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Everything posted by Redwall

  1. Hard: +Spd/-HP. Durability isn't a concern in Hard, and +Spd makes the earlygame a lot faster. Lunatic: +Mag/-Lck. Endgame offense can be a problem if you're going fast. +Spd/-Lck is good too, but I don't think it provides anything useful beyond the Gangrel fight since a +Mag Dark Flier will be ridiculously fast from having spent so many levels in the Pegasus tree. Lunatic+: +Def/-Lck and +Def/-Skl. The Avatar absolutely has to snowball for the most reliable clears of Lunatic+.
  2. To the original question, no. I'm already friends with everyone here. Obviously, right? (and by 'friend' I don't mean it in the fake wimpy Facebook-y sense that has creeped its way into the vernacular)
  3. You might have some more views (not many more) if you avoid making your videos unlisted. But yeah, this generally happens to playthroughs.
  4. Did you open the door on turn 2 or on turn 3? I don't think the northern Dracoknight reinforcements are a problem if the initial RHS enemies are all taken out during turn 1 enemy phase, and the western ones shouldn't be a problem if the door is opened on turn 3.
  5. Yeah, the four-turn clear of C17 looks tricky; the best I could do with my team was five turns with Tomas recruited. I think I have some ideas, though. [spoiler=avoid clicking if you want to figure it out yourself]A Swordmaster or a trained Mage with a forged Shaver from the Secret Shop can team up with Etzel and Jeorge to take out the entire RHS on turn 1 player phase. A Spd-capped Paladin with the Starsphere can ORKO one of the southern Warriors, and a Swordmaster can ORKO the Sniper on turn 1 after receiving a Dance from Feena. The throne room should be tolerable if the Paladin has good HP and Def.
  6. Yes, but while your other fighters have value as flier-killers in addition to decent all-around combat, Jeorge can't do anything beyond shooting fliers due to his low bases and nonexistent weapon ranks outside of bows. I don't see why you'd avoid the forge in H3. Now that I think about it, Jeorge isn't bad in C17 since he can take out the upper-right Dracoknight on turn 1 enemy phase and free up your other bow user to do other things with the forge. I don't see him being that useful outside of that. In dondon's C11 strat, the Sniper avoids taking the forge in order to allow Jake to kill a Flying Dragon with it and to let Marth get some kills.
  7. Jeorge is a lot worse than the average Jagen. His only value is sniping Flying Dragons, something anyone on the team can do with a forged bow.
  8. What I've been hearing is that the Knight Avatar can trivialize H4 after a couple of statboosters and a good win streak in the Drill Grounds, though I suspect that a) this isn't the most efficient path and b) lategame still requires a good team effort (I'm still on H3 though). I don't really see offense being a problem for him since the Avatar can be reclassed to Pirate for good earlygame offense (a Noble's Child Avatar should have a very high chance of doubling at that stage in the game).
  9. Riiight, this soldier's being the twit. Agreed, using this score. Can the sass or go back and resubmit your previous ratings to account for postgame.
  10. I'm pretty sure Reggie mentioned Inigo in the "worst unit in the game" thread a few weeks back. While his rating technically follows the guidelines, it's pretty clear that Reggie is just messing with PKL.
  11. As a person she's likable enough, but as a video game character she's fairly bland. Her survivor's guilt is never explored in any detail in her A or S supports with the Avatar, which is unfortunate since it's ostensibly the main reason she hates being called a genius. Her Frederick support doesn't do much for her characterization (while making Fred look like a sweetie). Her Kellam support is charming, but not particularly memorable.
  12. Inigo rulz (as does Catria, but that's neither here nor there)
  13. Morgan can inherit both Veteran and Galeforce in an efficient playthrough and steamroll through with no injury to turncounts or reliability. Good regardless of who the parent is. 9.5/10 no bias. Bro, do you even Galeforce?
  14. ^yeah, it would be nice if, after beating the game (say) once, there existed an option to show when and where reinforcements come out. Something like this would save a lot of time on challenge runs.
  15. I thought Red Fox dominated Tangerine. I just don't know what to believe anymore.
  16. 1. B 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. B 8. B 9. B 10. B Totally beating Zeem.
  17. Judaism and Christianity would explain this by appealing to the Book of Job: the short answer is that God's ways are thought to be beyond our understanding. Whether this is in actuality an incredibly profound insight or a lame-brained apology is a mystery.
  18. Jagens are good, but I don't necessarily like the distortionary effect they have on balance (cf. FE13 Chapter 2). One advantage of Jagens that hasn't been explicitly mentioned is the fact that they allow for the team some robustness in terms of growths; most notably in the earlygame, important units have more of a chance of getting screwed out of good growths due to the small number of levels gained, but the Jagens are there to pick up the slack, and by the time the midgame rolls around, the number of levels gained by the growth units should give the player a much better chance at having serviceable units. Imposing fixed growths would be one way of nullifying this. The problem of balance remains, but teamwork-heavy games like FE12 H3 show there are reasonably clean ways of limiting the influence of any one character, be it an Avatar-like character who is good throughout the game or an Arran who is good for only four chapters. At no point in H3 does Arran or Sirius curbstomp an entire level essentially by themselves due to their low defenses, whereas the high emphasis on the enemy phase in FE13 allows for a +Def Avatar or a Frederick to clear out the majority of the map with a decent Pair Up. PS why do we still write Jeigan when the official Shadow Dragon translation says Jagen ?_?
  19. Are you still planning on using Morgan as a Rescue-bot? If you're recruiting Anna, it seems like her Paralogue should be enough to make him a serviceable combatant in Chapter 15 and beyond.
  20. The developers tried a bit too hard with the gouge quote, lol. The only Anna quotes I liked were the ones from her two Paralogues...after that her schtick started wearing thin.
  21. Bad bases due to having Olivia as a parent...not much else to say. I've never tried any postgame stuff, so Inigo's potential isn't relevant to me. 1/10, no bias. Catria rulz
  22. You might want to check out YouTube videos to compare the scripts. Personally, what I've seen of the WotL script makes me want to facepalm. It is worth noting that WotL has some bonus sidequests and classes that the original doesn't.
  23. 1. d 2. d 3. a 4. b 5. a I really hope my answer to #4 is wrong, and that you're not contemplating suicide.
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