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  1. Here's Libra and Donnel supports for Avatar (M). [spoiler=Avatar(M)xLibra (Friendship)] [spoiler= C Support] Libra: ...... Avatar: Oh, hello, Libra. What are you up to? Libra: I'm drawing a picture. Avatar: Whoa, that's very good! Great shading, exquisite detail, and through it all, an air of melancholy... It's very like you. Libra: Melancholy? Truly? Avatar: I don't mean that in a bad way! Actually, you should probably just ignore me... I know very little when it comes to fine art. Libra: Well, to be honest, I don't know much about it either. Avatar: Really? But you're so talented! Libra: I've been told my pictures are technically proficient, but lack artistic soul. Avatar: Poppycock! I mean look at this sketch--it's BURSTING with soul! I bet whoever told you that was simply jealous of your talent. Libra: Well, I appreciate the sentiment. Here, you can have this if you like it so much. Avatar: Are you sure? You didn't draw it on commission or anything? Libra: I don't ever do drawings on request. ...No exceptions. Avatar: Well, if it's not meant for anyone else, then yes, I'll gladly accept. Thank you. [spoiler= B Support] Avatar: Tsk! I just can't get this color right. Libra: Er, Avatar? You have paint on your cheek. ...And your chin. ...AND behind your ear. Avatar: Oh, er, so I do. Whoops! Libra: Are you trying your hand at painting? Avatar: Yes! Seeing your drawing has inspired me to take up the palette myself... But, I fear I'm wasting my time. Just look at this muddy slop! Clearly when the gods distributed artistic talent, I was in the outhouse. Libra: The gods would have waited for you, I'm sure. But let's take a look... Oh...dear. Er, it's a portrait of Lissa, is that right? You picked an odd color for her face... And the left eye is rather...oblong. Still, a fine first effort! We can't expect to be perfect straightaway. Avatar: ...It's a pegasus. And it's NOT my first try. It's my 100th. Libra: Oh. ...Oh, dear. Avatar: You don't have to say anything. I can see it in your face--I should just give up. Libra: N-no, I wouldn't go that far! Avatar: I would. Still, this little experiment helps me realize just how talented YOU are. I look at that picture you gave me every day, you know? Libra: Not EVERY day, surely? Avatar: Each night before I sleep! It fills me with a wonderful sense of peace. I'm always worried it'll get damaged when we march, so I pack it very carefully. Libra: You're the first person who's ever valued one of my works so highly. And though pride be a sin, I'm...pleased that you treasure it so. [spoiler= A Support] Avatar: *Sigh* Libra: What's wrong, Avatar? You seem most upset. Avatar: I am, Libra. I am... That wonderful drawing you gave me was torn to shreds. It's ruined completely. Libra: During the last battle, I presume? When we were suddenly forced to break camp? Avatar: Yes, exactly. I had no time to pack it away properly, and so... Oh, I miss it already... Libra: Don't get upset, Avatar. I can draw you another one. Avatar: But you said you never draw pictures by request. Remember? Libra: For you, I will be delighted to make an exception! Avatar: Really? Oh, thank you! What will it be?! Libra: Well, I haven't thought about it. What kind of picture would you like? Avatar: How about a self-portrait? Libra: Er, you want to hang a picture of me on your tent wall? The picture that you look at every night before sleeping? Avatar: Why not? You are one of my closest friends, after all. Is that a problem? Libra: Well, it's just that the last time I did a self-portrait, everyone thought it was a woman. Even after I specifically tried to play up my more manly features... Avatar: That...must have been embarrassing. Libra: Well, not that it matters. It's hardly my fault if people can't see the blindingly obvious, is it? Avatar: Er, right. So, no self-portraits... How about a portrait of me, then? It can be a keepsake for when I get old, to remind me I was once young and handsome! Libra: A most challenging request, but I will pray that Naga guide my hand! Avatar: Er, someone less understanding could take that the wrong way, you know... [spoiler=Avatar(M)xDonnel (Friendship)] [spoiler= C Support] Donnel: Nah, still no good. The hook's too big. Maybe if I... Naw, that ain't it neither! Avatar: Donnel? What are you trying to do? Donnel: This dang fishin' hook I'm makin' just don't wanna work for me. See here? Way it is now, the fish'll just slip right off soon as it starts fightin'. Avatar: Ah, yes. It needs a barb on the inside. Here, may I? ...There we go. Donnel: Wow, thanks! I owe ya one, Avatar. How'd ya know so much about fishin' hooks anyhow? Avatar: Oh, just something I read about at one time or another. Donnel: Shoulda guessed. You always got yer nose in one dusty book or another. I just wish there was some way I could return the favor. Say, you know anythin' 'bout buildin' snares? I'm actually a pretty good trapper. Avatar: Not much, I'm afraid. Perhaps you'd teach me some basic traps sometime? Donnel: Darn tootin' I will! We can start with a box trap. Ain't nothin' to it. Avatar: Sure, sound great! [spoiler= B Support] Avatar: Hey, Donny! You remember that box trap you helped me make? Well, I caught a boar! Just look at the size of this thing! Donnel: It's near as big as this fish I caught thanks to yer tricky hook! Avatar: Goodness, I think we're going to have leftovers tonight. Donnel: Heck, if we smoke that boar'a yours, we'll be set for a month. Avatar: Boar jerky? My mouth's watering just thinking about it... Oh, and speaking of, I was working on ways to improve that trap. I think I've got a better trigger figured out. You should come by and take a look. Donnel: Swell! I got a new hook I wanted to show ya, anyhow. Avatar: Ha ha, listen to us! We're obsessed. Donnel: Heh, ain't that the truth? We ain't even on larder duty! Avatar: We should be, the way we're stockpiling provisions. Donnel: I wager the others'd think we're a right pair of greedyguts, way we's goin'. Avatar: I know! Ah ha ha! [spoiler= A Support] Avatar: Do you cook, Donny? Donnel: Sure--if I ain't got a choice. You? Avatar: I've only poisoned myself twice! Donnel: You say that like yer proud! But ain't much use to all this meat if we can't do nothin' with it. Avatar: Do you want to have a go? At cooking it, I mean? I'll bet if the two of us put our heads together we could come up with something. Donnel: No harm in tryin' Avatar: Gah! The fish! You're burning it! Donnel: And yer stew is boilin' over! Avatar: HOOOOOOT! Hot! Hot! Hot! Donnel: You all right?! Avatar: Ow... Y-yes, I think so. It's just a little burn. Donnel: You gotta cool that, quick! Take this... Aw, horse apples! We're outta water! I'll go draw some. Don't move! I got the water! Stick yer hand in there. Avatar: Ahhhhhhhhh... Donnel: I reckon there WAS harm in us tryin' to cook. Avatar: I'd say it was worth it. At least I got to learn something about you. Donnel: And what's that? Avatar: You've got a cool head in a crisis. You were quick on your feet and kept it together. Thanks again for the water. Donnel: Shucks. Ain't nothin' nobody else wouldn'ta done... Avatar: Don't be modest. You certainly... *sniff* *sniiiiiiff* Er, Donny? Is something burning? Donnel: The fish! The fish is still on the goldurn fire! Avatar: I think the harm is starting to outweigh the benefit now. Let's just throw some dirt over these cookfires and slink away. Er, and perhaps we'll not mention this to anyone else, eh? Avatar such a fanboy. EDIT: Oh hey, Donnel's supports are pretty much the same without the S.
  2. Now that I've finished the game, here's the supports I was supposed to be doing. [spoiler=Avatar(M)xVaike (Friendship)] [spoiler= C Support] Avatar: ...Vaike? What are you up to out here? Vaike: Eh? Me? Up to? Nothin'! Har har! Yessir, just a whooole lot of nothin'. Oh lookie there! Pretty flowers! I sure do love me a pretty flower, don't you? Yep! Love 'em. All of 'em! ...Say what's your favorite flower, Avatar? Avatar: ...Okay, now I KNOW you're up to something. Vaike: Har har! Nope, not me! Just lookin' at all them pretty flowers is all. Nice, ain't they? Avatar: Liar. You're trying to see who's bathing in the spring over there. Vaike: S-spring? There's a spring? Why, I had NO idea! Avatar: Don't play dumb with me, Vaike! Now stop leering and get back to camp. Vaike: Aw, come on now! You're a man! You know how it is! Don't you ever- Avatar: No. I don't. ...Thank the gods. Vaike: Right little goody two-shoes, ain't ya? Interrupting my fun just when... Oh, fine. Guess I'm done lookin' at flowers. But don't think you can keep me- Huh? What's that? Avatar: That's Sully's horse isn't it? Gods, but it's a fierce-looking brute. Do you see how it's glaring at us? It's almost as if it thinks... Vaike: IT'S GONNA CHARGE! RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIIIIIIIFE! Avatar: B-but I didn't do anything! Gyaaaaaa! [spoiler= B Support] Vaike: Har! It's the Vaike's lucky day! Sully's horse is dozin' away, and that meddling little-- Avatar: Meddling little...what? Vaike: Blast! You again? Er, I mean... Oh, look! A four-leaf clover! Lucky me! Avatar: For that lie to work, you actually need to have a four-leaf clover. You were spying on bathing women again, weren't you?! Don't deny it! Vaike: I DO deny it! ...Besides, what are YOU doing skulkin' around the bushes? Avatar: I was collecting elderberries. For tea. Not that it's any concern of yours! Now keep your voice down! You might wake up Sully's devil steed. Vaike: What do you care if it wakes? I'm the one he's got it in for. Avatar: Not anymore, thanks to you! Ever since that time I caught you snooping, the beast has made me its sworn enemy. If I get within half a league, it's after me like a hound from hell! Vaike: Har har! So the beast has the evil eye for Lord Goody Two-Shoes himself? There's a word for that... What is it... Tip of my tongue... Oh, I know! ...IRONIC! HAR HAR! Avatar: Frankly, being tarred with the same brush as you is punishment enough. In any case, neither of us want to be here if that horse wakes up. Come on, let's get back to camp. Vaike: Curses, I truly thought today was going to be the Vaike's lucky... Wait. That evil horse-it's gone! Avatar: V-Vaike... D-don't turn around... It's right...behind you... Vaike: It's...b-behind me? ARRRRRRRRRRRRGH! RUUUUUUUN! FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT'S GOOD AND HOLY, RUUUUUUUUUUUUN! Avatar: WHY MEEEEEEEEE?! [spoiler= A Support] Avatar: Hey, Vaike. Why the long face? Vaike: ...Oh. Hello, Avatar. So, uh...I've been thinkin'. The Vaike's caused ya a lot of grief. I feel bad about it. Avatar: It's not like you to be so introspective. Why does it worry me... Vaike: Well, I was having a bath--you know, down by the spring--and well... These ladies appeared outta nowhere and started pointin' and laughin' at poor Teach! I was stark naked, with my clothes hung up on the far side of the creek! I reckon they were gettin' revenge for those times I...accidentally spied on 'em. Avatar: Huh. Vaike: And that blasted horse was there, grinnin' like a rabid crocodile! It was humiliatin'! Avatar: Well, that does sound unpleasant. Even if you only have yourself to blame. One might even call it... Oh, what's the word? Ah, yes: ironic! In any case, can we please assume that you've finally learned your lesson? Vaike: Yeah, now that I know what it's like to be the victim, the Vaike's spyin' days are over. Avatar: Good, I think when you look back on this later, you'll be glad it happened. But, come. No use moping about that's done. The Shepherds need their Teach. They need his passion and his willingness to take on anything or anyone, damn the odds! Vaike: Har har. Now that's the truth! ...You're all right, Avatar. A good friend through and through. Avatar: You...consider me a friend? Vaike: Darn right! You're in the Vaike circle of trust. Not many folk earn that privilege! ...But now that we're friends and all, that means we can ask each other favors. Avatar: Favors? Well, I suppose if there's something-- Vaike: I've given up spying, but I owe those girls a good scare! No one makes a mockery of Teach and gets away with it! So put your thinkin' cap on and brew up some kinda revenge scheme, okay? Maybe some way to dump puddin' on their heads or somethin'. Avatar: Pudding, Vaike? Honestly? [spoiler=Avatar(M)xFrederick (Friendship)] [spoiler= C Support] Frederick: Your grip, stance, and breathing are wrong. Focus, Avatar. ...Again! Avatar: Ready! Frederick: That's enough for today. Your form has improved considerably. The pace of your progress is remarkable. Avatar: *Huff, huff* Th-thanks... I feel like...I've got the basics *huff* down now... But... S-so tired... *huff* I think I'm dying... Frederick: Ha! You're exaggerating! Or at least I pray so. Otherwise you might as well die here--- you won't last long on the battlefield. Avatar: I suppose...but I'm exhausted nonetheless... But you... You've hardly broken a sweat? Frederick: I should certainly hope not. If a little training winded me, I would be in no shape to serve Chrom. Avatar: Well, I'm impressed. You must train hard to build such endurance. Frederick: Well, I awaken before dawn each day to build the campfires... Then whenever we march, I scout the trail ahead, removing rocks and such... Wouldn't do to have someone turn an ankle mid-campaign, now would it? Avatar: (So that's why... I always thought it was just a fixation with pebble collecting...) Frederick: Beg pardon, did you say something? Avatar: Er, nothing important! But I owe you for this training session, so let me help you with tomorrow's fire. It's be a snap with my magic. Find a tree, hit it with a lightning bolt, and presto! Frederick: ...Instant forest fire. Avatar: Oh! Well, yes, I suppose that...could happen... In any case, I do still owe you a favor. Whatever you like-- name it and it's yours. You needn't decide today, of course. Think it over for the next time we meet. Frederick: I am unaccustomed to asking favors, but if you insist, I shall find something. [spoiler= B Support] Frederick: Hello, Avatar. I've thought about your previous offer. Avatar: The favor? Oh, good! What'll it be? Just say the word. Frederick: I recall seeing you eat bear with great relish shortly after we first met. I should like you to teach me this skill. ...Eating bear, that is. Avatar: I remember that night! Lissa was in a froth. Said it smelled like...old boots, was it? Wait, so you didn't eat any, either? Frederick: I fear I've rarely been able to choke down wild game, and bear least of all. But as the war grows harsher, I can no longer afford to be picky. There may come a day when bear is the only food available to us. Best I train to overcome my aversion now, when our situation is not so dire. Avatar: True, and even the finest knight isn't much use on an empty stomach... All right then, you're on. Let's get you eating some bear! Frederick: Yes, I will train till I can consume anything, without concern for taste or decorum. Like an animal, or a savage... Or like you, Avatar. Avatar: ...... Frederick: Er, Avatar? ...Did I say something wrong? Avatar: Um, no, nothing. Don't worry about it. So Frederick. You don't have a problem with more common meats, do you? Frederick: Beef and pork are fine. I also enjoy a good chicken on occasion. Avatar: Then let's start simple. Take a bite of this jerky. Frederick: I shall tear into it with gusto! *munch, munch* BLEAGH! G-gamey! S-so gamey! What... *cough* What IS this?! Avatar: It's bear. Leftovers from the same bear we ate that night, in fact! I saved some. Frederick: Eeeaaaaagh! Healer! I need a healer! Avatar: Animal or savage, indeed. How rude of him... Guess he wasn't joking about his aversion to bear, though... [spoiler= A Support] Avatar: Hey there, Fredericson! I've got some new cured meat for you to try... Frederick: I'll thank you not to refer to me by that ridiculous name. ...And I'm not so gullible as to fall for your bear-jerky trick twice. Avatar: Oh? I thought you were serious about getting over this, Frederick. Look, I'm not a monster. I prepared a whole series of meats in order of gaminess. We can take it slow. Frederick: ...Well, I suppose I did ask for this. Avatar: All right then. We'll start with chicken, then pork, then beef. Frederick: *Munch, munch* ...Hmm, excellent so far. Avatar: Next is mutton, It starts to get a little tricky here. Frederick: *Munch, munch* ...This is...manageable. Avatar: You're doing great! Okay, this one's venison. Frederick: *Munch, munch* Avatar: ...By which I mean bear. Frederick: PFFFFFFF! Augh! By the gods! I'm d-dying! Dying! Ah... It's s-so dark... T-tell Chrom that... Avatar: Oh, stop exaggerating! Otherwise you might as well die here-- you won't last long on the battle...field? Whoa. I just had intense déjà vu. Frederick: I said the same to you, once upon a training session. And I was right. If I succumb to this, I can't well protect everyone on the front lines... My body is ready, Avatar! The next sample, if you please! Avatar: You talked yourself back into it? Impressive. And perhaps a little disturbing... Ah, well. Whatever works. Let's finish this Frederick! Open wide! These male avatar supports are pretty hilarious. Avatar is also kind of a jerk at times too. Libra's and Donnel's I'm doing tomorrow. Enjoy. I do have Say'ri and Tiki ready, but I dunno if should post it.
  3. The net delivers more complete supports. Huzzah! Parental Supports [spoiler=NahxNowi (ChildxMother)] [spoiler= C Support] O: Nah, look, look! See all the pretty flowers?! Let's go pick some and make flower necklaces! It'll be fun! SO much fun! A: You go. As you can see, I'm busy right now. O: What is that, some kind of picture book? Let me see... Oh, boo! It's full of writing! A: It's a book on the use of dragonstones in battle. I found it in the baggage train. O: Is it fun? because it looks like the opposite of fun. A: Of course it isn't "fun" But it's vital that I study these kinds of things. O: This army would be WAY better if we didn't have to do so much boring stuff. A: Doubtless. But it's out duty to learn all the arcane secrets of our dragonstones. We have inherited a unique, and truly powerful, ability. We must cultivate and master it so that we can better serve our allies in battle. O: Ew. Do you always use such big words? I'm not used to thinking so hard! Why don't we run out to the woods and play a game before our brains melt? A: Mother, you need to take this more seriously! We're in the midst of a war! O: I KNOW, silly. But thinking about it all the time isn't going to help me! The tougher things get, the more I laugh, and that makes everyone else laugh, too. I think that's kind of my job here. To keep everyone smiling. A: Wait. You think your role in this army is to play all the time? O: Exactamundo! So what do you say! Let's go play! A: *sigh* Well you certainly are good at your "job," I'll give you that... [spoiler= B Support] A: Oh, darn. It's not here, either. Where can it be? O: ..... A: Oh, hello, Mother. Have you seen my dragonstone anywhere? O: D-dragonstone? Er, NO! Not a clue! I have no idea. Nope. None whatsoever. A: ...You're a terrible liar. O: B-but I'm NOY lying. Ha ha. Ah ha...ha? A: *Sigh* All right, Mother. What did you do with it? O: Nothing! ...I, er, just decided to look after it, is all. N: Give it back! Honestly, how am I supposed to train without it? O: Oh, training, schmaining! Let's have some fun instead. A: I don't want to have fun. I want to get stronger. If I don't, I'll never help win this war or earn my place in this army. O: Er... A: If I'm not helping people, then what's the point of even having me around? No real human wants to be friends with a half person who can't look after herself. O: Is that what you're worried about? But I'M here-and I'm a manakete! You don't have to prove something to the humans to be here with us. Manakete, taguel, human-everyone in this army is equal and in it together! A: You truly believe that? O: I do. And more importantly, you're still very young for a manakete. You can't overuse the dragonstone. It's far too powerful for one your age. A: It's true that after a day of training I tend to feel terribly weak... O: I'm going to give it back to you, but I don't want to see you hurting yourself. You must promise to only use it during actual battle. Do you hear me? A: All right, Mother. I swear to use it more responsibly from now on. [spoiler= A Support] O: Hee hee hee! Come on, Nah! I'm over here! A: *Pant, pant* I don't think...I can run...*pant*...any more... O: Tsk. Well, I suppose we can rest for a while if you REALLY have to. A: D-don't you think we've...played enough? Maybe we could...study a bit... O: BOOOOOORING! A: Mother, you do realize we're in the middle of a cataclysmic war, yes? The fate of the entire world depends on whether or not we emerge victorious. O: I know! That's why we have to get stronger and always be ready to fight. A: Which means we must study- O: Nah, when it comes to thinking or studying, I leave that to Chrom and MU. I trust them to do their egghead jobs, and they trust me to fight. A: Yes, but training and studying...that's how we grow stronger. O: You DO know that training isn't the only way to make yourself strong, don't you? A: But how else... Wait. Are these games how you practice for battle? O: Well, it tired you out, didn't it? The more you play, the stronger you get! A: ...It appears I might have underestimated you, Mother. From now on, I'm going to trust you more. ...AND start playing a lot more seriously! O: "Playing seriously"? Oh Nah, that is SO like you! [spoiler=NahxGregor (ChildxFather)] [spoiler= C Support] N: *Sigh* Dealing with Mother is just so exasperating! All she ever does is play, play, play, as if she hasn't a care in the world! G: What is wrong, Nah? You seem to be in foul mood. N: Oh, hello, Father. I was just thinking about Mother again... How do you stand her? Don't you find her incredibly childish? Annoying, even? She spends all of her time running around camp playing games. G: Strange. Gregor was just thinking how you two are so alike in many ways... But no, mother is not annoying. She is mother. Gregor not want her to change. N: Tsk! father, you're MUCH too kind. If you're always this tolerant, she'll never learn to act her age! G: Well... N: What do you like about her, anyway? You're so serious and responsible, and she runs around like a headless chicken! I have no idea what you see in her... Unless...you rushed into marriage for some reason? Like you got her- G: What?! D-don't be silly! Gregor knew just what he was getting into! N: Oh? That's quite a protest there... I guessed right, didn't I? G: Not even close. Gregor find Nowi, how you say, charming? ...That is word, yes? N: You know what, Father? I don't believe you one bit. Come now, spit it out. Why DID you marry her? G: Enough! You should not speak of mother in such ways. N: Hey, stop! Don't run away from me! WAAAAAAIT! [spoiler= B Support] N: Father! Cornered you at last! It's time we finished our conversation. G: You are very persistent, Nah, but previous discussion is over. Gregor not going into detail for choosing of Nowi, and that is last straw on camel! N: AWWWWWW. Why not?! A daughter simply MUST know how her parents fell in love! You don't understand how a woman's heart works. You're so CRUEL! G: Heh, you are too young to understand about "woman's heart," yourself. N: ...Did you just mention my AGE?! Gods, forget what I said. It's a wonder any woman deigned to choose YOU... G: Nah, Gregor see what you are trying to do. But don't forget, Gregor IS your father. If you keep up, Gregor WILL get upset, and Gregor WILL punish you... N: Eep! S-sorry, Father, I didn't mean to make you angry... I swear. G: Very well, then... Gregor accepts apology. N: I've been selfish an unreasonable. Please find it in yourself to forgive me. G: Yes, of course. But- N: I guess I've wasted enough of your time. I'll just be...going now. G: Nah, wait. N: Yes? G: You seem like crest has fallen... Are you all right? N: *Sigh* I suppose I'll just have to deal with the crushing disappointment, won't I? I mean, if my father is going to become so angry over a simple, innocent question... G: Um, yes, well... See, it just- N: No, no. You don't have to explain. I'm used to dealing with hardship. Being spurned by my own father is just another drop in my bucket of torment. Hardly worth mentioning at all. Truly! ...Anyway, have a nice day. G: B-b-but... ...Oy, is this what Gregor must look forward to for next decade? [spoiler= A Support] G: Nah... N: Why, hello, Father. What can I do for you? G: About other day, when you said you were used to disappointment... Gregor is confused by this, yes? N: Oh, that... I was talking about growing up in my foster home. G: Wait, you mean Nowi was not around to raise you? N: No. I never knew either of my parents. I was sent to live with the family of one of my father's soldier friends. But my new family wasn't very welcoming so their semihuman-mongrel foster child. G: Do not say such things. N: I soon learned that I'd have to work hard to fit in and survive in my new home. I did chores before I was asked. I helped defend the house from marauding Risen. I thought that if I could make myself useful, they would stop...hating me. I mean, how could they resent a child that always helped and never asked for anything? But they never accepted me... I just learned to deal with disappointment. I had no friends. No one to talk to. ...I was utterly alone. And I never once mentioned how much I missed my father and mother. *Sniff* I...I didn't even ask...when...when they would come back for me... G: ...Nah... N: Wh-when I arrived here, I wanted to find out everything I could about them. *sniff* Th-that's why I keep asking you so many questions and making you angry... G: ...Gregor is sorry, Nah. He has been blind all this time, yes? Gregor tell any story you want to know about mother. Even how we fall in love... And if you ever make with the sadness, Gregor will be right here by side. Long as he around, you will never be lonely again. N: T-truly? Do you really mean it?! Oh, thank you, Father! G: Think nothing of it. Now tell Gregor what you want to know. N: Let's start with how you proposed to Mother! What'd you say? What'd you do?! I want to hear EVERYTHING, and don't leave out even the smallest detail! G: Oy... Is tall order, but very well. As you know, Nowi always look young, and... and Male MU with Cherche [spoiler=MaleMUxCherche (Romantic)] [spoiler= C Support] C: Oh, this one is cute! Er, then again, maybe not. Hmm, this one has some nice horns, but I think it's the wrong type for Minerva. Dear me, this is harder than I expected. M: Cherche? What are you up to? C: Ah, perfect timing, MU. I want to ask you something. M: What about? C: Among your many friends, are there any particularly beautiful wyverns? M: ...Did you just ask if I have good-looking wyvern friends? C: Well, it was worth a shot. I'm looking for a partner for Minerva. I must have searched through dozens of portraits and letters of introduction. And yet, not a single one has been up to Minerva's very exacting standards. M: Minerva? That massive thing you ride into battle? I, er, didn't know that anyone offered match-making services for wyverns. C: No one does! That's what is making this so very difficult. I've been doing everything all on my own so far... M: Impressive. You're breaking new ground in wyvern relations. C: It's a giant leap for mankind and wyvernkind alike, I'll wager. ...Want to pitch in? M: Well, if you think I can help! Ha ha ha...ha? Wait... You were being serious? C: Did you hear that, Minerva? MU is going to help us! *Minerva roars* Oh, look how happy you've made Minerva! M: That bloodcurdling sound was happiness?! [spoiler= B Support] M: I've assembled an extensive dossier on prespective wyvern mates, Cherche. ...I can't believe I just said that. C: Oh, thank you! This is so exciting! Let's see what you have. M: Here you go. C: Ah, you've included oil portraits of all the wyverns! What a nice touch. Hmm...no. ...No. ...Nope. ...Ugh, not a chance. ...No. ...Aaand, no. Um, MU? Did you know that these are all female wyverns? M: Er, right. Is that a problem? C: Minerva is a girl. ...Who likes boys. M: He is? ...I m-mean, she is?! C: Yes, SHE is! ...It's perfectly obvious if you just bother to look. M: (Why in blazes would I ever be looking at-) C: I'm sorry? I didn't quite catch that. M: J-just scolding myself for making such an obvious blunder! Ha ha! ...Ha. Well, I guess I'll be starting over then. C: You can probably tell just by looking at her, but Minerva is VERY picky. So do make sure that you bring her only the most handsome candidates. M: ...You do realize that I have no concept of what makes a wyvern handsome, right? C: The shape and length of his horns, the shine of his scales, and the length of his wings. Also consider overall musculature, roar volume, and fire-breath heat. ...Oh, and if he happens to be rich, so much the better. M: Oh, you have GOT to be joking! [spoiler= A Support] M: Cherche, I believe I've found the perfect wyvern for Minerva! Here, look at this... ...Well? What do you think? Not bad, eh? C: If this oil painting is accurate, he appears absolutely perfect! Look, Minerva! What do you think? Isn't he terribly handsome? *Minerva roars* Oh, she definitely likes him. M: Thank heavens! I was just about at the end of my rope with all this wyvern business... C: Thank you, MU. We both appreciate everything you've done for us. You are truly too kind. M: Well, if I do succeed, I imagine my name will go donw in history books. C: As the first-ever chaperone for a wyvern blind date? Oh yes. I wager you'll be famous for centuries. M: ...Wait. I'M not going to be there when they meet! That's absurd! I've never even matched up people, let alone giant reptiles! C: Oh, you're a quick study. I'm sure it will all go swimmingly. M: I'm not! C: If it makes you feel better, I'll be there as well. I'm very familiar with the nitty-gritty of wyvern romance. M: No, knowing you are familiar with wyvern romance does NOT make me feel better! Besides, why don't you just take over from here and enjoy all the glory? I mean, I'm just blundering around in the dark, and frankly- *Minerva roars* WAAAAAAH! WH-WHAT WAS THAT? MY EARS ARE RINGING! HELLO? CAN YOU HEAR ME?! WAS THAT A CRAY OF HAPPINESS OR INSANE RAGE?! C: Rage. ...She's concerned you might abandon the project. M: BRANDON THE REJECT?! WHO?! C: She seems sure that you are the key to all of this working. M: A BEE IS LURKING?! I CAN'T... WAIT. HOLD ON! *sniiiiiiff* ...Oh, gods, that's better. My ears just popped. But look, I still have no idea what I'm actually doing... *Sigh* Aw, heck. I started this. I suppose I might as well see it through to the end. C: Oh, I'm so glad to hear you say that! And so is Minerva. Aren't you, Minerva? *Minerva roars* M: WAAAH GODS! NOT AGAIN! [spoiler=S Support] C: Oh, MU, I'm sorry Minerva's date didn't work out so well... Especially after you went to all that trouble. He was such a fine-looking wyvern, too- I truly thought Minerva would take to him. M: I wasn't sure what I was in for, honestly, but I certainly didn't expect them to fight! They would have burned down the entire village if you hadn't intervened! C: They just needed a good scolding to get them to settle down M: *Sigh* I suppose it's back to square one again then, eh? C: Actually, I'm starting to think Minerva is simply too old for marriage now. I suppose we'll both just be a couple of old maids until the ends of our days. M: Have you ever...looked for a husband? C: Oh, sure. But it never really worked out for one reason or another. Well, actually, it usually didn't work because of Minerva. She tends to scare people off. A couple men even asked me to leave her for them, but I couldn't do it. I guess a wife with a wyvern just isn't an enticing prospect... M: Then Minerva has my eternal gratitude. C: ...What do you mean? M: She chased away my rivals. Thanks to her, I get to be the one to give you this. C: A ring? An...engagement ring? M: Cherche, all of this matchmaking has made me think about my own prospects. And also it's made me think of you and...how much I love you. I swear I will look after you and Minerva till the end of our days. ...Will you marry me? C: Why, MU! Th-this is so surprising! I accept! Oh, I gladly accept! M: I won't let you down, Cherche. You or Minerva. I promise! C: It's funny how this all started with me trying to find a mate for Minerva. And now she's still alone, but I managed to find a man of my own! M: I'd call that a happy twist of fate! Heh heh, no offense, Minerva. ...What, Minerva? What is that look? Wait, not the fire breath! I didn't mean it! (Confession Voice Clip: It's funny. Being close like this just feels...right. It's as if it was always meant to be.) @Blumpen Well, I've heard some people mentioning he was like mixing Mordecai and The Heavy together. Still, Gregor is awesome from what I can tell from all these supports. EDIT: Done goofed, fixed.
  4. Don't think I can link to it? Thread is dying anyways. Also, the guy said that he's doing more supports tomorrow. Those Tiki supports were the last ones for the day. So you kind of have to wait another day unless someone here has the game already and is at a point where they can transcribe this stuff.
  5. Well, a guy at /feg/ has MaleMUxTiki support done. [spoiler=MaleMUxTiki][spoiler=C Support] T: ..... M: Erm... T: *Sigh*... M: ...Can I help you, Tiki? You've been...uh, staring at me a very long time. T: Oh, I'm sorry, MU. Was I bothering you? M: I was more worried that something might be bothering you? T: Well, it's just that you look remarkably like someone I used to know. M: Oh? T: Yes. Specifically, a man named Marth. Many ages past, this was. He was wise, calm, and fair, but possessing an inner strength as resiliant as steel. M: Marth? You mean the warrior king of legend? T: The one and same. I had the honor to call King Marth a friend. So perhaps you can understand why I gazed upon you with nostalgia and...longing. M: Er, sorry, did you say...? T: Still, it was rude of me to stare. I apologize. M: Oh, not at all! It's exciting to know that I resemble someone so storied... [spoiler=B Support] T: What is it, MU? M: Remember when you told me about your friendship with King Marth? T: Yes? What of it? M: You were referring to THE King Marth, right? The man from two millennia ago? Well, he's a distant relation to Chrom, is he not? T: That is correct. M: So, I was wondering, wouldn't Chrom resemble him more than me? T: Perhaps because Chrom is not like Marth. He is much more direct, and committed to what he believes is right. Chrom might more resemble a different ancestor, from the age I was born in. Another great man in their line, from 1000 years before Marth... But the Marth of my time was wise and fair, and won hearts with his kindness. M: I see. So when you say I resemble Marth, you weren't just talking about my appearance. T: No. I was referring to your soul. An aura of kindness and goodness surrounds you, MU. Just as it did wise King Marth. M: Well, that is...most flattering. I don't know what to say. ..... T: What is it, Mar-Mar? M: ...Mar-Mar? T: Ah! Forgive me! I was in the habit of calling Marth by that name... It must have slipped out my mistake. Gracious, the resemblance is so uncanny, it's making me forget what millenium it is! M: Heh, I suppose there are worse people to be mistaken for... T: Please, forgive me. M: Actually, I must admit, I rather enjoyed the attention... [spoiler=A Support] T: MU? M: Hello, Tiki. It's just me today... No Mar-Mar here, I'm afraid. T: Oh, I know who you are, MU. I apologize again for my mistake. You have no memories of your past, do you, MU? It must be especially unnerving, then, for someone to confuse you with another. For all I know, you might start thinking that you ARE that person... M: Please, I was only fooling. Don't give it another thought. T: Even so... It must be frightening to look into your past and see nothing there. I know that better than most, for long ago, I fell under the control of an evil man... M: I'm touched by your concern, but you don't have to worry about me. Still friends? T: Oh, I hope so. M: To be honest, I don't even mind if you do call me Mar-Mar. After all, it's not strange for close friends to share nicknames, is it, Tikiwiki? T: Heh hah... Well, maybe not. [spoiler=S Support] T: MU. M: So you're not going to call me Mar-Mar after all, huh? T: Heh. I much prefer MU. ...Don't you? M: Yes, of course I do. It's just that...well... I have no family here, nor even memories of a family. When you called me by a nickname, the truth is, I rather liked it. Even if it was someone else's nickname. T: I understand, and I considered it... But there is only one Mar-Mar, and that was Marth, the great king of ages past. M: Yes, well. fair enough, I suppose. I'm hardly qualified to fill his shoes. T: And there is one more reason I cannot call you by that name... M: *Gulp* ...And that is? T: Because you, too, are a singular-and very special-man to me. You are the man with whom I've...fallen in love. M: T-Tiki?! T: That is why you must be MU. M: Phew, what a relief! I thought you were going to say it's because I reminded you of someone else! T: Hah, don't be absurd! M: Truth is, I've been hoping against hope that we might be together, but dared not ask... T: Why not? M: Well, you've lived for millennia... Seen the legendary heroes with your own eyes... You knew the Hero-King Marth himself! And compared to him, what am I? I felt that I had to be as great as him, as mighty and powerful... Otherwise, you couldn't help but find me lacking in comparison. T: Oh, MU... M: Are my fears truly groundless? Can I...allow myself to love you? T: Of course, MU! M: Then the two of us together shall build a new world of peace. T: Oh, MU, that's just what I want as well... (Confession Voice Clip: I know that to love another, I must watch the world move past him. But such short years make an eternity worth living.) [spoiler=Comment] Pfffft, Tikiwiki. Though the S support makes me sad in a way. EDIT: Support is done.
  6. These review scores are pretty high judging from all these sites. I certainly wasn't expecting a 9.6 out of IGN. Strange that no flaws are listed though, I would think there would be something that would bug reviewers.
  7. Isn't it the other way around with Morgan being Lucina's brother? Since you kind of need to be a female MU to marry Chrom. Marrying Lucina would result in Morgan being her daughter right?
  8. Eh, it shows a bunch of the animated cutscenes from the second half of the game. It also shows a certain someone all over the place.
  9. Gametrailers: http://www.gametrailers.com/reviews/t3dgyn/fire-emblem--awakening-review It got an 8.5 here, though the video itself is filled with spoilers. GT reviews seem to love doing that.
  10. Well, I'm willing to do the remaining 1st gen Male Avatar friendship supports when the game comes in, just to finish them off~ Frederick Vaike Libera Donnel
  11. Gunning for both the cartridge and the bundle. Sadly I can't use said bundle, going to the sibling. At least I get the pretty box and the cute art on the cart.
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