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Status Updates posted by Balcerzak

  1. Hey, welcome back, friend.

    1. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      Hey! Just checked back in and saw this; sorry that I never replied in a timely manner months ago, but I'm hoping to be able to stick around more often now. Thanks and Happy New Year! :newyears:


    2. Balcerzak


      Happy New Year!

  2. I love your display name. Squid Girl was a wonderful show.

    1. De Geso

      De Geso

      Thanks! She's my favorite character ever so it's natural I'd have my display name most places have to do with her :3

  3. You might not have posted twice. There were two threads for almost identical purposes that I merged. I'll go ahead and clean up the double post for you.

    1. BrandedCharmer93


      OHHHH! I was wondering what happened and then I decided I was just being stupid.  Tnank you!


  4. Testing out the profile feed on the forum upgrade.

    1. Balcerzak


      Now testing out a reply.

  5. So, how did you end up liking that manga in the end?

    1. Zak Something

      Zak Something

      it was bittersweet, but I still liked it. thank you again for translating it for me. I really appreciate it. :)

  6. Looks like you double posted? I don't know what you're talking about! (sorry, missed that bit of fallout, it's fixed now)

    1. Rezzy


      Since a lot of the posts from the Election thread got moved. Two consecutive posts made by me were left.

    2. Balcerzak


      Alas, my joking sarcasm got lost in text form.

  7. Another Zelda 2 fan, quite the rare thing indeed!

  8. I was a little surprised too, but I think a large part of it was 3p drew much more heavily from her than from Trump. And MN does have some history with 3p in the past...

    1. Rezzy


      Yeah, I was surprised too, that 3rd party didn't get more support this year. Johnson had been pulling around 10% for a while.

    2. Balcerzak


      I'm assuming that even though both candidates were widely detested, an undercurrent of fear may have driven away a lot of people who might have otherwise been swayed if only one of the party's choices was viewed as unacceptable. I'm not sure how to account for the dramatic loss from 10% to under 4% though, it really disappointed me, I was hoping for double-digit figures this year.

  9. Oh you... Thanks for that, I got a good laugh from that one.

    1. Jotari


      Thanks for acknowledging it! I thought it was pretty amusing myself!

    2. Balcerzak


      np, didn't want to clutter the thread with it, but figured it deserved something.

  10. What double post?

    1. Koneko


      it showed a double post when I was doing qotd

      was it actually a single post and I'm actually dumb

    2. Balcerzak


      (I just hid it for you and was being teasing. Don't be so gullible.)

    3. Koneko


      it just shows how much I trust you friend touch

      (also ty and also SHH)

  11. Not probably gonna be checking HHH much if at all any more, find me elsewhere if you want to talk

  12. I'm actually stoked you really enjoyed the song, poke me to share more often if you want.

    1. Ebony


      I'll keep that in mind!

  13. You know my bark is worse than my bite, I'm just messing with ya

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Koneko


      it'll be okie friend

      I am just one who is quick to conclusions pat

    3. Balcerzak


      Thanks for the kind words. Your response made me smile and now I feel bad for teasing you.

    4. Koneko


      aww don't feel bad friend

      I'm glad it made you smile though!

  14. 100% fucking with you, btw

    1. ___


      I figured, lol

  15. Saw your name in recent posters and had to laugh. Thanks for that!

  16. leggos

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Balcerzak


      I've never changed my username. I could change avatar/sig, but not that.

    3. Koneko


      oh darn :c I tried at least

    4. Balcerzak


      You did. Your effort was commendable.

  17. Sorry if my last post felt like I was talking down to you. Just trying to explain things as I saw them.

    1. ZemZem


      No no, you're just fine. Sorry about my outbursts.

  18. You have been selected for the SF Interview Thread for the coming week.

  19. Are you aware you were selected for the interview thread?

    1. Fruity Insanity

      Fruity Insanity

      Oh. ... No... I guess I'll have to...check that...

  20. Honestly, don't worry about misplacing that thread, those things happen even with the best intentions sometimes. I went ahead and hid our posts for off-topic as well, just to keep it clean.

    1. DragonLord


      Alright, thanks for letting me know!

  21. the ojou-sama

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Balcerzak


      It was her AMA, you should probably follow her response. Keep a save in reserve, though.

    3. I'm gay dabadeedabada

      I'm gay dabadeedabada

      Oh, this isn't a game I'm playing - it's a game I'm making.

    4. Balcerzak



      I see, in that case, hmm...

  22. "you're kitty so by default you are the pet" that is kind of adorable, ngl

    1. Koneko



      though yeah I guess it is haha

  23. Lawful Good? You? *chokes*

    1. Chen


      Chen: hey not like i can help it

      Chen: therefore if i perform good acts and try to suppress it i'm lawful good

      Chen: i bet some philosopher argued about this

  24. While "A Night at the Opera" is quite good, "Nightfall in Middle-Earth" is superiour, in my opinion.

    1. Serpent of Sheol

      Serpent of Sheol

      i should read my profile more often


      balc i will fight you, respectfully

    2. Balcerzak


      haha, I almost missed this notification under the pile of report notifications from missing a day or two. 'sall good.

      Can we compromise and agree Somewhere Far Beyond has a lot of classics?

    3. Serpent of Sheol
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