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Posts posted by Lushiris

  1. I definitely feel like smaller threads are the way to go. That way people who only want specific spoilers are able to get the information they need without having to dodge landmines as much.

    I could definitely help out if needed for any of the threads. I have my copy already downloaded and ready to go, and I certainly don't mind spoilers of any type.

  2. The "skinship" name isn't anything new and used in a lot of other Japanese games that use similar mechanics, like a lot of otoges. It's just basically bonding through physical contact. It's also used in RL situations as well as a general term for physical contact, like holding hands, a mother's closeness with her child, etc. So it's not always purely sexual either.

  3. Also, this video came out of nowhere!

    Nintendo, new videos out of left field every week for fire emblem!

    I feel bad because the people on 2ch were talking about it for the last few hours, but I didn't want to say anything in case it turned out to be a complete ruse lol. Never know when people are making stuff up :/

    Can't believe people called the whole Werewolf shapeshifter for Nohr. Well played!

  4. It's the same ID that posted the first scan, so I'm inclined to believe them.

    What's even more interesting: the same poster also says that Zero and Orochi will have 'capture' commands that will send enemy units to your prison, where you can apparently recruit them for your cause. Now that's the part I'd really like to see confirmed with scans!

    I didn't even take a look at the ID, so thanks for pointing that out! Probably legit then.

    That second part sounds super cool though, whoa. Can't wait for the full scans.

  5. Six Nohr characters and one Hoshido? Plus three of those already have profiles on the official site, including our only Hoshido representative. I suppose it isn't impossible but it would seem a bit strange.

    Yeah, I definitely think it's a bit suspect too. The only thing we need from those characters are their character skills though, so I guess it could happen, but I'd rather some more new characters, personally.

  6. If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say it probably says ナンパ (picking up women) rather than ナンバ.

    According to that wikipedia entry, the word lāzaward is related to the word 'azure', which is Inigo's Japanese name.

    So it all connects together. Brilliant :P

    Edit: Someone on 2ch said the rest of the characters are Zero, Orochi, Charlotte and Benoit. Grain of salt and all until we see the scans.

  7. Sooo

    Not!Inigo's name is apparently comes from the Arabic word (لازورد lāzaward) "Lapis Lazuli" translated into Japanese as ラズワルド. At least according to wikipedia and if my Japanese isn't total crap, so correct me if I'm wrong:

    EDIT: Icy Toast corrected me a bit on that: "According to that wikipedia entry, the word lāzaward is related to the word 'azure'"

    ラピスはラテン語で「石」 (Lapis)、ラズリはトルキスタンにあるペルシア語地名 "lazhward"(ペルシア語: لاژورد‎、現在のアフガニスタン・イスラム共和国バダフシャーン州en:Kuran wa Munjan DistrictにあるSar-i Sang鉱山の古名)が起源で、それがアラビア語に入って "lazward"(アラビア語: لازورد‎、ラズワルド: 天・空・青などの意でアジュールの語源)で「群青の空の色」を意味する。ラピスラズリ (lapis lazuli) は、ラテン語で「lazhwardの石 (lapis)」となる。

  8. I'm always the most excited about the characters we aren't actually expecting, like Nishiki was this week. Though I'd finally like to get a clear picture of the blue-haired cav lady. Really been enjoying the personal skills info as well, so I'll be happy with more of that too with more character reveals.

    2 weeks before Awakening is when they came out with all of their support/marriage information, so I'm going to guess we'll get something similar this time (so next week if any I'm going to guess). Maybe supports and more on that skinship mechanic.

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