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Posts posted by Tharne

  1. Honestly, I don't see a point in getting this 3DS unless it's an XL.

    I mean, while blue-white is a nice color scheme, it doesn't exactly scream Fire Emblem to me.

    And the displayed sword is the Awakening version of the Falchion which doesn't look in the slightest like the iconic design that the series managed to maintain through all of it's incarnations since it's debut on the Famicom. It's like Nintendo would have decided to change the Triforce's shape into a circle for the Zelda themed 3DS.

    And dragons alone are to generic to make it look like Fire Emblem.

    It's really just a regular 3DS with blue and white colors. It looks nice but it's not a must-buy in the slightest.

    Well, except if you don't have a 3DS, find XL model lame, and love this Falchion more than the others. There is no accounting for taste you know. :D:

    (It's sad that we don't know if it's coming to Europe, 'cause if it is i could return my 3DS. Damn Nintendo and their late announcements >_< )

  2. Seems like my friend took it well.

    [12:02:54 PM] Arieta: wait

    [12:02:59 PM] Arieta: Japanese voice track

    [12:02:59 PM] Arieta: available?

    [12:03:04 PM] Me: option's there

    [12:03:05 PM] Arieta: ...

    [12:03:06 PM] Arieta: pinch me

    [12:03:09 PM] Arieta: fucking

    [12:03:10 PM] Arieta: PINCH ME


    [12:03:18 PM] Arieta: HBA UFIAHU;'


    Overdose of weeb I guess. :B):
  3. Are there any Boots/Swiftsoles/other movement enhancing items? I haven't really seen or heard about anything like that at all, and since we're currently on the topic of feet, I thought I would ask.

    Yeah, Boots gives +2 movements, I know that you obtain one with the second to last reward from the Fame system (at 50 000).

    But I don't really know if you can have some with merchant shop (Anna's sisters or Streetpass teams).

  4. Try Ephraim route without grinding, arena use, going slowly, or tower use.

    It becomes pretty obnoxious.

    Btw, I find Ephraim route more fun due to 3 Knight Crests.

    And the fact that I don't have to use a "meh" unit like Eirika every chapter past ch15.

    Arena ? What's that ? Never used arena more than like 3 times in my life, it's boring as hell. :spengbab:

    I usually use Tower just before Chapter 18 'cause I hate those Gorgons. >_<

    The only Knight Crest, that I use, is for :Amelia: (sometimes for :Gilliam: too, I love Generals so much...).

    The only thing that's bothering me in Ephraim's route are those Druids@FuryStaff during the last mission, always forgot about them...

  5. Never understand the "Ephraim's more difficult than Eirika's", Ephraim's chapters are sooooooo easy and i don't even use him, he just follows the others who just rollstomp the map.

    I prefer Eirika's in all aspects but i generally go for Ephraim's cause it's too easy and my three recruits can lvl up much easier to become powerhouse.

  6. Ah, my thanks. Kinda glad you can just buy em after a certain point now. But where did all the feet go? I suspect there is some sort of crazy goblin with a foot fetish and a meat-cleaver that steals peoples feet while they sleep in FE 13.. we'll never know. huh.gif

    I think that's because feet are a pain to design. If you look closely the end of the legs are really really tiny feet.

    If you watch shadowofchaos's video of the DLC : Secret Spa of Bonds, when you look at Sairi during combat, she clearly wears sandals on those tinyyyyyy feet.

  7. Marc obviously came from

    an alternate universe where they failed to stop Gimle from possessing MU even with the time travellers help and everything was irrevocably fucked up once again, just like the original bad future timeline. Or he/she came from a timeline where they won, but he/she stumbled through the timegate and bumped his/her head on the way through, losing all of his/her memories. Either way.


    In reality : Matthew, Legault and Jaffar ( all three as assassins ) tried a Triangle Attack on The Tactician ( Mark ) but all their Lethality triggered at the same time, ending in a so powerfull attack, that a wormhole formed right on The Tactician leading to his memory loss and his universe travel. Moral of the story : Nerf FE7 Assassins plz :Jaffar:

  8. Othin is right. 3rd Gen Mark (with the right set-up) can be absolutely devastating. For instance, if a female avatar with Best!Speed and Worst!Defense marries a Lon'qu!Chambray, Mark will get +17 added to his max stats modifiers one of which includes +11 speed, which I think is the highest speed modifier you can get in the game.

    Well, for the +17 i think that's because Velvet has broken modifiers stats ( like Nono and Tiki ). But yeah 3rd Gen is really stronk, the downside is that you will get Mark later in the game. (And I personally think that marrying one of the children is a little weird.)

  9. What? Marc is MU's child, and Chrom is only dad if Chrom marries FeMU.

    First : No Krom is not only dad if he marries FeMU. Sumia, Soiree, Mariabel and Olivia work too. Edit : Oh you mean Krom is Marc's dad only if he marries FeMU yeah, i misunderstand sorry.

    Second : Yeah, Marc is MU's child, and for FeMarc to have Aether, MU has to marry one of Krom possible daughters so Lucina (with any woman up there), Cynthia (if Krom is married with Sumia) or Degel (married with Soiree).

  10. All right, this question is a slightly odd one, but I feel the need to ask:

    Is there any first gen character who's hair counts as grey other than an MU with grey hair? I thought maybe Henry's, but that might just be white. It seems to vary from screenshot to screenshot.

    Thanks in advance.

    Sumia and Donny I would say.

    For Donny it's seems purple-ish tho', or maybe it's brown dunno. x)

  11. And we have Reason #12 why I wanna pair up my Male Avatar with Lucina.

    Aether Female Mark.

    Well, Aether Female Mark can be obtained with any daughter from Krom, not only Lucina.

    So that'll work with Cynthia or Degel. If Krom has the proper waifu.

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