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Posts posted by Volke29

  1. So, just wrapped up Chapter 29 on hard and hands down, the MVP is Sophie. Went with Silas!Camellia. She maxed out a little bit ago as a lvl 40 Great Lord and I started searching for what to make her next. To my surprise, Sophie got a lot of "mehs" from people, which is crazy. 

    Great Lord, lvl 40

    • Aether (Use Sol and Luna in succession when attacking) 
    • Trample (+5 damage to non-mounted enemies) 
    • Dual Striker (+3 damage when backing up another attacker)
    • Armored Blow (-10 physical damage when starting an attack) 
    • Mischievous (enemy gets -3 defense and may lose clothing) 
    • Awakening (+30 HIT/CRIT/DODGE when HP is half or less)


    • STR: 34
    • MAG: 11
    • SKILL: 36
    • SPD: 35
    • LCK: 30
    • DEF: 27
    • RES: 29 

    When paired and given tonics, Sophie is an absolute wrecking machine. I can leave her on the front lines and she'll murder everyone with a stock Killer Lance. Any who. Why the dislike for Sophie? 


    But we're all sure there will most certainly be one; there's been one for every FE game following Awakening widespread success. The only thing that bums me out is like SoV, this likely won't be truly limited, and that really bums me out. To each their own, but for me, part of the appeal is owning something that is literally limited in supply. I get that it's a pain in the butt to snag one of these is about as rewarding as that one crazy hard DLC map in Awakening that I can never spell correctly the first time around, often leading me to google it and then pasting it here so everyone knows what I'm talking about. 

    I'm guessing, tho, that I'm in the minority here w/ this thought. 

  3. 6 hours ago, Jerry Kuma said:

    For characters who don't have access to something like Great Knight, then yeah it's a very good class. But as was said before, the lack of luna and movement (even if its slightly better) sort of makes it outclassed by said class. However, on its own its fine.

    Master or Arms allows players to use A ranked swords; Great Knight does not. Duelist Blow, from my experience, means you will almost never get hit when starting an attack. And fwiw, for all the love Luna gets, I find it very meh. I'd argue a Killing Edge + high Skill character is better.  

  4. So I've been playing Conquest for a good bit lately and I initially gave avatar Ebon Wing for Galeforce (and man, was I bummed when I realized that I couldn't pass it on to children). Anyway, I was searching for his next class and Master of Arms was an option. Did a bit of searching and most people weren't fans of it, but if there's one thing I've learned about FE, it's that the overall popular opinion on characters and skills isn't always accurate.*

    To be clear, I wasted a three (!!!!) Arm Scrolls on my avatar after promoting him to MoA. At the same time, I've been playing FE for a long time so I like to mix things up, so I was personally fine with that. 

    That said, Galeforce + Relief + Duelist Blow + access to swords, axes and lances is just A+. Duelist Blow is such an incredible skill. Far too often enemy hit rate is like 20% or less. Sometimes it is 0. With Galeforce, I am often on my own, and Relief works A+ with this as I'm away from my team, but not too far away. I'm pretty excited to get Life or Death (deal +10, but receive +10 if hit) to see how that works with all this, but I'm guessing the low percentage of enemies actually even hitting me, and the already high amount of damage I'm dishing out, that it won't be as big of a problem as it seems.

    Anyone have thoughts? Just want to discuss this class, which seems to get little love.  

  5. Just an update from me here .... finished the game a bit ago and man, it is perhaps the least memorable FE game I've ever played. I'm sure it was something special for its time, but this is perhaps my least favorite FE game. 

    Moved on to FE Conquest (played Birthright first years ago) and I am totally digging it. Love the challenge. It's just too bad there isn't some crazy hard DLC map like there was in Awakening. 

  6. Hey everyone: 

    Fire Emblem is at its best when it's challenging. In Awakening, there was the Apotheosis DLC, which is hands down my favorite map ever for the Fire Emblem franchise. Overcoming the difficulty is just so rewarding. 

    That said, what is the Apotheosis equivalent in Fates? I have the limited edition version of this game and do not mind at all buying DLC if it means a good challenge. Thanks. 

  7. On 7/3/2018 at 11:55 PM, sirmola said:

    THis game has playable balistae and a character who is able to duplicate any other party member. Both are great. It is worth noting that you don't get ranged magic untill the final chapter, but there are a wide variety of different kinds of balistae, including one effective against flyers, and one effective against other balistae.

    IMO, caeda is the best flyer. the Wing spear is broken.

    Est has high growth rates but joins massively underleveled. You have to baby her to use her, but she apperently turns out great if you do (think nino or mozu, only without tricks like turning her into a dlc class).

    FYI, Sedgar is broken as a general (wolf might be too. have not tried) he takes minimal damage from almost anything (and can still use bows).

    THe only two magic users you need are lena and meric. the only A rank tome is enemy exclusive, so Wexp is not that much of an issue. THere is a female exclusive tome with the same wierd restriction as excaliber, so you want a male and a female magic user.

    THe only advantage thieves have is the ability to unlock things without keys (stealing is not a thing in this game). Marth gets the ability to unlock chests later. HOnestly, I just deploy a thief just for lockpicking when I need one, without bothering to level him up.



    I haven't invested in Sedgar, but have been giving Wolf a lot of kills lately. Hard to level him early on, but when he levels, almost every stat increases. Gave him a forged bow to help with kills. 

    I've been using Merric and Lenna. Need a mage and healer. Rhys in PoR turned out to be a great unit later on, hoping Lenna goes similar path. Thanks for insight. 


    EDIT: Cain & Abel are seriously falling behind. They have been demoted to B squad. 

  8. On 7/1/2018 at 1:18 PM, eclipse said:

    The Christmas cavaliers rarely go wrong if you train them.  Ditto with Barst (though if you need a Hammer RIGHT NOW, Bord will do for a map or two).

    I suggest playing through Normal's Prologue.  Yes, it'll be easy, but it's four maps, and you get an additional bit of story.  Then, you can restart the game on a more competent difficulty.

    I can't stand fighters/pirates in FE games. But I dig Barst and I've decided to roll with him and ditch everyone else pretty much. 

    Loose party formation right now: 

    - Wolf

    - Hardin

    - Frey

    - Marth

    - Lena 

    - Ogma (he's cool!) 

    - Navvara (sword dude, don't know spelling, also cool!) 

    - Barth

    - Cain / Abel 

    - The princess on the flying mount (forget her name ATM)

    - Also, when I get her, Est. I hear she is supposed to be A+. 

    Need a magic user or two. Just got one; forget his name, too. I'm sure this lineup will change. 

  9. On 7/1/2018 at 11:44 AM, Etrurian emperor said:

    Go for Hardin. He's a cavalry you get pretty early on. He's got reliable bases and growths, and very early access to silver weapons. He also has an amazing turban. 

    That's good to hear! I literally just got him and really dig his look. This has perhaps the most horseman* of any FE game I've played. 

    On 7/1/2018 at 12:10 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Wolf and Sedgar start with terrible bases and promoted already, but for some very strange reason have growths exceeding what anyone else have. It makes no sense, but they're very good if you train them. 

    I saw Wolf's growth rates on this website and was blown away. He is totally weak, but players like Wolf, who are crazy weak but later become Gods are my favorite FE characters. 

    Huge bummer there is no optional ultra hard map. I get there is a crazy difficulty setting, but just not for me. I get if others dig that stuff, tho. 

    On 7/1/2018 at 9:09 PM, BrightBow said:

    Anyway, it's probably worth nothing that weight is counteracted by strength, just like in Tellius except even more redundant.

    Classes that have no promotion like Thieves and Lords can go up to Level 30 instead of 20. Units with those classes are also incapable of reclassing.

    It's a bit unfortunate that you play the game on the DS. Since Nintendo's old online services are down, it is no longer possible to obtain any items from the online shop. This means that some weapons as well as the Falcon Knight class are completely unavailable now. The Wii U virtual console surprisingly does allow accessing the online shop. That's not something you usually see on Virtual Console rereleases.

    For whatever reason the game does not display the effects that Dragonstones have on the user's stats. My guess is that they initially designed the interface with actual transformations in mind, like in Mystery of the Emblem. In any case, it's important to keep in mind that the Firestone and the Divinestone give +4 speed while the Magestone gives -1 speed. However if you play the game on higher difficulty levels Manakete with displayed 20 speed can actually have up to 26 speed instead of 24 as one would think. Also unlike normal weapons, a Dragonstone will use up durability each time a Manakete enters battle, regardless of how often they actually attack.

    Unfortunately, unlike Echoes, Shadow Dragon shoehorned the weapon triangle into a game that clearly wasn't designed for it. Which is bad news for Sword users as the vast majority of enemies will use Lances.

    Thank you for the informative info! Yea, bummer about the online shop, but I'm a weird retro collector; I only collect what I want to play. On the flip side, one day Nintendo's digital copies will no longer work, while I'm still slaying enemies with my DS lol! (I say that in a friendly, joking way btw!) 

    regarding thieves ... is it worth it to max them out? I like thieves in general, but I get the feeling they aren't good in this game. Thanks again! 

  10. Hello everyone! 

    I bought this game for the DS a while back CIB. So many knockoffs of it ... any who. 

    I just want to know people's thoughts on characters in this game. Rolf, for example in PoR, is an absolute god but was thought to suck by many back when the game released (and even today). I'm just wondering who is overlooked. Also wondering what major missables there/characters/items are. Bummer about online shop as it closed in 2014. 

    Any other advice would be cool. I've destroyed PoR and Radiant Dawn (got that on release!) countless times over. Also, all 3DS games, too. 

    One more thing -- is there some sort of challenge in this game a la Apotheosis? That was my favorite challenge of any FE game. I love the ultra hard maps. Thanks. 

  11. 3 hours ago, Jave said:

    Comparing it with my own FE11 cart, seems like it's legit to me.

    Most fake DS carts would run on a DS but not on a 3DS (or sometimes not even on a DSi) so if you can test it on a 3DS and works, then it's very likely a legit cart.

    Cool. Yes, it runs on the 3DS. Do the numbers on the back of mine match yours? 

    And thanks. I'm sure someone wouldn't go through all this length to pass off a phony cart, considering it's CIB and all. 

  12. Hey all .. been a while since I posted here, but figured this would be the best place to get an answer to my question. 

    I purchased a copy of FE Shadow Dragon for the DS. I've been hunting for this game for a while now and finally snagged one. The game is CIB, but I'm suspicious of the cart because eBay is plagued with knockoffs for this game (some people sell the cart only and have "more than 20 in stock"). 

    Every insert is included, from the manual (stapled binding), FE: Radiant Dawn insert, a "Join Nintendo Club" insert and DS Health and Precaution manual. These look very legit to me. 

    Now the cart ... I'm having a very difficult time finding accurate information on how to spot a knock off. Some of my findings contradict each other. 

    The cart has the official Nintendo seal. The back says YFEENOJOO ... some copies I have seen have the number 28. Mine ends in OO. 

    I got it on eBay and I paid more than $35 but less than $50. It was an auction. 

    Does anyone have insight? Pics below. D3C7DE73-C2F6-4DA1-B2D3-AAE78130060E_zpsD4AF0D8C-167C-4F8E-8C4D-4BB64E15A780_zps64C562BF-D3C5-4953-8749-82D103F592B8_zps


  13. Does Dwyer's personal (+20 hit/avoid, +2/-2 damage given/recieved in My Castle) count for PvP? If so that could be pretty boss for Charlotte!Dwyer, allowing him to use the Great Club at 65% effective base Accuracy. If he got Heartseeker that would bump it up even more. This guy seems pretty boss: +6/-1/+3/+3/0/-1/-2 mods. He dies to Mag but that is remedied through Tomebreaker which he has natural access to. His personal would make this even better. Also Blonde L looks awesome.

    I'm thinking about a skillset of:

    -Death Blow (+20 Crit)

    -Heartseeker (+20 Hit)

    -Axefaire (+20 damage on a Crit)

    -Tomebreaker (Protects him from being dead from mages)

    -Gamble (-5 Hit is negligible, especially if his Personal works, but dat +10 Crit)

    That seems deadly

  14. The problem is, Rend Heaven adds damage using the ENEMY'S stats, meaning if you're using a tome, it won't do jack against physical enemies since most physical enemies have virtually nonexistent magic stats. Also, Quixotic is not a good skill.

    If the enemy has 8 Magic he also likely has 8 RES.

    And vice versa for Str and Def.

    I'm just saying, on my squad right now, this guy is owning everyone. Great defense, great speed, great magic (when paired) and amazing luck. He can use spears and tomes.

    And yea, the enemy does get the bonus as well with Quixotic, but you can still get around them if they don't have a ranged attack, for example. And not all enemies have deadly skill combos.

    All I'm saying is he's been written off as a scrub, but if you build him up to about lvl 18 and promote, he will turn into a Tier 1 unit by mid game.

    He's also miles better than Orochi as her speed is awful.

  15. OK .... ok no need to be angry about a unit that is only second to Takumi for my team right now.

    Rend activates either strength (physical weapon) or magic (using tome).

    If you have 20 Skill, the activation rate is 28.5%! If you get Quixotic, it increases to 43.5% per attack. And this guy doubles almost everyone.

    I'm playing on Hard/Classic and I just left him all by himself around some stupid strong enemies in Chapter 16, he lost like 12 health and killed them all.

  16. Hayato isn't a cool character. He whines. He looks goofy when he attacks. And he requires a lot of babysitting early on.

    But come mid game, this guy turns into a beast. His speed and luck growths are incredible. Paired with another magic user like Orochi and you can leave him on the front lines and he will kill everyone.

    But before we get to all that, one thing is for sure: Rend Heaven is OP.

    Once you promote Hayato to the Basara class and he gets Rend Heaven, which adds half of the enemies magic or strength on top of Hayato's attack, is when the deadlines starts. Since he speed is so ridiculous, and because Rend Heaven activates at a rate of Skill x 1.5%, he is regular one shotting enemies.

    Once he obtains Quixotic, he gets another 15% activation rate (but so does the enemy).

    Here is my lvl 5 Barsara paired with Orochi, where the two have A status. This is Chapter 15.

    HP: 35/35

    Str: 13

    Mag: 22

    Skill: 17

    Spd: 22

    Lck: 26

    Def: 20

    Res: 14

    For comparison, here is Orochi's stats paired with Hayato as a lvl 3 Onomyji

    HP: 26/26

    Str: 0

    Mag: 22

    Skill: 22

    Spd: 11

    Lck: 17

    Def: 11

    Res: 21

    Again, these are mid game stats - like Chapter 15. Anyone else seeing this?

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