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Lord Sheezy

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Everything posted by Lord Sheezy

  1. Is anybody hyped up for the upcoming Dynasty Warriors 8/Shin Sangoku Musou 7 along with the release of Empires in the US? THIS GUY!!!
  2. I just called Gamestop and they said that it's coming in on Wednesday and I am now the happiest person in my house. Also, NYC Fire Emblem players represent!
  3. I just hope that the Artbook is worth the wait or else I will have to take my business elsewhere, hopefully to Nintendo World.
  4. I can be of some help if you want to know more about the history of the Three Kingdoms. You may want to look into some of the Strategy RPGs that Koei released about the Three Kingdoms as some sort of basis of how you want to base your story upon. Potential main protagonists can include Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, Jiang Wei, Sima Shi, the Sun family respectively, but mainly Sun Quan, Lu Bu, and many more. It really depends on your preferences.
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