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Posts posted by Volke29

  1. Let it happen. People can discuss the skills and argue them out. I was actually already considering doing it, having three categories for rating skills:

    Main game no grinding (how valuable is this skill to completing the game, with no grinding?)

    LTC (how valuable is this skill in LTC? As is normal in ratings, consider the skill if it's actually obtained, not giving an instant-0 because 'nobody goes Falcoknight in LTC')

    Postgame (how valuable is this skill during postgame DLC? Challenge pack, Apotheosis and maybe R&R matter here.)

    Also maybe a personal rating, for when you want to rate a skill more highly because you really like it.

    Me -

    I don't have a problem with your rating. I was actually just thinking about "bias" regarding the skill set. At first I laughed it off, "how can you have bias on a skill? They don't have personanalites." But then I thought about it more and like someone said, people like the flashiness of some skills. There also might be others that like a skill because one of their favorite units triggers it a lot. I don't neccesarlity agree with having bias, but I can see it being a factor with some skills and some people. Just a thought.

    Side note, if you want to take the lead on this that'd be awesome! I'd do it myself, but I'm not on the forum daily to post.

    @Sublime - for sure. =)

    *edit - got my comment in the quote lol

  2. I consider Lethality a wasted skill slot because the activation rate just sucks too much.

    There are some skills that we'd have to skip because of the shitstorms discussing them is bound to cause.

    I think we get shitstorms on the RTU thread already =D

  3. ^

    I agree with everything you said. It almost never triggers. Just got it on Cynthia while grinding and for some reason, it triggers like 4-6 times a map. She has 58 skill when paired with Gerome. Which is almost like a 15% chance. For the first time ever, I kept Lethality instead of Pass. Although, I may switch it up if the map is tough enough.

  4. So, I generally keep Lethality until I get "pass." I see it as a weak skill manily because it rarely triggers and characters that usually have it have a high crit rate anyway (equip em' with a Killing Edge and you have like a 40-50% crit chance).

    What's everyone's thoughts on this? Does anyone use Lethality and something else for a good combo? I noticed someone said Lethality + Luna is a good mix.

  5. ....

    That's a joke post,right?

    You cannot pair up Olivia with Inigo in the context i was mentioning (Olivia getting married)

    To get married in an efficient timeframe (ie not skirmish all day) you generally need to pair up.

    No one wants Olivia's pair up bonuses (they're really small) and she has to move around the map a lot to Dance,thus restricting her partner.

    There's a simple breakdown of it.

    Also: when you posted your Inigo's stats,remember that not everyone plays under the same conditions as you,or has the exact same strings of random numbers to determine his stats. This is where the phrase "personal experience means nothing" comes from.

    Thou hast been trolled!


  6. No one wants to pair with Olivia due to Dancer bonuses being shitty and Dancing gives less support points than Pairing Up,and playing even remotely efficiently you're not dancing the same person twice in a chapter.

    (Slowly raises hand)

    I paired Inigo with Olivia.

  7. So, after taking a hiatus from this awesome forum, I came back and discovered the RTU thread.

    To much of my surprise, some of my favorite units are disliked and some of my most disliked units are loved. Keep in mind, I had already invested in the players I like and ignored others before finding out what the community thought about in game characters.

    Like, I love Brady. Inigo. Olivia, Kellam.

    What is not to like about these players? I can understand if you're doing a run with no sidequests, but if you're cool with grinding these guys are great. Frankly, anyone that can get Galeforce should be invested in, IMO. It's arguably the best skill in the game. Players I do not like are Viake, Fredrick, Sully, Mirel, Nowi, Gregor ...

    Anyone else like disliked characters? And is there anyone that likes Brady lol?

  8. Gerome. This guy is one tough unit to kill. He is a great frontline guy for me and is usually on my "A-Team."

    8/10 no bias.

    Other notes:

    Father Kellam (my Frederick)

    Pavise / Swordbreaker / Lucky Seven / Acrobat / Movement +1

    Currently playing him as a lvl 1 Hero


    *edit added notes

  9. Such poor management of the thread.

    Gonna have to discount these too, then.

    He simply accounted for postgame after you said it was allowed, so it should be allowed. Unless you are simply being petty?

    Explain why my particular style of play (emphasis on postgame) isn't allowed, when other similar ones are.

    Why should my score be discounted? Inigio is my 2nd best unit.

    If it's because I said I like him, there are a lot of others that say they dislike him. No bias, I posted the guys stats, he's pretty good. =D

  10. I *really* wish there were better animations for when you turn off animation. PoR and RD had some of the best non-cutscene animations (NCA).

    While this is the best NCA I've seen in FE besides the last two I listed, I was kinda hoping for something similar prior to the game getting released.

    And I'm pretty sure I'm alone on this one, but I kinda wish you couldn't use weapons like bows when paired and other unit is attacking next to enemy. Or a sword when someone is attacking one space away.

    Also would be cool if there was one giant - I'm talking huge - map that you could practice/play on. That last one is more of wish =D

  11. 1/10

    His Mom won't pass down any good stats to him any time soon. And honestly, just skip his paralogue.

    It's really interesting to see what others RTU, especially coming from previous FE games where people generally agreed on which characters were best. To each their own =)

    For me, Inigo's dad was Gaius and he got some great stats. He has Galeforce/Counter/Armshift/Bowbreaker/Lethality. If he doesn't crit I wonder if something is wrong lol.

    He's playing as an Assassin right now, trying to get Pass skill (In place of Lethality).


    (Current rating 256)

    Lvl: 10

    Str: 42

    Mag: 15

    Skill: 52

    Speed: 50

    Lck: 44

    Def: 30

    Res: 25

    edit* added stats

  12. Thanks for the responses guys. I actually ended up using the ZSNES with no problems, but I cannot figure out how to get patch installed. I'll keep at it, but if its something simple please post below. Really cool game.

  13. I think pass is great. It all depends on what type of character you want to make. My strongest unit has pass, used the "boots" item and it is very effective. She can move great distance and take out strong characters and I usually don't have to worry about her because she (Severa) is hard to kill.

    Lethality rarely triggers for me. I'll take high speed + high crit chance + marriage to a stronger unit than Lethality. Just my two bits.

    It'd be nice if they brought back the crossbow for archers. If there is a crossbow in game, I haven't seen it in 90 hours of gameplay.

  14. Is it possible? Working overseas and I only have my 3DS with FEA. Thank God for the endless amount of content and DLC on that thing.

    Any who, I loved GC and Wii FE, and recently discovered Thracia 776. I feel like I'd really love that game; really dig the big maps and difficulty.

    Anyway, is there any way to play this on a Mac? With English translation?


  15. I'd argue FE9 Rolf is better than Virion. FE10's definetely is. Wil is also probably better and at least tomas can reclass.

    Rolf was great, I gave him the "Knight Ring," (I think that was its name) where he would get movement like he was on horse. I do agree that I tend to not use archers much. Assassin class is great for that, you get great skills (love lethality with pass and boots item ((all of which Severa has)))

    I think attacking from 4 or 5 tiles would be OP. Snipers should be able to attack from two spaces away, then they'd be deadly, IMO.

    edit* listed wrong skill (move +1)

  16. I look at someone like Donnell and figure he's like Rolf in PoR and RD.

    A total whimpy looking kid that is a pain in the butt to keep alive and level but an absolute powerhouse if leveled properly.

    I can't pass up on a challenge like that.

    Also, who else restarts their game if someone on their team dies? Like no matter how worthless they are, you restart? I'm in that camp. =D

    Side note - I'm on the mission right now to recruit him. I like the challenge of leveling him and getting the chests before thiefs (I'm assuming thiefs go after chest in this game like previous entries.)

    MODEDIT: why is it so hard to not doublepost

  17. My whole point of collecting physical copies of games is because collecting retro games is my hobby.

    Sometimes, I see current generation video games that have potential to be collectible down the line. Suikoden II for the PS1, for example, is a rare collectible because it was a cult RPG that released toward the end of a system's life cycle. Thus, not that many copies were produced or sold. When I look at games like Xenoblade, or Last Story (which only ran a limited print) for the Wii, I snag them up because I see them being very valuable down the line.

    Plus, I like the manuals, artwork, etc that come along with a game. I also like having a physical copy of something in my hands.

    To each their own. This new age of gaming has me pretty ticked off, to be honest. For example - I buy Starhawk, take it to my friend's house to play, but we can't play online because of online passes. Ugh. (Thanks EA [they started the whole online pass thing].)

    Also, what if I want to sell my game? How am I going to do that with a digital copy?

    I'm 29, and back when I was a kid, I would just pop a game in and it worked. No online passes, no patches, no codes to enter like a little puppet.

    The video game industry makes more money than Hollywood. And Hollywood makes a lot of cheese. So why is it that a digital copy cost just as much as a physical copy? I don't get it. You're paying for less, IMO.

    And on a side note, there are rare occasions that I buy a game digitally via steam, but that's the extent of it.

    Just my two bits.

  18. This was a great read about Donnell.

    If you don't know who he is and don't want to read minor spoilers then please do not click link or read below.

    *Minor spoilers below

    From Technology Tell.com:

    "I am serious about my Fire Emblem. So serious that on the classic games, where there’s only permadeath, I take about 50 hours to play because I will not allow any units to die and the moment anyone falls, the battle is restarted. I figured I’d be fine with Fire Emblem: Awakening due to the casual option that prevents characters from dying for good if they fall in battle, but I was wrong. I’ve ruined my Fire Emblem: Awakening game, in which I’ve invested 26 hours and 23 minutes, because of Donnel.<br style="font-family: georgia, serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 24px;"><br style="font-family: georgia, serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 24px;">See, Donny is the “joke” character, except I learned to late that he’s really not. He’s a villager you can recruit in a side quest. He’s comic relief. He’s a farmer’s son who goes around wearing a pot on his head and is practically useless (initially). He won’t even join during the side quest unless you get him to level up during it. Simply put, he’s a great big pain in the butt. I recruited him for completion’s sake, toyed with pairing him up with Cordelia, then married off Cordelia to someone else and left him to rot because he was too much trouble."

    Read the full article here: http://www.technologytell.com/gaming/107255/i-have-to-restart-fire-emblem-awakening-because-of-donnel/

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