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Der Kommissar

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Posts posted by Der Kommissar

  1. By the state response "not being pretty," of course, he means that the state and agents of the state are variously beating, arresting, and murdering citizens for their outrage over their vote being so blatantly and ham-handedly stolen. Basiji militia filth have, recently, begun raiding homes to stop the nightly shouting from the rooftops of "Allahu Akbar," with its history as a rallying call both in the last revolution and as an expression often used in outrage/anger besides.

    The most recent development had the Guardian Council confirming that Ahmadinejad won after doing a partial recount, a result that has been expected since the government deigned to pretend they cared what the citizens thought.

    People are still infuriated and protesting, and the establishment forces can count on the full support of little but their direct toadies - the police are divided, the clerics are divided, the state military is "neutral," and even elements of the IRGC have shown elements supporting the protestors' complaints.

  2. kk troll. Yet what about every other casual player who also gets upset and alienated from the same thing?

    I care not from whence the butthurt flows, so long as it flows. Call it an added bonus.

  3. He's just trying to troll tourney goers. Everyone hates tripping.

    I'm 100% serious. I'm willing and eager to endure a mechanic that upsets and alienates tourneyfags.

  4. Even a few other communities I frequent that DO care about geopolitics are starting to flag on their Iran news.

    There's been some especially nasty and violent crackdowns by Basiji filth lately.

  5. Actually, I thought I mgiht mention, that when I finally get a gf (won't until I'm 18), there will be no sex (saving that for marriage), so no approtunity for me to cheat on her (I mean, no sex with ANYONE, not just with her), and I will never cheat on my wife, EVER!!

    If another woman so much as FLIRTS with me, she's gonna take an explosion of Veral Abuse RIGHT IN THE FACE!!

    Somehow I get this feeling you're not going to have to worry about having a girlfriend.

  6. >Threads about Iran crisis: 0; weeks after the fact

    >Threads about dead lunatic paedophile celebrity: 1; 4 pages long; made immediately

    I hope you guys don't vote.

    I, for one, am glad. Now I can buy a Beatles CD without knowing I'm funding a paedophile and possible child molester. I just wish his death had been as weird as him.

  7. And they give you the power to execute your comrades to make people fight harder?

    No, your FAITH IN THE EMPEROR does that.

    Commissar Cornflakes is, of course, part of a balanced breakfast that includes Soylens Viridians rations. Don't forget to recite the Litany of Pouring when filling your bowl, lest you spill milk on the mess table.

  8. I'm really not sure these days which members of this forum are actually true believers in an invisible psychic jew and who among you are just taking the piss.

    Isn't there a theorm that postulates that conservative religious parody is indistinguishable from actual conservative religious beliefs? Kinda like that.

    Also, shame on me for not being Fox's first replier with the NatGeo image. I'm honestly ashamed of myself.

  9. No, though I can certainly understand why people cheat, particulary in things like education. It's nice and cute to say that you did your best, but no potential employer gives a fuck that you ALMOST passed course XYZ. I don't really start caring until it's done to actively harm another human being or when a caught cheater gets indignant.

    As to lighter forms of cheating, like video games? Regularly, if I think it'll be fun. See using console commands to spawn tons of mass-produced sith wannabes in the Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy game. Online cheating rarely qualifies as "fun" unless you're just doing it to grief.

    I have cheated sometimes for test. for example just studying the answers if that is counted as cheating.

    That's not cheating, though it IS (one of) the cancer(s) that's killing education. That's not your fault, though, since plenty of education emphasizes rote memorization of factoids over any sort of applicable understanding.

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