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Mage Knight 404

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Posts posted by Mage Knight 404

  1. But... But, the tale of the invincible swordfighter Renair and Hurlbat! ;-;

    Nah I kid, it's too bad but hey, it happens. I know the feeling. You, Dan, Lumi, and the others did good work for as long as you were willing to fancy the idea of keeping the - ahem - dream alive. And was a good ride for sure, and it helped propel my drive to pursue FE ROM hacking more than once, regardless of how well or poor said pursuits ended up. Cheers for the good time, Ciaran.

  2. Such abuse of those poor Crustle! They were just trying to enjoy their cave life and Tanjela drugs them to use as platforms! For shame, Tanjela!

    Live on TV! - Team Meteor's newest plan and all of Reborn's invited! Announcing our plan all over a crappy region is a good idea, right? I mean no one can possibly have the will or resources, or hell, even authority to stop you, right??

    ...So why is the walking AIM Bot one of Reborn's most trusted citizens again? Aaah, whatever, it's not like she'll be doing anything anyway like the rest of the Gym Leaders. (please don't let her do anything)

    Titaniaaaaaw snap!

    Suddenly this turned into some wretched third-rate lesbian soap opera junk. On the next episode of Days of Our 'Mons...

  3. I've been out of this action for a hot minute, mostly due to trying to fend off personal issues and stress - but no longer!

    Cults, stealth, and holy field effects, oh my! (also every time you reboot the game and I hear the music during the maze escape, I can't help but hear the Mario Bros. arcade stage intro. Those beeps...) Christ this game is so bloated with self-indulgent grandstanding dialogue and events that have no place in Pokémon.

    Even Luna, someone intentionally edgy, is still way more edgelady than she has any right to be. Why can't you just be like Marley and be a goth chick who likes fast 'Mons?

    Oh, we've hit the point where Paperblade's foresight has run out? [rubs hands together] dis gon b gud

    Look out! We've encountered AOL Instant Messenger circa 2003 in character form! Quick, uninstall her, maybe she'll go away!

    Agate Circus doesn't even have Agate Village from Colo/XD playing, 0/10 would not live in

    I'll watch part 45 later...

  4. You know in Final Fantasy games or in that one JRPG you like, there's that one super obnoxious sidequest that's out of the way, needlessly tedious and/or arbitrary, and offers not that great a payoff? Pokémon Reborn nailed that one here. And it shows why Pokémon doesn't really do things like that in the official games.

    With regards to the story so far, I have to agree with a lot of Paperblade's sentiments - credit is where it's due, it at least tries to tell a story, but it's so laughably inept one can't help but laugh when things go awry, whether it be due to the nature of Pokémon's medium(e.g. Gym Leaders not having means of defending themselves all of a sudden outside or battle) or just questionable or bad points in general(the overall tryhard dark tone of the story, setting, and characters). Its pacing is also so ass backwards is that it hurts the immersion. The current story is set up in a Third Line, Some Waiting structure, with your badge quest, Team Meteor's shenanigans, and the entirety of the Orphan subplot shuffling back and forth, but there's so much padding between each one that it feels a heck of a lot more like Four Lines, All Waiting - because nothing's really happening in between arcs.

    I kinda feel the same way in how SB mentions that Ruby Destiny could have been so much more had the competent programming been used for more competent execution to create that much better of a product - Reborn definitely has spots of this here and there. I don't know how well Pokémon Essentials works when it comes to programming, but from what I've seen of these videos, it's a solid engine. If Amethyst had some more competent ideas and execution, Reborn could have been really solid. But now it's just really cheesy.

    (also confirmed - Victoria is a witch)

  5. Ah, it was only a matter of time before Poké-telepathy would be on the table. So does Gardevoir have trouble projecting her thoughts in Japanese?

    aw, having two Trainers battle a Gym at the same time in doubles would have actually been different! Alas...

    ...Wait, going back to Midgar already? No, that's not how you do this, Reborn! (I mean come on, we gotta wait for Dialga WEAPON first!)

    Guys, we didn't really need this talk about gender neutrality and pronouns - a pretentious twat has kidnapped a Pokémon, I think that take priority.

    OH. F-A-I-R A-N-D B-A-L-A-N-C-E-D gameplay! But never fear, we have the God-slaying Rock!

    Pokémon Reborn - Revenge of the Padding. No thanks to you, Gardevoir.

    ...Excuse me? And now we end by suddenly getting meta with no trace of irony?

    This game scares me.

  6. Local Steelix gets fucking evaporated. (though I do like that intro - felt rather Yoshi's Island for a moment)

    "People in our family DON'T go down so easily~"

    "what about your parents?"


    Such a sappy backstory for these kids that we most certainly needed, thanks a lot Reborn. But no tears now...

    Saphira just hands you the mcguffins and makes you public Meteor enemy #1. Nice lady.

    >part 37
    >Route 1

    something's very wrong with this picture

    oh we get to beat up Fern again, all is forgiven

  7. Can't have another badge within the span of 20 minutes of this fangame, silly Paperblade! What do you think you're trying to have, F-U-N?

    (of course Dr. Sigmund would have Colress' battle theme - not that that's a bad thing, mind!)

    Gym Leaders using their Pokémon outside of official battle to help kids? HAH, silly Paperbalde! What do you think you're trying to expect, L-O-G-I-C?

    Princess just couldn't break the mold of being a damsel and had to bend her and Tanjela's will to knights... (wrecked by randos again gg) But it's okay, M'lady comes back with the finest of grace!

    And then - *poof*

  8. Of course Serra styles herself to be a third-rate Elesa. tfw you're a jaded copy of one of my favorite Gym Leaders... :tangerinedry:

    I have a feeling internally, this gave SB nasty flashbacks to Ruby Destiny. It's one thing to understand why evasion is frowned upon in competitive battling, but it's another to not do this.

    Hey, that PokéMart kid mentioned Mysidia! See, Corey? You could've bought that Ruby Ring after all! Blue Planet confirmed! ' 3'

  9. ... Is it sad that the only thing I can comment on this part is the Gym's gimmick - specifically failing will cause your party damage. I feel... this shouldn't work for Pokémon, mainly since your party's confined to Poké Balls and therefore shouldn't take field damage.

    Oh, wait! I found another! The fact that this Gym's gimmick is reflection and evasion based!


  10. 128x112 px is correct, but there's no boundaries by the talking or blinking frames in the base image format. The portrait frame is 96x80 px, and 32 extra pixels across and down. If you put in any more, like your example, I believe it gets formatted incorrectly.


    Here's an example.

  11. Mild Morning Madness! Wake Up, Princess! (also bless you for that post on Fern, SB)

    wow Cain's backsprite in battle. A feral plant has come to life and has devoured our metabot! (also Nidoqueen side-by-side with Cain's Nidoking, you totes had this planned from the start Paperblade E: )

    so much for actually trying to threaten to kill a child, you're doin' well team meteor

    Discharging multiple fields! The Yureyu building's in worse shape than we realize... (that's some bug)

    Why so Sirius? (top N battle remix though)

    So we went from a Lufia II puzzle to a Golden Sun one. Hey, can't fault good inspiration.

    31 parts and we're finally out of freaking Midgar. Now to head for Kalm and find about Tanjela's relation to Sephiroth or something...

    speaking of ellipses...

    God bless it's so nice to finally see something other than the sterile grey, for what little time there is to enjoy it.

  12. Cain's metaphysical train continues, but dammit, why did you leave the station without us so we could be stuck with Victoria? :c

    (you know I actually do like the Multi Trainer battle setup. I mess with that shit all the time in the Battle Tower and it's an excuse for free grinding in-game so why not? I just wish that we can be partnered up with actual likable Trainers here. :| (also yeah, in moderation - there's a reason why only one was mandatory in DPPt))

    The big man is steppin' in! Praise the sun or you'll be kissing the canvas! (you'd probably kiss the canvas anyway)

    Jesus, we just hit Maximum Edge really quickly.

    (give us our fifth badge dammit gaaaawd)

    Of course a poser like Fern would say "tl;dr" unironically. Fuck off you toad. E:

    Praise Hardy - finally another good character! Also finally Strength! Too bad those kids are now decayed probably.

    You know I love watching you two rip into this but goddamn this one was a doozy to sit though.

  13. It's a Lufia II dungeon! Get your lava gear set, kiddies. (the field buffing and unbuffing Scald at the same time, well done Reborn)

    Cal, why are you in this game and why are you an edgelord? :X

    (actually rain cuts Solar Beam's power in half, SB is wrong whoops)

    Victoria you have the worst possible tact I've ever seen in a "friendly" rival in any form of Pokémon related media. "It's for the kids... right?" indeed.

    And still more padding! Geez, I think those kids are long gone, guys, pack it up.

    This game is a poor representation of our dear eclipse I feel.

  14. This was a stellar read.

    While I'm not gonna be that guy that's all "oh integ you have shown me the light on how bad FE4's story is o wayward father aaaah" as I still like FE4's story on some sense of thematic level compared to the rest of the series(FE5's still better), it certainly has given me a lot to reconsider about many parts of it. (hell, it'll give me stuff to talk about for my own LP, haha)

    Though we can certainly agree that Patty is like the best Gen 2 character. ' 3'

    (praise Slatesaber)

  15. So that's Meteor's game. Invest in more synth materials, mang. I'm sure you can get all of your gem jewelry that way!

    Amaria takes a Tyranitar Superpower and acts like she just got punched in the stomach. Maybe she's the robot...

    From one Battle Frontier remix to the next!

    Children are kidnapped and maybe dying and we have to prove ourselves just to be able to move the rocks that are preventing us from saving them and wow I think my brain just shut down. Reborn is becoming hazardous to my mental being.

  16. Random savage Lv. 57 Beartic terrorizing more randoms. Nice guy.

    Can't help but link this to sum up part 23.

    Cain is still too meta for this game.

    Amaria swooses on in and she be like "I am the fucking strong."

    So you get captured. ... If you can use a bunch of random captured 'Mons to bail you out of a cell, then why not just break out yourself? I know it's a puzzle segment and you can theoretically have only one Pokémon to your name here, but this doesn't work conceptually at all.

    Hm, grunt Trainers of a higher rank. That's sorta neat. But yeah, there's just so much bloat going on with all these Trainer battles. And this is only badge 4 of 18? help

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