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Silver Lightning

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Status Updates posted by Silver Lightning

  1. Haha, yeah like I said in my note, some character names I took from other sources; Zelda being one since I'm such a huge fan of its mishmash of unique names. I picked names that I thought would fit with the style of Laguz names, especially for the Gallians. I think the only other Zelda name I used was Ashei for the Eagle Princess. But lol, I'm not very original. XD

  2. Oh cool, lol! I feel like I'm overly biased in enjoying creating the bird kids because they were my favorite tribe; I feel like they are the most developed. I'm still plotting my story outline, but I created my characters first so I've only just listed them not too long ago (which reminds me, its about time I updated them with better descriptions and ages lol). I see you've added your list of pairings and OCs; ah well, at least we generally agree on RD (which is actually w...

    1. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      where I see the most dissent usually; maybe its because I'm an IkexElincia fan in a sea of rabid IkexSoren fans...) :/

  3. Your welcome! :) When it comes to people and their preferred AvatarxSomeone pairings, I always respect them the same way I wish to have my love for ChronxFemale Avatar respected. I've been through too many unnecessary flame wars to not be that way. And I see you waded through my long pairing list; that's ok, most people don't tend to agree with most of my non Por/RD couples anyway (or even some of THOSE couples). I'm used to it. :P

  4. Happy Birthday! I hope you (and Freddy-Bear!Morgan) have a wonderful day! :D

  5. Summer DLC.......Chrom and Female Avatar 4 EVER.......that Chrom CG......his unexpected kiss......SO MANY FEELS!!!!!!!!!! XD XD XD

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Renne


      REALLY late, but HELL YEAH. lol, this scramble was totally worth all the money. xD if I understood Japanese, I'd have the game on there too AND watch the conversation for both versions.

    3. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      Yeah, I'm glad that we got that quality of conversation! I'm just sad that not everyone whose spouse wasn't the big 4 can enjoy it... :/

    4. Ace Tactician

      Ace Tactician

      Yeah, not every pair gets a conversation like that. It would be nice if every pair could enjoy that kind of conversation.

  6. Happy, happy, BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have a wonderful day full of birthday wishes come true! ^_^

  7. I'm probably really late to the party but...I just found out when Tales of Xillia is coming to North America: August 6! And not only that, we're getting the Collector's Edition too! I don't care that I'm broke; I WILL PAY 100 DOLLARS FOR IT!!! (It's half of what I paid for my Awakening Bundle). Oh, I can't wait! Less than a hundred days left! :D

  8. Thanks for the Epilogue Thread! Let me know when your friend has completed it so that I may see it. And don't leave the forums - stick around, there is plenty of stuff to talk about and friends to make. Like me! Hope to see you around! :)

    1. Kirokan


      Thanks for the kind words! The FAQ in question is here: http://www.gamefaqs.com/3ds/643003-fire-emblem-awakening/faqs/64260

      She will add in the epilogues in addition to everything that is already there.

      I really appreciate the friend request, and I'll be around here and there, thanks to friendly people like you. :) I'm pretty busy and often FE Fans don't really like to hear me talk, I think. XD

    2. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      Haha, if that's true, that goes double for me! But there are a lot of good people to talk to here (and they tend to outnumber the inevitable trolls). I originally only came here for info on Awakening before it came out and didn't expect to stay after, but I met a lot of cool friends here and I like discussing FE and stuff! I'm glad you'll be around, more friendly people is a plus. And I'll go check out that FAQ soon! :D

  9. Well, I must say I really like the quality of conversation you can view in the Harvest Scramble! I can't wait for the other two, but I must wonder: are there any extra conversations for married couples other than the ones who have a Cg and the Avatar? If not, that sucks! I want to see this conversation quality between couples beyond the S Support and the occasional event tile. And Parent/Child convos too! D:

    1. Ace Tactician

      Ace Tactician

      They decided the special convos via a poll for the JP version. It is kinda disappointing that the special convos are limited to Four 1st gen chars and four 2nd gen chars.

      I can't wait to read Chrom's special convo with Female Avatar as a couple^^

    2. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      Oh boy, I can't wait either! I love his Mark of Naga swim trunks! <3 And you get to talk to Lucina as her mother in the Spa, right? I do wish they weren't stingy and gave everyone CGs and swimwear/yukatas and special convos. Not to mention married character convos that aren't with avatar.

    3. Ace Tactician

      Ace Tactician

      Yeah, Lucina has a special convo with Female Avatar if she is her mother, another one I can't wait for either^^

      I used to have Swimsuit!Chrom as my avy once, I'm thinking about maybe bringing it back sometime. If only I could figure out how to make it not so tiny though...

      I would have liked to see everyone in swimsuits/yukatas though, then I won't have to bother with reclassing them^^

  10. Ok, I found it (and a plethora of other pretty artworks), thanks again! :D

  11. Lol thanks! Gotta beware of the dangers lurking within the deepest recesses of the FE tumblr.

  12. Cool, thanks! Now I'm off to find it....

  13. You have an awesome pic in your sig! Can you please tell me where you got it??? :o

  14. Watching my new Tales of the Abyss dvds. I can't believe how much I missed this series! ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      You have good taste if you're an Okami fan. And I don't know how easy it is to find a box set; my set are four individual dvds of the series that I happened to find all together, and one of my friends advised me to get it then because since bandai has been dissolved everything they own is going out of print. But if you find it, I know you will enjoy it!

    3. Kaze


      I ended up having to watch the ToA anime online since I couldn't afford to buy the DvDs at the time.

    4. Ace Tactician

      Ace Tactician

      I forgot about that option. So if I don't come across any DVDS, I'll watch the ToA anime online.

  15. WOOOO! PRETTY SERENES GREENERY IS BACK!!! I sure am gonna miss the old format; its gonna take a while to get used to this new one. But it sure beats that boring one we just had.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ace Tactician

      Ace Tactician

      I'm glad the SF logo is back, the blue kinda weirded me out. I missed seeing Chrom pop up in the background, chef's hat on and everything on Falchion XD.

    3. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      I'm sure it will come back eventually or we might get something better; I mean it took a little while to implement the new colors, so who knows? I did love the Chrom and chef hat! :3

    4. Ace Tactician

      Ace Tactician

      Yeah, I enjoyed seeing Chef Chrom go by, wonder if they will bring him back?

  16. Ok, I nearly had a freakout this morning when I saw all the lovely green shades of Serenes blotted out by this corporate looking blue shit. Until I saw the community message. I swear, I'm gone for ONE day, and this happens. Oh well, as long as it goes back to normal soon; I spent like ten minutes trying to find my update button, and I would prefer that my...extensive list of pairings wasn't clogging up my main page and should be in my About me page.

    1. Ace Tactician

      Ace Tactician

      I got scared when I saw the blue shade, it looked pretty alien to me. I thought that I had the wrong site for a moment. I'm gone for most of the day and the forum software gets upgraded. I already miss my Chrom badge, I hope everything gets fixed soon.

  17. Nice Tiki photo! :3

  18. I just want to say, I adore your avatar! That's exactly how my Robin looks like in the game (same hair and hair color)! :3

  19. I'm having a mind blank right now, but where do you fight Dark Senel and Dark Shirley? I blame my recent acquisition of Shirley for making me wonder if I was supposed to have fought them yet and I haven't played this game in almost 2 years. I heard they were hard.

  20. While I enjoy learning more about the characters, I feel like the quests are going to be nothing but backtracking and boss pain. How hard have the rest of the character quests been for you?

  21. Oh dear, I can imagine how hard that will be. It's been a while since I played, but I remember the trouble I had with Dark Will, who I assume is the weakest of the bunch. And since my main strategy is just staggering shit like nuts, that is going to suck majorly.

  22. Tales of Legendia, right? I have heard horror stories of people fighting her, but sadly I haven't been able to experience it yet because I'm still only on Chloe's Character quest....and I will be until my sister brings the PS2 and the game back from college. I can't even keep playing Mana Khemia or Atelier Iris. :(

  23. Welp, I officially finished Micah's Story and my second playthrough of Awakening. Same deal as my last one, Micah let Chrom finish it cuz I'll do the other ending later when I'm near 100% done. Also because I needed to get Tiki's special quote from that ending. It was a fun ride, especially having a wonderful, beautiful, roflstomping Manakete wife and daughter; forget the rest of the army --- Micah, Tiki and Morgan were their own 3 person doom bringing team. XD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kaze


      Heh. Yeah, I'm taking my time until Priam's paralogue is released. XD

    3. Ace Tactician

      Ace Tactician

      I'm waiting until I get all the spotpass charactors and complete the series 1 DLC, unless series 2 comes out then I'll probably wait until I beat the Bonds DLC and Future of Despair DLC.

    4. Kaze


      See, I still need to get another 3DS card in order for me to complete series 1 of the DLCs..

  24. Lol thanks! I like it a lot, but I wish it was a little bigger. I like yours too! :)

  25. Apparently I must be suffering from PACD (Post Anime Con Disorder), because I seem to be starting and falling in love with all these anime that I discovered at Zenkaikon. It's bringing out the worst of my ADD too, because I haven't even fully finished Angel Beats!, and now I'm watching Sword Art Online. Love it so far, Kirito x Asuna is <3! Someone help! I can't stop the feels! XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      I guess it has its pros and cons (no pun intended). Its hard to stop watching them because they are fresh and new stories for me to absorb and I haven't had that since Soul Eater two or three years ago. I love going to cons because they expose me to new things to watch and fangirl over. And yes, FE13 still claims a sizable amount of my time. I got so many streetpass teams there!

    3. Ace Tactician

      Ace Tactician

      For some reason, I can't seem to get any streetpasses at all. So I've pretty much given up on trying to get any. Maybe I'm not looking in the right places.

    4. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      Like I said in another thread, its best to go places where people potentially have 3DS's on them, especially if you have an idea that they will have Awakening too. University settings and the like usually have streetpasses going around, but at least in mine, I've come across only 2 teams; the rest were randomly generated. That's why I took kine to the con, and got around 50 actual teams as a result! Anime cons have FE fans, it seems.

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