strike the final blow; Grima could return in the future, but Chrom and I decided to put our trust in our descendants to save the world again when the time came...

    1. Ace Tactician

      Ace Tactician

      I'm probably not going to beat the game until I'm done with recruiting all the children and reclassing for skills and stuff.

    2. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      Yeah, I'm still training and grinding for supports and stuff, but I mainly wanted to beat it at least once so I could unlock the extras; theater, soundtrack and most importantly, the support viewer for transcribing. I already knew anyways that I would be beating it again for the Avatar ending.

    3. Kaze


      I probably won't get around to beating the game for a while...I'm on chapter 18, so I'm close. I'll probably choose the Avatar ending this playthrough and then Chrom's ending next playthrough.

  7. Luna seems to activate about 70% of the time and Lancefaire boosts her strength (which was the one gripe I had about both her parents; their sucky strentgh) so that helps.

  8. My Cynthia is set up with Luna and Lancefaire, specifically because I knew that she wasn't going to be anything but a dark flier. She's about lvl 17 right now as a dark flier with an S Support with Gerome (make a good pegasus/wyvern flying combo) and I have made good use of her.

  9. Welcome to the Forest! :)

  10. Haha, yeah that's what I did with Cordelia too. It was a long wait; I was only waiting on her because Vaike had already learned Wrath to pass on. Best decision ever though, to pair those two; Severa wrecked EVERYTHING with that godly strength from Vaike and Galeforce from Cordelia (and also S Support with Inigo, which is hilarious btw as I'm transcribing it).

  11. Yeah, that probably a better plan overall than what I have; I'm generally too lazy right now to reclass most people. The only people I reclassed are Panne, Nowi, Olivia, Vaike and Donnel, and that was only to either learn skills to pass on or get a better class (Donnel) or be a unique class (Berserker Vaike).

  12. I had Cynthia become a Dark Flier for two reasons; her mom was already a Falcon knight and she had passed down Lancefaire to her already, and since I'm OCD about having fairly even number of classes, Cynthia, Cordelia, and Aversa would be my Dark Fliers while Sumia, DLC Elincia, and Spotpass Caeda would be my Falcon Knights.

  13. Yeah I actually got Yarne first! Its very disappointing, but its only the tuft of hair that changes; I was so looking forward to seeing him have a full mane of red hair ala Skrimir (his dad was Gregor).

  14. Oh, that's right it WAS in Inception! I completely forgot lol! Anyways, you WERE my first friend here so its only fitting. Good to see everyone's getting on the same grapevine. :)

  15. Haha thanks! Its a name I always liked and I hope to call my daughter if I have one one day! I'd call FeMorgan that if you could rename the Morgans. And its always good to have 3DS friends (you're my first)! :3

  16. Kay, added you! :D

  17. Oh my god......Chapter 21 ending......Lucina, my own daughter, was going to kill me to save both me and the person we both loved......and you know what? I was going to let her.....its what I would have done in reality too, so that my love and my child would be safe.....Emmeryn's death was sad but this was the one scene that actually made me literally cry.... :'(

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      And Morgan is obviously a momma's boy to the extreme if we're going by Future of Despair. Its actually a very interesting family dynamic when Avatar is married to Chrom. On one hand you have a happy, idealistic family; Chrom as the leader, Avatar the tactician, and Lucina and Morgan following in their path. On the other, you have a tragic, potentially broken family as seen in FoD; Avatar kills Chrom, Lucina retaliates in Chrom's stead and Morgan sides with Avatar. Its tragic that ...

    3. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      (cont.) the Naga and Grima conflict brought them together and can tear them apart. This is why even though there really is no canon to the game pairing wise, I feel that Avatar/Chrom is too interesting and personal to NOT be considered just as central, if not more central to the plot than the over proclaimed Chrom/Sumia.

    4. Ace Tactician

      Ace Tactician

      I agree with everything you said, Avatar/Chrom is WAY more interesting than Chrom/Sumia. I'm glad that ther e is no canon in this game, save for headcanon.

  18. Hi! Thanks for the code! My friend code is 2723-8843-7042 ^_^

  19. I'm having a swell time with it! I've been for a while paused at Chapter 22 gathering the remaining children. I think I finally got them all. BTW, I finally managed to get my friend code! Its 2723-8843-7042.

  20. So, how does it feel to be married to Chrom? Let me tell you, it was the best feeling in the world to hear his confession and then have Lucina call me mother! XD And you know what? It actually felt seamless to the plot, not like Sumia and the others where they just randomly show up for a scene or two. Female Avatar must be somewhat canon IMO!

  21. I have been playing Awakening for almost 3 days straight and I can already say that this is looking to be like the best Fire Emblem game ever made! I'm addicted!!!! XD

    1. Kaze


      I agree 100%! Though, I have been able to put the game down due to having homework every day. DX

    2. Ace Tactician

      Ace Tactician

      I'm trying to play this game while studying for my externship class. And I have school work to do. It's a challenge to put down, I'm having so much fun ^_^

    3. The Envoy of the Beginning

      The Envoy of the Beginning

      It's a challenge for me to play it in recent days. Why do I have so many games to record x_x

      And I still don't have a capture card...well I know what I am going to do with my refund money once I file my taxes. :P


  23. Hiiii!!! More friends! More friends who actually know and enjoy Fire Emblem!! :D

  24. Just dropping in to say, you're not alone, I ship Ike and Elincia too! And I happen to have read you're fic on FF.net, you are a good writer and I can't believe I happened to find you here! ^_^

  25. Thanks!

    And yeah, she is the dark presence on the left side of the picture looking out on the line of suitors. The suitors themselves are all holding funny things too, but Chrom is at the front (of course) with an annoyed expression at the line behind him. XD

    I'd post the picture here so its bigger, but I don't know how to insert it here and I have no idea what...

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